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1、4A Chapter 1 Knowing our friends 一一、四会单词四会单词、句型句型 about spendEnglish Cornersparespare time = free time 谈论 渡过英语角空余的空余时间 roller-skateplay chessjoglike doing sth.=enjoy doing sth. 滑旱冰下棋慢跑 喜欢做 2.too也 (用于肯定句末尾) also也 (用于肯定句子中间) either也 (用于否定句末尾) eg:1) Kate likes reading,May likes reading too. =Kat

2、e likes reading,May also likes reading. eg:2) Sue doesnt like playing table tennis,Danny doesnt like playing table tennis,either. 二二、四会句子四会句子 1.What do you like doing in your spare time? 你空闲时喜欢干嘛你空闲时喜欢干嘛? = What do you like doing when you are free? 2.I like swimming,reading and listening to music. 我

3、喜欢游泳我喜欢游泳、阅读和听音乐阅读和听音乐。 = I enjoy swimming,reading and listening to music. 3.What does Tom like doing in his spare time?Tom空闲时喜欢干嘛空闲时喜欢干嘛? = What does Tom like doing when he is free? 4.He likes swimming,reading and listening to music. Tom喜欢游泳喜欢游泳、阅读和听音乐阅读和听音乐。 三三、动词动词inging变化规则变化规则: 直接加ingreadingpai

4、ntingplaying 去掉不发音的e再加ingdance-dancingskate-skatingtake-taking 双写最后一个辅音字母再加ingswimmingjoggingrunning 四四、补充词汇补充词汇 family helperplay withreplywalk awaya bit later 家务助理 与玩 回答走开过了一小会 solvepuzzlesadlyboringnotes 解决疑惑伤心地沉闷键盘 pianoslideswing 钢琴滑梯秋千 the youth centerbook dispiaycentral library 青少年活动中心书展中心图书馆

5、 sport centreCity Hallcity plaza 体育活动中心市政厅市民广场 4A Chapter 2 More about our friends 一一、四会单词和短语四会单词和短语 look aftergo to bedearlylateeat outget up 照顾,照看上床睡觉早迟外出用餐起床 surf the Netplay the recorderplay the violinoftensometimesalways 上网吹直笛拉小提琴常常有时总是 usuallyoncetwiceneverever 通常一次两次从不曾经 二二、三会单词三会单词 politesam

6、espilt(spill过去式) 有礼貌相同的溢出 angryinvitefriendly 生气邀请友善的 take photoscookbookwish 拍照烹饪书希望 三三、四会句子四会句子 1.Do you ever tidy your room? 你曾经整理你的房间吗你曾经整理你的房间吗? yes,I usually tidy my room. 是的是的,我经常整理我的房间我经常整理我的房间。 2.Do you ever surf the Net? 你曾经上网吗你曾经上网吗? No,I never surf the Net. 不不,我从未上网我从未上网。 3.Does he ever

7、play table tennis? 他曾经打乒乓球吗他曾经打乒乓球吗? Yes,he often plays table tennis. 是的是的,他经常打乒乓球他经常打乒乓球。 4.Does she ever play the violin? 她曾经拉小提琴吗她曾经拉小提琴吗? Yes,she sometimes plays the violin. 是的是的,她有时拉小提琴她有时拉小提琴。 4A Chapter 3 When our grandparents were young 一一、 四会单词四会单词 colafast foodchewing gumcomicsmobile phone

8、clock 可乐快餐食品口香糖漫画手机时钟 air-congrandparentsyoungtrainerscredit cardtelephone 冷气机祖父母年轻运动鞋信用卡电话 radiorichpoorrickshawoil lampclogs 收音机富有贫穷人力车煤油灯木底鞋 fanstovecamera 风扇炉相机 二二、 三会单词三会单词 hopscotchbutterflyshooterhitspecial 跳房子蝴蝶射手碰撞特别的 marblecirclemiddleflick 弹珠圆圈中间轻弹 三三、 句子句子 1.Was there any fast food when

9、you were young? 你年轻的时候有快餐食品吗你年轻的时候有快餐食品吗? Yes,there was./No,there wasnt. 2.Were there any air-cons when you were young? 你年轻的时候有冷气机吗你年轻的时候有冷气机吗? Yes,there were./No,there werent. 3.Did you use credit cards? 你那时用信用卡吗你那时用信用卡吗? Yes,I did./No,I didnt. 4A Chapter 4 Five hundred years ago 一一、 四会单词四会单词 cotto

10、n clothessilk clothessedan chairsilvergold 棉质衣服丝质衣服轿子银子金子 paper notevillagetownmuseumwear 纸币村落城镇博物馆穿着 mostsometravelboatpay 大多数部分、一些旅行小船付款 二二、 三会单词三会单词 strangepost officesendby seaby air 陌生的邮政局寄,送海运空运 gasflatcelebratefirewoodtunnel 煤气公寓庆祝柴火隧道 bridge 桥梁 三三、 重点句型重点句型 1.What did people wear five hundre

11、d years ago? 五百年前人们穿什么五百年前人们穿什么? Most people wore cotton clothes.Some people wore silk clothes. 大多数人穿棉质衣服大多数人穿棉质衣服。有一些人穿丝质衣服有一些人穿丝质衣服。 2.How did people travel? 过去人们怎样出行过去人们怎样出行? Most people walked or rode horses. 大多数人走路或者骑马大多数人走路或者骑马。 Rich people travelled by sedan chair. 富人坐轿子出行富人坐轿子出行。 Some people

12、 travelled by boat. 有些人坐小船出行有些人坐小船出行。 3.How did people pay for things? 过去人们怎样付款买东西过去人们怎样付款买东西? Most people paid with silver or gold. 大多数人付银子或者金子大多数人付银子或者金子。 Some people paid with paper money. 有些人付纸币有些人付纸币。 4.Where did people live? 过去人们在哪里居住过去人们在哪里居住? Most people lived in villages. 大多数人住在村庄里大多数人住在村庄里

13、。 Some people lived in towns. 有些人住在城镇有些人住在城镇。 4A Chapter 5 Animals big and small 一一、四会单词四会单词 horsecamelgiraffeowlpeacockwolfpenguin 马骆驼长颈鹿猫头鹰孔雀狼企鹅 eaglehippoturtlerat mouse(mice)crocodileparrot 鹰河马龟老鼠(较大)鼠鳄鱼鹦鹉 二二、三会单词三会单词 sharkdolphinstarfishdragonflycockroach 鲨鱼海豚海星蜻蜓蟑螂 insectantcranegolden-fisheel

14、crab 昆虫蚂蚁鹤金鱼鳗鱼螃蟹 三三、comparativescomparatives andand superlativessuperlatives ofof Adjectives:Adjectives: 形容词比较级和最高级形容词比较级和最高级 1.规则变化: 构成法构成法原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级 一般单音 节词末尾 +er/esttalltallertallest smallsmallersmallest 以不发音 的e结尾 nicenicernicest latelaterlatest 辅音字母 +y的双音 节词,改 y为 i+er/est heavyheavierheavi

15、est prettyprettierprettiest easyeasiereasiest 以一个辅 音字母结 尾的闭音 节单音节 词,双写 结尾辅音 字母,再 +er/estbigbiggerbiggest fatfatterfattest thinthinnerthinnest 其他双音 节词和多 音节词, 在前面加 more/mo stinterestingmore interesting most interesting excitingmore excitingmost exciting 2.不规则变化: (好的)good-better-best(坏的)bad-worse-worst

16、 (健康的)well-better-best(有病的)ill-worse-worst (老的)old-older-oldest(年长的)old-elder-eldest (远的)far-farther-farthest(进一步的进一步的)tartar- -turtherturther- -furthestfurthest (多的)much/many-more-most(少的)little-less-least 四四、四会句子四会句子(SentencesSentences) The rat is smaller than the rabbit. 田鼠比兔子小田鼠比兔子小。 The mouse is the smallest. 老鼠最小老鼠最小。 The camel has a longer neck than the horse. 骆驼的颈比马长骆驼的颈比马长。 The giraffe has the longes


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