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1、实习医生格蕾”第一季第二集Its all about lines:The finishing line is the end of the residencywaiting in lines for a chance at the operating tableand then theres the most important line the line separating you from the people you work withIt doesnt help to get too familiar to make friends,you need boundaries, betw

2、een you and the rest of the world.other people are far too messyIts all about lines: drawing lines in the sand and pray like hell no one crosses themEnd: But therere some lines.thatre way too dangerous to cross.Heres what I knowIf you are willing to take the chance that the view from other side is s

3、pectacular所 有这一切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束,接着排成直线来等待机会上手术台,然后是最重要的那条“线”将你和你的同事们隔开,界限并没有帮助我 熟悉周围,或是结交朋友,你需要一个分界线,在你和这个世界之间,其他人都忙的一团糟,一切都是关于“线”的,在沙子上画线.然后拼命祈祷没有人去踩 坏它们。在某些问题上,你必须作出决定。边界并不能把你和其他人隔开,他们依然会进来生活是杂乱无章的但所有的一切都是我们自己造成的所以你可以用尽一生 去画无数的线。你也可以跨越这些线去好好生活可那总有一些线非常危险无法越过的路,如果你愿意去尝试,另一面的风景将令你着迷。实习医生格蕾”第一季第

4、四集I wish there were a rule book about intimacy some kind of guide that can tell you when you cross the lineIt would be nice if you could see it comingAnd I dont know how it fit on the mapYou take it, where you can get itAnd keep it, as long as you canAnd as for rules, maybe therere noneMaybe the rul

5、es of intimacy are something you have to define yourself我 希望这里会有一本关于亲密的规则书,当你越线时,一些指导者可以告诉你,如果你能看到它的到来,事情会变的更好,在一幅地图上,我不知道你怎样才能去合适 它,你得到了,在你可以得到的地方.你能保持多久就多久,作为规矩.或许这里没有,或许亲密的规则需要你自己去定义。实习医生格蕾”第一季第七集Maybe we like the pain.Maybe were wired that way. .because without it,I dont know. .maybe we just wou

6、ldnt feel real.Whats that saying?Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer?Because it feels so good when I stop.或许我们喜欢痛苦,或许我们期待那种方式。因为没有。我不知道,我们就不会感受到真实的一面,那什么意思,“那我为什么不一直用锤子敲我的脑袋?”因为停下来感觉很好。实习医生格蕾”第一季第八集You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales?That fantasy of what yo

7、ur life would be - white dress, prince charming, whod carry you away to a castle on a hill.Youd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, and you had complete and utter faith.Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, prince charming - they were so close, you could taste them.But eventually you grow up.One day yo

8、u open your eyes, and the fairy tale disappears.Most people turn to the things and people they can trust.But the thing is, its hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely.Cause almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope - of faith - that one day theyll open their eyes and it will all come tr

9、ue.你知道你是小 孩的r候,有多少相信童故事,幻想你的生活是,穿著白衣服,等著白R王子把你缴缴系某潜晚上上眼睛在床上的r候,你就约喝鲋e,你有完完全全 男拍睿圣Q老人,牙仙,白R王子,他x你如此之近,你都可以伸手抓住他,但是,最K你是L大了,一早晨,你_眼睛,所有的童故事都消失了,大多等硕奸_始 相信他所能蛳嘈诺氖拢但事上是,很y完全不相信童故事,每人有那么一cc信念,一天,他_眼睛,一切都粝氤烧媪恕实习医生格蕾”第一季第九集The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free.Wh

10、ether good or bad, at least theyre out in the open.like it or not.And once your secrets are out in the open, you dont have to hide behind them anymore.The problem with secrets is even when you think youre in control.Youre not.人们不会在意的就是秘密揭开后你们会感觉非常好的,无论好坏,至少它被说出了.好坏都不重要了,自从你的秘密不在秘密,你就不用再背负秘密了,秘密就有一个问

11、题,你认为你能控制得了吗?其实你控制不了。实习医生格蕾”第二季第一集They say practice makes perfect.Theory is, the more you think like a surgeon, the more you become one.the better you get at remaining neutral, clinicalcut, suture, close.and the harder it becomes to learn to turn it off.to stop thinking like a surgeon.And remember w

12、hat it means to think like a human being.有人f“熟能生巧”,原理是,你像外科大夫那铀伎迹你就能更像外科大夫.你自己越中立,熟,切_,p合,P上.你越碓诫y.停止像外科大夫那铀伎.e忘了像人那铀伎家馕吨什么。实习医生格蕾”第二季第二集Theres something to be saidabout a glass half full.about knowing when to say when.i think its a floating line,a barometer of need and desire.its entirely up to the

13、 individual.and depends on whats being poured.sometimes.all we want is a taste.other times,theres no such thing as enough.The glass is bottomless.And all we wantis more.我的一个阿姨,无论她什么时候,给你任何东西都会说:“够了就说一声”当然我们从来都不说,我们不喊停,因为是希望,有可能得到更多。有些事值得考虑,关于半杯水.关于什么时候喊停,我认为那是一个需要和希望的,完全因人而异。有时候,我们想要的只是尝一尝,别的时候,根本就没

14、有满足,杯子是没有底的,我们想要的是,更多。实习医生格蕾”第二季第四集Sometimes, reality has a way of sneaking upand sting us in the ass.and when the dam bursts,all you can do is swim.The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon.We can only lie to ourselves for so long.We are tired.We are scared.Denying it doesnt change the truth.Soo

15、ner or later, we have to put aside our denialand face the world head-on, guns blazing.Denial. its not just a river in Egypt.Its a freaking ocean.有 时候,现实有些鬼祟,在背后袭击我们.当大坝决口的时候,你所能做的就是游泳,伪装的世界是一个鸟笼,而不是一个蚕茧,我们只能和自己长时间的撒谎, 我们都很疲惫,我们也很恐惧,否认并不能改变事实,或早或迟,我们必须把我们否认的放一边,面对迎面而来的世界,炙热的燃烧,否认.不仅仅只是埃及的 一条河流而已,那是个怪异的海流,那么你如何从中逃生呢?如果你不示弱,你就会成为最强的。我们仅仅看到我们愿意看到的,相信我们想信的,确实是这样的。我们老是在骗自己,而过了一会儿,这些谎言开始看上去像真理的一样了,我们否认的太多,以至于不能辨认,就在我们面前的真相。当你很接近的时候,很难接受结束。实习医生格蕾”第二季第五集Pain-you just have to ride i



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