【2017年整理】Lesson Two

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1、Lesson Two HOME AT LAST1. gabfest bfest n. 冗长的谈话,非正式聚会2. boozy bu:zi adj. 嗜酒的;酩酊的3. camaraderie ,kmr:dri: n. 法语同志间友情, 同志情谊4. bare b vt. 露出,使赤裸5. wrestle resl vt. 与摔跤;与搏斗;使劲搬动6. lucrative lju:krtiv adj. 有利可图的,赚钱的;7. elite eili:t, ili:t n. 精英;精华;中坚分子8. buoyant bint adj. 有浮力的;轻快的9. implore impl: vt. 恳求

2、或乞求10. prophetic prufetik adj. 预言的,预示的;11. scribble skribl vt. 潦草地书写12. clique kli:k n. 派系;小圈子,小集团13.abuse bju:z, bju:s vt. 滥用14. converge knv:d vi. 集中于一点;聚合15. HBS abbr. 哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School) 15. snorkeling sn:kli n. 潜水;浅滩潜水16. dilemma dilem, ,dai- n. 困境;进退两难;17. Massachusetts Institute

3、of Technology 麻省理工学院18. McKinsey n. 麦肯锡(公司)19. lure lju n. 诱惑物;诱惑;vt. 引诱;诱惑20. Sacramento n. 萨克拉门托(美国加州首府)21. stock option 职工优先认股权22. perspective pspektiv n. 透视图;远景;观点、23. segment semnt, sement, sement vi. 分割 n. 段;部分 vt. 分割24. fiddle with 摆弄;乱动;玩弄;弄虚作假25. tread tred vt. 踏;踩;践踏;跳;踩出 vi. 踏;行走;踩; 26. p

4、rim prim adj. 拘谨的;整洁的;呆板的 vt. 使显得一本正经;把打扮得整整齐齐 vi. 显得一本正经27. exhilarating izilreiti adj. 使人愉快的;令人喜欢的;爽快的 v. 使高兴,使兴奋 I. Words and expressions:1. buoyant acheerful and optimistic2. cellular n a telephone that you can carry around with you mobile phone3. clique na small exclusive group of people4. MBA(

5、abbrev) Master of Business Administration5. prim aformal6. returnee n. here a returned student or a student who has returned to China7. sector n。 a part of an area of activity, espof business or trade8. segment n division or section9. startup a beginning and developing a new business:start up compan

6、ies10. structure vto reform11. talk show na chat show12. wireless applications company n无线 应用公司,移动通讯公司II. Language points:1. bare their feelings: share their common ideas2sbs answer to(P4,Par 1) :sb or sth that is considered to be just as good as a more famous person or thing3a Chinese version of th

7、e Internet auction giant eBay(P5, Par1):一家中国式或版本的网络拍卖巨人,名叫 eBay4. chief operating officer 行政副主管5Internet dating(P5):网上约会,交友6startups (P5,Par1):start-up companies7loom large(P5,Par 2)to be important,have great influence8fly high(P6,Par1)to be ambitious9. There is a lot of thunder, but not much rain10

8、. a debt specialist11subject sb or sth to(P6,Par2):12. stock options 认股权13fiddle with(P7,Par2):to keep moving or touching sth with oneS fingers,espyou are bored or nervous14.to tread lightly on the set P7 Para 3 To be cautious with making friends15The show has no script(P8,Para1) :16the delicate sub

9、ject matter (P8,para1 很微妙的题材:前面提到的 sensitive issue(敏感的问题)17the UScontingent(P8,Par2) :here the US graduates from Harvard Business SchoolLesson Three China finds Western Ways Bring New Woes1. woe wu n. 悲哀,悲痛;灾难2.ally n. a country that is joined to another by political agreement, esp. one that will pr

10、ovide support in war(盟国)3. preeminence ,pri:eminns n. 卓越;杰出4. eclipse iklips vt. 形成蚀;使黯然失色 n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色5. authoritarian (独裁主义)6. vitality vaitlti n. 活力,生命力,生动性7. clout klaut n. 破布;敲打;影响力;势力; vt. 给打补钉;猛击8. bedevil bidevl vt. 使痛苦;虐待;使苦恼9. degradation ,derdein n.退化;堕落10. spawn sp:n n. 菌丝;卵;产物 vt. 产卵;酿

11、成,造成;大量生产 vi. 产卵;大量生产11. sedan sidn n. 美轿车;轿子12. navigate nvieit vt. 航行于;驾驶,操纵;使通过 vi. 航行,航空13. brisk brisk adj. 敏锐的,活泼的,轻快的;凛冽的 vi. 活跃起来;变得轻快 vt. 使活泼;使轻快;使 14. impoverish impvri vt. 使贫穷;使枯竭15. hermetic h:metik adj. 密封的;与外界隔绝的;不透气的;16. scarcity n. 罕见;稀少;不足;缺乏17. mimic mimik vt. 模仿,摹拟 n. 小丑;仿制品;效颦者,模

12、仿者 adj. 模仿的,模拟的;假装的18. famine fmin n. 饥荒;饥饿,奇缺 18. alcoholism lkhlizm . 酗酒;酒精中毒19. surge s:d n. 巨涌;大浪;汹涌澎湃 vi. 汹涌;激增20. venerable venrbl adj. 庄严的,值得尊敬的;珍贵的21. indulgence indldns n. 放纵;纵容;嗜好;22. diabete n. 糖尿病23. chronic krnik adj. 慢性的;长期的;习惯性的24. sedentary sedntri adj. 久坐的;坐惯的;定栖的;静坐的25. swap swp, s

13、w:p n. 交换;交换之物 vt. 以.作交换;与.交换 vi. 交易;交换26. rigor ri n. 严厉;精确;27. elaborate ilbrt, ilbreit adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的 vt. 精心制作;详细阐述vi. 详细描述;变复杂 ;28. proliferate prulifreit vi. 增殖;扩散;激增 vt. 使激增29. cringe krind vi. 奉承;畏缩;阿谀 n. 畏缩;奉承30. disposable dispuzbl adj. 可任意处理的;可自由使用的;用完即可丢弃的31. spur sp: n. 马刺;鼓舞,刺激;山坡

14、 vi. 骑马疾驰;给予刺激 vt. 激励,鞭策;给装踢马刺32. intoxicate intksikeit, -kit, -keit vt. 使喝醉;使陶醉;使中毒 vi. 醉33. ethyl i:ail, ei- n. 乙烷基34. ethyl alcohol 有化 乙醇;有化 酒精;威士忌35. quadruple kwdrupl, kwdru:- adj. 四倍的;四重的 vt. 使成四倍 vi. 成为四倍 n. 四倍36. duplicate dju:plikt, dju:plikeit vt. 复制;使加倍 n. 复制品;副本 dj. 复制的;二重的 vi. 遗传 重复;复制

15、I. More new words1.ally n. a country that is joined to another by political agreement, esp. one that will provide support in war(盟国)2. authoritarian believing or demanding that rules and laws must always be obeyed whether or not they are right (独裁主义的)3. briskly actively; with life and spirit.4. degradation


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