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1、高考专题辅导综合模拟卷(一)(90分钟 120分)PartLanguage Knowledge(45 marks)Section A(15 marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. It is hoped that this projectby the end of 2014 will be a popular to

2、urist attraction of the city. A. being accomplishedB. accomplishedC. will be accomplishedD. to be accomplished2. (2013洛阳模拟)Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. Oh! I thought theywithout me. A. wentB. are goingC. have goneD. had gone3. A strong earthquakewidespread destruct

3、ion hit Lushan county on April 20th, 2013. A. causedB. to causeC. causingD. to have caused4. (2013银川模拟)I made friends with Tom during his stay in Beijing, he was studying Chinese in a university there. A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where5. The police thought it was an intentional murderhe insisted the sh

4、ot was accidental. A. whileB. untilC. whenD. before6. Jack is always punctual and the meeting is important. Hebe here now. A. shallB. needC. shouldD. can7. (2013邯郸模拟)Only if you take the medicine twice a dayyour headache. A. you can get rid ofB. you can get overC. can you get rid ofD. can you get of

5、f8. This is the first time Imy first picture with my own hands. It is time that youa picture for me. A. took; tookB. have taken; tookC. have taken; will takeD. will take; have taken9. Harry wont listen to me. I say to him goes in one ear and out of the other. A. No matter howB. HoweverC. No matter w

6、hatD. Whatever10. Have you finished reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? No, Imy diploma paper all day yesterday. A. writeB. had writtenC. was writingD. would write11. Will Helen come to my party tonight? I am not sure. Shego to the cinema with her father. A. shallB. canC. mayD. must12. In recent y

7、ears, a lot of trees have been cut down, which contributes to soil. A. being washed awayB. washed awayC. washing awayD. be washed away13. John returned with two laborers, withhelp we finally got the car out of the mud. A. theirB. whoseC. whichD. that14. (2013株洲模拟)Do remember to make allowance for th

8、e traffic and parking when you set off for a job interview, ? A. shall weB. dont youC. can youD. will you15. (2013永州模拟)The singer together with her bandinvited to the concert. Did you enjoy that concert? No, no soonerthan they sang their top hit Oh My Baby. A. was; I had leftB. were; I have goneC. w

9、as; had I leftD. were; did I leaveSection B(18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Appreciation is the art of receiving gracefully, of showing thanks for

10、 every kindness, great and small. A man brought into hospital was16by a blood transfusion(输血). When he was17again he asked, “Isnt there any way I can discover the name of the blood donor(献血者)and18him? ”He was told that names of donors are never revealed. Some weeks later, he came back to give a pint

11、 of his own19. Since then he has returned again and again for the same purpose. When a doctor commented on his kind action, he answered simply, “Someone I never20did it for me. Im just sayingthanks”. It is, above all, in the little things that appreciation should be most showed. The boy who21our new

12、spapers, the milkman, the postman, the elevator operator and so onall help us by doing what we ask or what they know we want in one way or another. By showing our22we make better relationships with others, and our life also gets better. A patient of mine who worked as a bus conductor once said to me

13、, “I actually get tired of my23sometimes. People complain they havent got the right24for their tickets. But theres one lady on my bus every morning and evening, and she25thanks me in a particularly friendly way when I take her ticket. I like to think shes26for all the passengers. It helps me to keep

14、 smiling. ”Appreciation is something of which none of us can give too much. Based on the27, the thanks we give, our little actions of appreciation, our neighbors build up their philosophy of life. 16. A. protectedB. savedC. affectedD. improved17. A. wellB. strongC. activeD. calm18. A. serveB. understandC. payD. thank19. A. gasB. milkC. bloodD. wine20. A. recognizedB. invitedC. knewD. encouraged21. A. readsB. makesC. enjoysD. delivers22. A. appreciationB. sympathyC. ambitionD. attitude23. A. diseaseB. jobC. appearanceD. schedule24. A. changeB. placeC.


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