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1、汉译英大学英语A1、他不但乒乓球打得好,而且钢琴弹得好。答案: He can not only play ping-pong well, but also play the piano well.2、我有很多爱好,其中之一就是集邮。答案: I have many hobbies, one of which is stamp-collecting.3、教育将给你提供更多就业机会。答案: Education will provide you with more job opportunities. OR: Education will provide you more chances/opport

2、unities to find/get a job.4、有了他的帮助,我们就没有其他什么可担心的了。答案: With his help, we have nothing else to worry about.5、昨天我去拜访他,看看他是否能解决这个问题。答案: I visited him yesterday to see if he could work out /solve the problem.6、为了提高生活水平,他不得不找一份兼职工作。答案: In order to improve his living standard, he has to find a part-time jo

3、b.7、毕业之后,我们仍然通过电子邮件保持联系。答案: After graduation, we still stay / keep in touch with each other through/by e-mail.8、女性职员占这个公司的三分之一。答案: The women/female clerks/staff make up one-third of the company.9、学生们都盼着假期去旅行。答案: The students are looking forward to traveling during the vacation.10、按照他的建议,手续已经大大简化。答案:

4、 In accordance with his proposal, the procedure has been greatly simplified.11、因为他没有遵守安全规则,出了事故。答案: His failure to observe/abide by/follow the safety regulations results in an accident. 12、在竞争的社会中,挤时间放松一下有利于健康。答案: In a competitive society, setting aside/sparing/spending some time for relaxation is g

5、ood for health.13、他们虽然读了这些书,但并没有完全理解。答案: They have read these books, but without fully understanding them/but failed to understand them fully.14、研究表明,成功的语言学习者在许多方面都有共同之处。答案: Studies have shown that successful language learners are similar in many ways.15、美国人抱怨政府没有正确使用税收。答案: Americans complain that t

6、he government uses their tax (dollars) in the wrong way.16、妈妈抱怨约翰每天花太多的时间看电视。答案: Mother complained that John spent too much time on TV every day.17、这所小学平均每班有45人.答案: On average, there are 45 students in each class of this primary school.18、了解如何在日常交际中使用这些词组很有用。答案: It is useful to know how to use these

7、 phrases in daily communication.19、孩子们渴望成为象电影中的英雄们那样强壮勇敢。答案: Children are eager to become as strong and brave as those heroes in the films.20、他被认为是我们当中跑得最快的人。答案: He is supposed to be the fastest runner of us.21、请把你要的东西整理出来并把其余的全扔掉。答案: Please sort out the things you want to keep and throw everything

8、else away.22、这些图案不仅年轻人喜欢,而且也受老年人的欢迎。答案: These designs are popular not only with young people, but also with the old/elderly people.23、他刚工作的时候,每到月底钱就用光了。答案: When he first started work/working, he usually ran out of money at the end of the/each month.24、你能看出这幅画与那幅画的不同吗?答案: Can you tell the difference

9、between this painting/picture and that one?25、现在大多数年轻人长大之后,不愿跟父母生活在一起。答案: Nowadays, most young people are unwilling/not willing to live with their parents after they grow up.26、在现代家庭中,丈夫和妻子都出去工作,挣钱养家。答案: In a modern family, both husband and wife go out to work to support the family.27、由于药品短缺,病人无法得到及

10、时治疗。答案: Patients cannot be treated timely/cannot receive timely treatment because of/due to a shortage of medicine.28、学习新技术的目的在于应用。答案: The purpose of learning a new technology lies in its application.29、互联网使每个人在任何地方和任何时候接受教育成为可能。答案: The Internet makes it possible for everyone to receive education an

11、ywhere and anytime/that everyone can receive education anywhere and anytime.30、在这样的天气里,我宁愿乘飞机去杭州,而不是坐火车。答案: In this kind of weather, I would rather go to Hangzhou by air than by train.31、孩子们常常想为什么鸟能飞而他们不能飞。答案: Children usually wonder why birds can fly while they themselves cannot.32、你能告诉我现在几点了吗?答案:

12、Could you tell me what time it is now?33、多亏了他的帮助,我在工作中取得了突破。(breakthrough)答案: Thanks to/Due to/Because of his help, I made a breakthrough in my work.34、这部电影很有意思,人人都对它感兴趣。(interested)答案: The movie is interesting. Everyone is interested in it.35、如果昨天我知道这件事, 我就会告诉你的。答案: If I had known about it yesterda

13、y, I would have told you.36、任何人如果停止汲取新知识,就肯定会落后。答案: Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind. 37、他记得在离开阅览室时,把灯关上了。答案: He remembered turning off the light when he left the reading-room.38、从金钱的角度来说,这份工作好处不大,但是我从中可以得到有价值的经验。答案: The work isnt very profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.39、移动电话正在成为21世纪一个主要的技术领域答案: The cell phone is becoming one of the major technologies of the 21st Century.40、正是由于他在面试中表现不错,他才获得了这份工作。答案: It was because he did very well in the interview that he got the job.



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