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1、 卓越个性化教学讲义 学生姓名 王丹纯 年级 高三 授课时间 1:30-3:20 教师姓名 时老师 课时 2 教学课题状语从句2教学目标掌握状语从句的分类,每一种状语从句的用法并能够熟练运用状语从句重点难点状语从句中从属连词的选择及引导同一种状语从句的从属连词的相关比较状语从句 5、条件状语从句 if和unless if表示正面条件意为“如果”,unless表示反面条件意为“除非、如果不”相当于if not,一般情况下可以互换。 If it is sunny tomorrow, well go hiking. You will be late unless you hurry. If you

2、dont have a good command of English grammar, you wont study English well. =Unless you have a good command of English grammar, you wont study English well. provided/providing(that)、suppose/supposing(that)、so(as)long as、on condition that、in case、assuming(that)、given(that)等。例如: Supposing/suppose it rai

3、ns, what should we do? Providing/provided (that) you can keep the secret to yourself, I can tell you about it. Assuming (that) an earthquake took place, what would happen to the village? In case I cant arrive on time, you can go first without me. only if和if only only if表示“只要”,only起到强调的作用,引导的从句用陈述语气;

4、if only引导的从句要用虚拟语气,意为“但愿、如果就好了”。例如: Only if you respect others, youll be respected. If only I were a millionaire. If only I had followed his advice. 6、让步状语从句让步状语从句表示“虽然、尽管、即使”等含义,不可和but同时使用,两者只能用一个。但可和yet、still、nevertheless等连用。although、though、even though和even if这几个词或词组都表示“虽然、即使、尽管”。even though和even

5、if语气较强而although和though相对较弱,although较正式而though较通俗。让步状语从句可位于主句前也可位于主句后。例如:Although our parents often criticize and even beat us, we still love them.Though I like listening to music, I cant sing.Even though (if) he is rich, yet he isnt happy.Though most of us are against it, nevertheless I am for it.在让

6、步状语从句中though和although常可互换,但在下列几种情况下只能用though不能用although。A、though可和even连用表示强调而although不可以。例如:Even though the process is full of difficulties, the result is wonderful and satisfactory.B、though可同as连用构成as though,相当于as if表示“好像”。例如: It looks as though its going to rain. C、though可用于倒装式的让步状语从句中,相当于as,而altho

7、ugh则不可以。例如: Tough though the situation is, I will face up to it. D、though作为副词或等立连词时表示转折,意为“然而、却”,不可用although。例如: He speaks English quickly though correctly. It is a fact, though. whetheror(not) 从属连词whetheror意为no matter whetheror,引导让步状语从句提供两个对比的情况,表示“不管”。例如: Whether you like it or not, youll have to

8、do it. Whether you go with me or stay at home, I will go. Whether or not it rains, the meeting will be held on time. whatever、whoever、whichever、whenever、wherever和however 这几个词除可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句。相当于no matter what、no matter who、no matter which、no matter when、no matter where和no matter how表示“无论什么、无论谁、无

9、论哪一个、无论何时、无论何地、无论如何”但“no matter+特殊疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。例如: Whatever you say, I wont believe you. (=no matter what) Whoever respects us, we should respect him. (=no matter who) Whenever she gets angry, he will cheer her up. (=no matter when) Wherever you go, I will keep you company. (=no matter w

10、herever) Whichever color you choose, the tie will match your coat well. (=no matter which) However careful we are, we will err. (no matter how) 让步状语从句中的倒装though引导的让步状语从句可以运用倒装结构而其它从属连词则不可以。在倒装结构中,though可用as或that代替。但用as和that引导让步状语从句时必须倒装。倒装形式主要有以下几种。A、名词+though(as、that)+主语+be动词Manager though(as、that)

11、 he is, he is very modest.这时作表语的单数可数名词放在句首时,名词不能同冠词连用。B、形容词+ though(as、that)+主语+谓语Strong though you are, you cant lift it.这时作表语的形容词前不能添加任何表示程度的副词。C、副词+ though(as、that)+主语+谓语Hard as he works, he was unable to make great progress.D、原形动词+ though(as、that)+主语+助动或情态动词Fail many times as he did, he never lo

12、st heart.Search though they might, they cant find anybody in the house.E、现在分词+ though(as、that)+主语+be动词或助动词Raining as it is, Im going to visit you.Living, as he does, alone in the mountain, he feels pleased.F、过去分词+ though(as、that)+主语+be动词Praised as he was, he remained modest.但上述有些结构并非总是表示让步,名词或过去分词放在

13、句首时也可以表示原因。例如:Child as he is, he doesnt experience some social problems.Born as he is in a rich family, he grows up better than others.Tired as he was, he stopped working and went to bed.(原因)Tired as he was, he continued to work.(让步)7、结果状语从句sothat和suchthat这两个短语表示“如此以至于”,常用的结构如下。so+形容词(副词)+thatso+形容词

14、+a(an)+可数名词单数+thatsuch+形容词+复数名词+thatsuch+形容词+不可数名词+thatsuch+a(an)+形容词+可数名词单数+thatThe boy is so young that he cant go to school.He had so many papers to do that he stayed up late.I had so little money that I couldnt afford that car.He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him.=He is so clever a bo

15、y that everyone likes him.so that、so和so that这三个词也可引导结果状语从句,也可理解为so that中的so或that可省略一个。so that最常见,so和that多用于口语中。so that引导的结果状语常用逗号同主句隔开。例如:He got up late, so that he didnt catch the first bus.He didnt obey the rule, so he was fined.What trouble did you meet that you gave up.Such that也可引导结果状语从句,such常作表语。例如:The weather was such that I wouldnt go out.8、目的状语从句目的状语从句表示“为了、以便”,常同表示“能够”的情态动词连用。如:can、could、may和might。有时偶尔也可用shall、



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