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1、Welcome to English 4A,Unit1 Knowing our friends,Made by Grace,English Riddle,What kind of dog has no tail?,Answer,hot dog,Everyday English,My hobby is playing the piano. I like playing the piano in my spare time.,Part a,Unit1 Knowing our friends,know: v.知道; 了解; 认识; 确信,了解我们的朋友,+2,corner /k:n(r)/ n.拐角

2、;角落,+2,The English Club members are talking about how they spend their spare time.,club /klb/ n.社团;夜总会;俱乐部,会所,member /memb/ n.成员;分子,talking about 谈论某事,spare /spe/,e.g. He is already a member of this club.,5x2,My hobby(爱好) is playing the piano. = I like playing the piano in my spare time.,spare time=

3、free time,Activities in spare time,read reading,I like read .,ing,paint painting,dance dancing,roller-skate roller-skating,jog jogging,jog /dg/慢跑,swim swimming,play chess/tes/国际象棋,playing,play-playing,listen-listening,Sentences,read,ing.,swim,ming.,dancing,like to do 是表示偶然的一次或者几次、想要去做某事,like doing,l

4、ike to do,?,like doing sth表示一种长期的习惯 和爱好,以前就喜欢,还可能持续,play,read,paint,listen,reading,painting,playing,listening,dance,roller-skating,roller-skate,dancing,“ ing” form,verbC,直接+ing,去e +ing,双写 辅音 +ing,jog,swim,jogging,swimming,一、开音节: 1、绝对开音节:以发音的元音字母结尾的音节。 no she we he 2、相对开音节:辅+元+辅+不发音的e 。 make shake 元+

5、辅+e (在开音节中元音发它在字母表中本来的音) ate use 二、闭音节:辅+元+辅闭音节是以一个元音字母加一个或几个辅音字母 结尾的音节(在闭音节中元音字母不发它本身的音) 重读闭音节就是最后一个音节是重读音节,当然,当某个词只有一个 音节而且末尾是辅音字母的话也是闭音节词。 如:get/get/是闭音节单词。而game/geim/却是开音节词。 begin/bigin/就是重读闭音节词。farmer由于重音落在 第一个音节就不是重读闭音节。,小知识:重读闭音节,在动词的现在分词、过去分词等时态变化及比较级最高级的变化中 重度闭音节的词要双写最后一个字母+,小知识:重读闭音节,pract

6、ice,What do you like doing in your spare time? I like roller-skating and swimming.,+5,What do you like doing in your spare time? I like drawing and playing computer games.,+5,What do you like doing in your spare time? I like playing the piano, swimming and watching TV.,+5,What do you like doing in y

7、our spare time?,Part E,The children are at the Youth Center. They are choosing some activities to do together at the weekend. Finish what they say.,youth/ju:/ n.年轻;青年,小伙子,Center/sent/n.中心; 中央,choose /tuz/ vt. 选择,决定,activity/ktvti/ n.活动;,together/tge/adv.在一起;同时,May,Kate,too用于肯定句句末,其前加逗号时,表示“也、还”之意。 例

8、如:I know the answer, too.我也知道这个答案。 2. too修饰形容词或副词,作程度状语时,表示“太、过份”之意。 例如:He speaks too fast. 他讲话太快。 3. too也可用在口语中,表示“真是、很、非常(= very)”之意。 例如:Im too happy. 我非常幸福 5. too与to引导的动词不定式短语连用,构成“tooto”结构,表示“太以致于不能”。 例如: I went too late to see him. 我去得太迟以致于没有见到他。,too的用法,either通常只用于否定句,且要放在句末. 例如:I dont know,either.我也不知道. He hasnt finished it,either.他也还没有做完.,either的用法,


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