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1、 文化身份论文:外语教学中的文化身份及文化融合研究【中文摘要】本文通过对华裔留学生文化身份的思考和建构,对该群体对差异性文化的定位与融合程度,以及对其在融合过程中出现的“文化休克”现象及“本土文化休克”问题的探讨与研究,采用文献综述,调查问卷,访谈等形式收集相关研究数据和资料,结合多元文化教学背景下外语教学的特点与发展前景,旨在对全球化背景下其他少数族裔留学生文化身份的定位,以及多元语境下不同文化背景的群体间的融合与发展有所启示。本文通过对华裔留学生文化身份定位的分析,以及其在差异性文化的融合过程中所出现的问题与解决问题途径的讨论,在于对多元文化背景下外语教育教学过程中会产生的“文化休克”现象



4、文化的认知与融合程度。【英文摘要】This thesis explores the theme of the orientation of cultural identity and the acculturation of the cultural diversity by the reflection and construction on the cultural identity of the Asian students abroad, meanwhile the discussion and research about the phenomenon of the“cultural

5、 shock”and the“native cultural shock”in the process of the acculturation. The thesis will focus on the perspective of the Identity Theory and take advantage of literature review, questionnaire research, and subject interview etc. study from to collect the relative research data and information to ma

6、ke a comprehensive analysis on this theme. The purpose of the thesis includes the reflection on the cultural identity of minority offspring under the global background and the consideration on the acculturation of the diversity cultural background to make improvement on the English teaching accordin

7、g to the features and the development under the multicultural educational background in the worldwide.The body of the thesis is made up five chapters. Chapter 1 Introduction: the study achievement of previous and current study on the cultural identity and the acculturation; the original research in

8、and out of the country; the value and perspective on the study. Chapter 2 Literature Review: analyze and explain the Cultural Identity Theory and the relative definition of cultural identity, acculturation, and the“cultural shock”separately. Chapter 3 Research Design and Data Analysis: focus on the

9、research of the students who have different familiar levels to the cross-culture, especially on the students who are on abroad or were abroad. Ill apply the form of questionnaires, interviews, and the small talks, in order to collect the relative data and information to suppose the theme. Chapter 4

10、Research Discussion and Implication: base on the collection form chapter three to conclude the results which will solve the research question and the purpose of the study. Chapter 5 Conclusion: summary the first four chapters to make the conclusion on the theme and apply the theories of the identity

11、 and acculturation to the multicultural English teaching so as to improve the studentscapability of cognizing effectively.【关键词】文化身份 文化融合 外语教学【英文关键词】Cultural Identity Acculturation Foreign Language Teaching【目录】外语教学中的文化身份及文化融合研究摘要5-6ABSTRACT6CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION9-201.1 THE INTERPRETATION OF THE KEY

12、CONCEPTS9-141.1.1 The Concept of the Identity10-111.1.2 The Interpretation of the Cultural Identity11-121.1.3 The Concept of the Acculturation12-131.1.4 The Cultural Identity in the Acculturation Process13-141.2 THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY14-161.2.1 The Further Understanding of the Cultural Identity14-

13、151.2.2 The Identity Orientation in the Acculturation151.2.3 The Application to the Cultural Competence15-161.3 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY16-181.3.1 The Identity Orientation in the Cultural Diversity16-171.3.2 The Influence on the English Teaching17-181.4 THE GENERAL ORGANIZATION18-20CHAPTER 2 LI

14、TERATURE REVIEW20-312.1 THE CURRENT RESEARCH OF THE CULTURAL IDENTITY20-222.1.1 The Theory Base of the Cultural Identity20-212.1.2 The Current Study on the Cultural Identity212.1.3 The Dilemma of the Study on the Cultural Identity21-222.2 THE CURRENT RESEARCH OF THE MULTICULTURAL ACCULTURATION22-242

15、.2.1 The Theory Base of the Acculturation22-232.2.2 The Current Study on the Acculturation23-242.2.3 The Dilemma of the Study on the Acculturation242.3 THE RELATION BETWEEN IDENTITY AND ACCULTURATION24-272.3.1 The Identity Orientation252.3.2 The Positive Effect25-262.3.3 The Negative Effect26-272.4 THE STRATEGIES OF IDENTITY ORIENTATION27-312.4.1 Stimulus-response Process27-282.4.2 Multi-discrimination Process28-302.4.3 Problem-solving Process30-31CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH DESIG


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