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1、Lesson OneFranklins TestFranklin could count by twos and ties his shoes . 富兰克林已经学会数奇偶数,他还学会了自己系鞋带。He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer .But one day , Franklin won something that maybe he shouldnt have .在游泳比赛的时候,他赢得过蓝绶带;还赢得过足球比赛的奖章。可是有一天,他赢得了一样似乎不该得到的东西。daisywindow ch

2、air pencil Teacher Owl : Well done . All right , you all know how to read our new words . 不错。好了,你们都知道新单词怎么念了。Lets see how many we can spell . 我们再来看看可以拼写出多少来。Who would like to go first ?谁愿意先来?Students : I will go first . 我先来。Me , me , me 我,我,我Bear : I will do it , its easy .我能行,很简单。Teacher Owl : Bear

3、 , Lets see you give it a try , hmm . 小熊!你来试试看吧。All right , bear , spell the word “daisy” .好,小熊拼一下单词 “daisy”Bear : daisy . Hmm , Let me just check . “daisy” , 嗯,我来查查看Student : Hey , Bear ! 嘿,小熊!You cant peek like that ! 你不能这么偷看!Thats cheating ! 那是作弊!Bear : It is ? 是吗?Teacher Owl : Well Bear , we are

4、 trying to learn to spell from memory . 噢,小熊,我们要学着默写单词。 Ill give you a little hint . 我给你一个小小的提示。The next letter is an “ I” .下一个字母是“I”。Bear : “I” oh yeah ! “S” “Y” “daisy” “I” 噢,对了!“S” , “Y” “daisy”Teacher Owl : Absolutely right , Bear ! Well done ! 完全正确。小熊,做的好!Now ,whos next ? 现在,下一个是谁?Very good , G

5、oose ! 非常好,小鹅!Youre all doing very well with your spelling ! 你们都做的很好,拼得很棒。I think youre ready for a test ! 我想你们已经准备好参加考试了!On Thursday , well see how well you know the words weve learned over the past few weeks . 星期四,咱们来看看你们对这几个星期以来学过的单词掌握得怎么样了。And for those of you who spell all your words correctly

6、, I have something special .对于那些拼写完全正确的同学,我会有特别的奖励。Students : Wow ! Look at those ! 喔,看哪!Teacher Owl : One of these colourful pens ! 一支颜色鲜艳的钢笔!Beaver : Excuse me , Mr. Owl but since Im going to get all the words right anyway ,could I have my pen now ? Id like to write the test with it . 对不起,猫头鹰老师,反正

7、我无论如何都会全对的,我能现在就得到钢笔吗?Teacher Owl : Im sorry , Beaver , but youll have to write the test first . 对不起,海狸,可是你必须先参加考试。Beaver : Hmph . 哼。Teacher Owl : Im sure if all of you practice spelling your words , youll do very well . 我相信只要你们认真练习单词拼写,你们都会做得很好。Pens or no pens . 无论能不能得到钢笔。After Class :Franklin : F-

8、L-O-W-E-R . W-I-N-D-O-W . flower , window .Parents : Youre certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow . 你可真是做足了准备,为了明天的拼写考试。Franklin : Yeah ! Bear and I have been practicing really hard . 是啊!小熊和我练习得非常努力。Father : They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble . 那钢笔肯定非

9、常漂亮吧,值得你们这么努力。Franklin : Oh ,they are !噢,那当然!And Im going to make sure I know my words so I get one . 我要保证记住所有的单词来得到它。Mother : I can see one word thats going to take a little more practice . 我发现有一个词还要再多练习一下。Franklin : Where ? Which one ? Show me . 哪儿?哪个?告诉我。Mother : This one . “pencil” is spelled P-

10、E-N-C-I-L .这个。 “pencil”的拼写是P-E-N-C-I-L 。Franklin : Thats only one mistake . 只有这一个错。Mother : Youre doing great . 你做得很棒啊。Franklin : But I dont want to make any mistakes . I want one of those pens . 可我不想犯任何错误。我要得到那钢笔。Father : The important thing is youre learning how to spell . 最重要的事情是你在学习如何拼写。Franklin

11、 : No . Dad , the important thing is spelling every word right . 不。爸爸,最重要的是把每个单词都拼好。P-E-N C-I-L .p-e-n c-i-l .Good ! I got it right that time , Sam .好!我这次拼对了,山姆。Tomorrow , Ill spell it just like that . 明天,我也会这样拼写的。But what if I dont ? 可如果不是怎么办?What if I forget ? P-E-N-C-I-L 如果忘了怎么办? p-e-n-c-i-l I kn

12、ow it now . I wont forget . 我记住了。我不会忘的。I know Ill just put it in here for good luck .我知道了 我还是把它贴在这儿带来好运吧。Having Class :Teacher Owl : Next spell “KITCHEN” , “KITCHEN” . 下一个 拼写“kitchen” , “kitchen” 。And now we come to the very last word on the test “pencil” . Thats “pen-cil” . 我们现在到了这次考试的最后一个单词,”penci

13、l” 。Now , when youre finished , dont forget to put your name at the top of the page .现在,你们做完的时候,别忘了在纸的上方写上你的名字Student : I got them all right . I know it . 我会写对的,肯定的。Yeah , it was easy .是啊,太简单了。Teacher Owl : “TABLE” , “CLOCK” , “DESK” , “SCHOOL” “KITCHEN” and “PENCIL “ . “table” , “clock” , “desk” ,

14、“school” “kitchen” 和 “pencil” 。All correct .全对了。 Very good ! 太好了!Franklin : Yes ! 太好了!Teacher Owl : Congratulations and enjoy your pen . youve earned it ! 祝贺你。这是你的钢笔。你赢得的!Franklin : I did it Bear ! 我做到了,小熊!I got a pen !我得到钢笔了!Bear : Nice going , Franklin . 好样的,富兰克林。Keep your fingers crossed for me .该为我祈祷了。Franklin : I will . 我会的。Teacher Owl : So far , so good , Bear . 现在看来还不错哦,小熊。“TABLE” “CLOCK” ”KITCHEN” and “table” “clock” “kitchen” 和 Oh , dear , Ive spotted an error on your la



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