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1、山西省中考英语书面表达汇编【2005山西】书面表达(满分1 5分) 生活中充满了爱。有父母的爱,有兄弟姐妹的爱,有朋友的爱,有老师的爱请阅读以下内容,并以“Love”为话题简要地描述一件发生在你身边的事。 要求:语言规范,字迹工整;6080词(开头部分已给出,不计入总词数);文中不要出现真实的人名、校名和地名。Love means giving. Love means paying attention to others. Love means giving warmth to the one you love. Love also means understanding,参考范文:There

2、 is a lot of love around us. One day, when I was playing football with my classmates on the playground, I fell down and hurt my legs badly. My classmates took me to the hospital at once. During my stay in bed, some of my classmates came to see me and helped me with my lessons. So I caught up with ot

3、hers soon after I came back to school and passed all the exams. I was so grateful. Love is giving and love is paying attention to others. Thanks to my classmates, I will do my best to give all my love to others(you).【2006山西】 基础写作(15分)A)话题表述:“运动与健康”是当今备受关注的话题。请根据提示说说你经常参加的一项运动(包括项目名称、时间地点、好处感受等)。3040

4、词,满分6分。I often _ B)书面表达:Tony 作为一名交换生来到北京参加了“体验中国”的活动。在学习期满即将回英国之际,他想在校园的留言板上写下自己在这里学习生活的情况和感受。请你根据所给提示,帮助Tony完成这则留言。满分9分。提示:1、与同学共同生活,相互学习;参加学校俱乐部活动。2、游览名胜古迹(Places of interest);品尝美食;了解中国文化和历史。3、感谢老师和同学们的帮助。要求:语言规范,字迹工整;5060词;开头部分已经给出,不计入总词数。Tony -June 20, 2006, 10:32Ive been here for a year. _参考范文:

5、A)I often have sports after school. Playing football is my favorite. I usually play football together with my friends on the playground. It makes us relaxed and healthy. We may have a lot of fun playing it.B)Ive been here for a year. I enjoyed living here very much. I lived and studied with Chinese

6、students. After school I often joined some clubs. During the year I visited many places of interest. They are really great. And I enjoyed the delicious food here. Now Ive learned more about Chinese history and culture. Thanks for your help.【2007山西】基础写作 (本题分A、B两部分;满分15分)(A)话题表述:为配合“构建和谐校园,和谐班级,人人争当文明

7、学生”的活动,作为一名中学生,你认为该做些什么?请用简短的英语写出你的建议。要求:语言规范,字迹工整,意思完整。30-40个词。(满分6分) (B)书面表达: 紧张忙碌的初中生活即将结束,你一定想好好放松一下。你将怎样度过一个既充实又有意义的假期呢?请用英语写下来。要求:语言规范,字迹工整,意思完整。50-60个词。(满分9分)参考范文:A) As a student, we should keep our school clean. Please dont throw litter everywhere .Dont run after each other. Dont speak loudl

8、y in the classroom. Dont draw and spit everywhere. Do everything according to the rules. B)After three years study, I feel very tired. This is a good chance to plan my summer holiday. First I want to travel to Beijing to relax myself. Beijing is the capital of our country. And there are many place o

9、f interest there. For example, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. I have never been to the great wall before, so Ill visit it first. Then Id like to visit Tsinghua University because I want to study there some day .After that, I want to go over my lessons in order to make great progress

10、. I believe my dream will come true.【2008山西】基础写作 (本题分A、B两部分;满分15分)以下两题均请勿出现真实的人名和校名。(A)话题表述:即将初中毕业的你又要展开学习与生活新的一页,你一定会接触到更多的同学与朋友。为了与他们更好的沟通与了解,请以Cheng Dong为名,从外貌、性格、爱好三方面用英语做一自我介绍。字数30-40个词。(共6分) (B)书面表达: 汶川大地震牵动了亿万人民的心,海内外各界人士纷纷伸出援助之手,帮相灾区重建家园,真所谓“天灾无情人有情”。灾区也有像你一样参加中考的同学,为使他们鼓起更大的学习与生活的勇气,请你用英文给他

11、们写一封60词左右的信,鼓励他们发愤图强。(共9分)提示:lost ones life in , feel sad , be not lonely , be with you for ever(永远);cheer up, be brave to face all kinds of difficulties, learn to forget; study hard, make progress, graduate from, try ones best to , be active in 。要求:1. 可用所给提示词语,也可适当发挥。2. 信件开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。参考范文:(A)

12、Hello, everyone. Im Cheng Dong. As you see, Im very outdoing and healthy. I like playing basketball. Im tall and strong. I took so energetic that others may feel safe when they are together with me. Glad to be your friend! Thank you! (B) My dear friends, Im very sorry to know the big earthquake took

13、 place in your hometown. Maybe many people around you lost their lives in the earthquake. But please dont be afraid. You are not lonely. Well be with you forever. Lets cheer up! To be brave to face all kinds of difficulties. Learn to forget these sad things. Study hard from now on and try your best

14、to make much progress in your study and life. And we are sure that our future will be more beautiful.【2009山西】基础写作 (本题分A、B两部分;共15分)请用英语完成A、B两题;文章中出现的任命、校名或地名均用代替;书写规范、语言流畅、主题鲜明。(A)话题表述:关爱生命,拥抱健康。请从饮食、运动两方面,谈谈你是怎样保持健康的。(3040词 满分5分)(B)书面表达:生活多姿多彩,变化无处不在。请你写下身边(如家庭、学校、家乡等)的变化,见证发展。(60词左右 满分10分)要求:1. 补全题

15、目,题目不计入总词数。2. 参考词汇: in the past, now, great( ly ), improve, be proud of 。Change in my 参考范文:(A) Im a sunny girl with a lovely name “Happy Baby” which is given by my classmates Fruits and vegetables are my favorite. I like sports and often do them. Ill keep this healthy lifestyle as long as I can. (B) Changes in my life My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to ride a bike to school, but now I usually take my mothers car. I used to watch plays and news on TV, now I can also watch them on the Internet! There ar


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