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1、校园盗窃英语作文【篇一:校园盗窃 英语作文】 (二)enhance awareness to guard against campus thefts 1.校园盗窃案件时有发生 2.物品被盗的原因 3.学生如何加强防盗意识 several days ago,i heard that in a girl dormitory building of npu,nearly 10 laptops and othervaluables been stolen.at the same tine,we can learn from newspapers and internet that campus the

2、ft occurred in everywhere in china,and it always make students depressed and unhappy.i am shocked by this phenomenon. i want to know the reasons of campus theft.reading articles and thinking about this, i summaries them as three inspects. 1. many students have little security consciousness. it give

3、thieves chances to commit the crime.soi want to ask everystudent,do you try your best to do your own things better? 2. the school should strengthen supervision. formulatingstrict rules to prevent the crimes is necessary. we should have speceril people to care this. 3. investigating is also important

4、.ifevery lost thing cant be found,can the thieves be stopped? for us college student,what we can only to do is to keep our valuables in a safe position.forexample,we can storage our extral money in a bank.also,when we leave the dormitory,we must incidently put it in our cabinets.when we can do it be

5、tter,the thieves will dont have opportunities to commit the crime. on the other side,we should try to learn some acnowledge about theft,so we can do it properly. i hope every student can keep their things safe. thatll.thank you.【篇二:2010年英语六级作文范文20篇:增强防盗意识(13)】 enhance awareness to guard against camp

6、us thefts 1.校园盗窃案件时有发生 2.物品被盗的原因 3.学生如何加强防盗意识 审题概述 这是一篇论述校园物品被盗和加强防盗意识的文章。第一段,主要陈述校园盗窃案件发生的情况。第二段,主要分析校园物品被盗的原因。第三段,主要阐述学生怎样增强防盗意识。【范文】 enhance awareness to guard against campus thefts what makes students the easy targets? the reasons are not hard to find. but i believe of all these reasons, the lac

7、k of anti-theft alertness is the most important. for lack of alertness, the students tend to leave the doors and windows wide open during sleep at noon or at night in summer. for the same reason, theyll also leave their bikes unlocked before a store or by a road, or forget to take away their persona

8、l stuff before they go out of the classroom to make a phone call. these acts undoubtedly have increased their exposure to the light-fingered monsters。 in order to minimize possible losses, the students must stay on guard in the first place, as awareness of the thefts around often makes a big differe

9、nce. to be more specific, the students should not hide any tempting amount of cash in the dorm. put it in the bank instead. besides, do not leave any valuable items unattended. take them wherever you go. in addition, its advisable to develop a neighbourhood watch programme with other students in the

10、 dorm and neighbouring dorms。【篇三:谁该为校园连续盗窃案负责?(1200字)作文】 精选作文:谁该为校园连续盗窃案负责?(1200字)作文 对于校园里发生盗窃的事情,我们已经习以为常了。也不是什么新鲜事,但是,频繁的出现这种情况,谁该为这负责呢? 下面,我们来看一则就发生于我们学校的一件盗窃案: 于2014年2月24日下午6:156:30分,本校高一级学生徐某某,在图书馆一楼被盗书包。当时,徐某某是将书包放在图书馆一楼的储存柜里,后,进去图书馆一楼阅览室进行阅读。当徐某某同学出来时,发现书包丢失,书包里装着100多块钱和20多块钱的饭卡。徐某某惊慌不已,几乎翻遍整

11、个一楼的储存柜。然而还是找不到。见此,徐某某便第一时间寻求图书馆老师的帮助。老师让徐某某在图书馆周围四处找找,厕所也找找,但是最终还是没找到。老师也很无奈,对于被盗窃的事情也显得很无能为力。后来徐某某找到年级主任,并将事情告诉了年级主任,年级主任则也显得有心无力。 最后,在图书馆一楼男厕所,找回了书包,但是里面的钱和饭卡,都不翼而飞。 据徐某某回忆说,当她从图书馆离开时,看见一个身影从图书馆的靠艺馨楼的侧门窜入草丛里,且和艺馨楼里的一个男生一起。据徐某某回忆,那位男生貌似初中的学生,好像是穿着蓝色的运动鞋。 从这件盗窃案当中,徐某某虽作为受害者,但是,自我防范意识不高,将钱和饭卡放在书包里,没

12、有随身携带,书包被盗以致钱和饭卡也被盗了。嫌疑人作为实行盗窃的一方,显然显得可耻,思想道德素质差。那么学校方面呢?如此的有心无力。虽是明文规定了不可偷窃扒窃,但是,这种行为却仍频繁发生,这是为什么? 从这一个事件拓展到整个校园范围内,据反映,篮球场、宿舍,也是最受欢迎的作案地方。如:于2014年2月2526日这一期间,下午5:306:30这一时间段里,某一名高一学生在篮球场丢失手表。而手表、钱包、手机、饭卡,则是作案者的下手目标。且作案者较多的都是男生,且受害年级遍布整个初高中,一般受害者被盗这些财物,都难以寻回。男生一般都是在篮球场或宿舍丢失财物,而女生则是在图书馆、宿舍,相对于男生宿舍来说

13、,女生宿舍发生的盗窃案较少。 据我的调查采访,同学们都爱把钱包、饭卡等贵重物品放在书包里,特别是男生,下午在篮球场运动时,都喜欢把这些财物放在书包里或者衣服里,之后因为玩得太投入,也没多注意放在球框架下的书包衣服。往往这时候,正是作案者有机可乘的时候。女生也如此。这些习惯,都反映了同学们的防范意识薄弱。 然而,在图书馆、宿舍发生被盗事件,学校的监督管理方面也做得不足。当每个老师对盗窃这一事件已习以为常了,但是怎么就没有在图书馆亦或是宿舍挂个牌子,或是做个警示呢?还有,对于盗窃案连续发生的这种现象,反映了学校在这方面的教育仍需努力。在教育宣传方面应该更加的需要加强。学校应该多做一些有关于盗窃这方

14、面的宣传以及对于这种事件的重视和严格的教育,当然,学生们,也应该要积极的参与学校的文化建设,多点关注学校的宣传方面的工作,提高自己的防范能力和学习自己在盗窃方面的知识。同学们要防范于未然,学校则需防微杜渐。高一:kayiucheung 篇一:校园盗窃 英语作文 (二)enhance awareness to guard against campus thefts 1.校园盗窃案件时有发生 2.物品被盗的原因 3.学生如何加强防盗意识 several days ago,i heard that in a girl dormitory building of npu,nearly 10 lapto

15、ps and othervaluables been stolen.at the same tine,we can learn from newspapers and internet that campustheft occurred in everywhere in china,and it always make students depressed and unhappy.i am shocked by this phenomenon. i want to know the reasons of campus theft.reading articles and thinking ab

16、out this, i summaries them as three inspects. 1. many students have little security consciousness. it give 2. the school should strengthen supervision. formulatingstrict rules to prevent the crimes is necessary. we should have speceril people to care this. 3. investigating is also important.ifevery lost thing cant be found,can the thieves be stopped? on the other side,we should try to


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