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1、一 找出不同类的单词。(10分)( )1.A.thousand B.kilometre C.hundred( )2.A.Canada B.England C.American( )3.A.belive B.bamboo C.copy( )4.A.show B.never C.often( )5.A.CD ROM B.library card C.lucky二.按要求填写。(15分) 1.knife (复数)_ 2.east (反义词)_3.ride (现在分词)_ 4.bike(同义词)_5.easy(反义词) _ 6.write(同音词)_1.Its got (完整形式)_ 2.lets (

2、完整形式)_3.have not (缩写) _ 4.thats=_ 宾格1.I ( ) 2.he ( ) 3.she ( )4.they ( ) 5.we( )三 用英语写出下列短语。(16分)1.玩电脑游戏_2.拉小提琴_3.天安门广场_4.打扫房间_5.端午节_ 6.照相_7.7:30 _ 8.4:50_四 选出正确的选项。(20分)1Do you like _ books?A.read B.reading C.reads2These_ some stamps from China.A.am B.is C.are3Do you want _ the zoo?A.to visit B.vis

3、it C.visits4My grandpa _ noodles.A.like B.liking C.likes5You _ playing with dolls.A.am B.is C.are6. Ive got a postcard_ its from my friend.A.and B.but C.for7. We are from _ and we are _.A.Canada ,Mexico B.China ,Chinese C.American ,Amereca8.I want to go skating,_its too warm.A.but B.and C.of9.She of

4、ten _ with dolls.A.play B.plays C.playing10.Please stand _ line.A.at B.in C.on五、猜一猜,选一选(12分)( )They love the sun. A. Cats( )They play with children. B. Snakes( )They like fish . C. Dogs( )They like water . D. Bears( )They sleep in the winter. E. Pandas( )They love bamboo. F. Elephants六按要求写句子。(15分)1.

5、 Look at this photo.(复数形式)_2. Ride your bicycle here.(否定句)_3. Daming likes playing football.(改为一般疑问句)_4. I want to go to HongKong.(改为一般疑问句)_5. What a beautiful picture is it!(翻译)_ 二、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(9分)1. I _ a new mask . My brother _ a pumpking lantern.(have)2.There are some _ on the table .(glass

6、)3. Do you have _ story book? (some)4.Hes _ the windows and doors.(clean)5.Nancy and I dont like _.(swim)6.Look! Miss Gao has some tins of _.(fish)7.The _ are near the tent.(child)8.They are in the big tree . Lets go and help _.(they)三、翻译下列词组。(10分)1.喜欢看报_2.玩电脑游戏_3.做家务_4.上一节美术课_5.画一个三角形_6.弹钢琴_7.在书房里_

7、8.互相帮助 _9.两罐鸡肉_10.长发_四、选择填空。(10分)( )1.You have a nice coat.-_.A.Yes, its nice. B.Thank you. C.OK. D.Youre right.( )2. - _ he like PE?- Yes,he _.A.Do; do B.Does;do C. Does ;does D. Do;does( )3.How much are these things?- _.A. Fortyfive yuan B.Yes,they are. C.Here you are.D. No , they arent.( )4.Where

8、s Helen?-She _ under the tree.A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has( )5.Lets buy some cards _ our friends.A.for B.to C.of D.at( )6.- _ in your box?-Some fruits.A.Whos B.Wheres C.Whats D.Which is( )7.I have some _ in the bottle.A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears( )8.Whats your mother ?-Shes _.A.ta

9、ll B.forty C.a driver D. fat( )9.What shape is the box?-Its _.A. a heart B.yours C.red D.nice( )10._ any newspapers in the reading room?A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are五、根据所给汉语用英语完成下列句子。(13分)1.本,你能做什么?我会唱歌。_ _you _, Ben?I can _.2.我父母星期天不上班。My _ _ work _ _.3.你家附近有什么?有许多树和一所学校。_ _ your _?

10、_ _many _ and a school.4.谁有面具?我有一个。Who _ a _?I _ one.5.体育活动房在一楼。The _ hall is on the _ _.6.明天你有空吗?_ you _ _?7.你喜欢什么?我喜欢熊。_ _ you like?I like _.六、完型填空。(10分)On Sundays we often go to the _1_ near our school. There are many_2_ in it-tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The _3_are very big. They all h

11、ave _4_noses. Their noses can _5_ them eat and drink. Tigers are very_6_. They often run about. They dont like to _7_in the zoo. Many people like _8_.They are animals of China. But I like monkeys most(最). We like _10_ to the zoo . We can_8_ more (更多) about animals there.( )1.A.park B.school C.zoo D.the shop( )2


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