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1、广东茂名2015届高三一模考试英语试卷(带解析)一、完形填空(共1小题)1.Air travel makes some people very nervousThe crowds,the noise and flying itself can cause_1_But there are classes people can take to help them_2_the fear of flyingAnd there is_3_training for service dogs that suffer the same problemService dogs almost never_4_th

2、e side of the people they care forYou will see them working on buses,trains and other public_5_systemsBut the busy environment found at an airport can_6_even the best trained working dogPeople with disabilities depend on their dogsThey want the animals to safely_7_them through security areasThey als

3、o need the dogs to remain_8_on duty on the airplane,even when the flying is not_9_This takes special_10_The Air Hollywood K9 Flight School is one place where such help can be foundThe school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights,sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flightDog traine

4、rs say_11_training is based on a simple rule: preparationDogs need to be exposed gradually and_12_to the environment,to loud noises,to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis,theyre able to act in a way that theyre used to acting and that they dont get_13_

5、Dog owners who_14_the training at Air Hollywood K9 Flight School say they now feel much more at ease about future_15_Their dogs also seem ready for take off1Atrouble Bunease Caccidents Ddiseases2Adefeat Bdescribe Csense Drecord3Aprofessional Bvaried Cfree Dsimilar4A approach Bbark Cleave Dtake5Aasso

6、ciation Brunning Ctransport Dsociety6Atrouble Battract Cinterrupt Dinstruct7Afollow Bguide Ctrain Dland8Anervously Bstressfully Ccalmly Denthusiastically9Aspeedy Brelaxing Cdangerous Dsmooth10Ainterest Battention Ctraining Dprocedure11Aprevious Bcooperative Cacademic Dsuccessful12Arepeatedly Babrupt

7、ly Coccasionally Dinstantly13Abored Bexcitable Cenergetic Dfragile14Aattended Binquired Coverlooked Drecommended15Acareer Bflights Csecurity Dgenerations二、阅读理解(共4小题)2.When Dekalb Walcott III was just 8 years old,his father,a Chicago fire chief,let him tag along on a callDekalb says a lot of kids ido

8、lized basketball player Michael Jordan when he was growing up in Chicago in the 1990sNot him“I wanted to be like Dekalb Walcott Jr,”he says of his fatherSo when his dad asked if he wanted to go on that call with him when he was 8,Dekalb was excited“Im jumping up and down,saying,”Mom,can I go? Can I

9、go?The experience changed Dekalbs life,he tells his dad on a visit to StoryCorps“My eyes got big from the moment the alarm went off”the younger Dekalb says“This is the life that I want to live someday”Now 27,the younger Dekalb is living that lifeHe became a firefighter at 21 and went to work alongsi

10、de his dad at the Chicago Fire DepartmentBefore his father retired,the pair even went out on a call together father supervising(监督) son“You know,its everything for me to watch you grow,”his father saysBut he also recalls worrying about one particular fire that his son faced“I received a phone call t

11、hat nightAnd they said,Well,your son was at this fire I said,OK,which way is this conversation going to go?”Dekalb Walcott Jrrecalls“And they said,But hes OKAnd he put it out all by himselfEverybody here was proud of him”“And the word went around,Who was out there managing that fire? Oh,thats Walcot

12、t! Thats Walcott up there! So,you know,moments like that,its heaven on Earth for a dad”Dekalb Walcott Jrretired in 2009The younger Dekalb says hes proud of being a second-generation firefighter“You know,it makes me look forward to fatherhood as well,because Im definitely looking forward to passing t

13、hat torch down to my son”1The underlined phrase tag along in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _Aput out fireBwatch basketballCfollow his fatherDask his mothers permission2Dekalb Walcott III determined to become a firefighter at the age of _A8 B21 C27 D353What did Dekalb Walcott Jr want to do before he was told that the fire was put out?AGo on with the conversationBPut it out all by himselfCSupervise his sonDGo to the fire scene4What can we learn from the last paragraph?ADekalb Walcott Jr is proud to be a second-generation firefighterBDek


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