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1、工学硕士学位论文支持ICEMDA的工作流引擎技术与实现董洪梅哈尔滨工业大学2007年7月国内图书分类号:TP315国际图书分类号:681.3工学硕士学位论文支持ICEMDA的工作流引擎技术与实现硕士研究生:董洪梅导师:刘国忠 副教授申请学位:工学硕士学科、专业:计算机科学与技术所在单位:计算机科学与技术学院答辩日期:2007年7月授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index:TP315U. D. C. :681.3Dissertation for the Master Degree in EngineeringTECHNOLOGY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF W

2、ORKFLOW ENGINE FOR ICEMDACandidate:Dong HongmeiSupervisor:Associate Prof. Liu GuozhongAcademic Degree Applied for:Master of EngineeringSpeciality:Computer Science and TechnologyAffiliation:School of Computer Scienceand TechnologyDate of Oral Examination:July, 2007University:Harbin Institute of Techn


4、 Configurable Executable Model Driven Architecture, ICEMDA)支持下的工作流模型。在基于业务对象概念的基础上,建立以业务活动为中心的PIM(Plat Independent Model)层工作流模型。接着建立了PSM(Plat Specific Model)可执行工作流模型,该模型主要描述了业务构件内部和业务构件之间的依赖关系;而后定义一个形式化的有限自动机和一系列映射规则实现PIM到PSM的自动映射。其次,针对PSM的可执行工作流模型,研究了工作流引擎中的路由算法、条件判断策略和基于负载平衡的任务分配算法,并定义了工作流引擎与应用程序框

5、架的集成模式,将应用程序框架中的角色/用户数据和工作流相关数据集成到工作流引擎中。最后设计和实现了一个采用模块化思想的工作流引擎,并与开源工作流引擎Shark在支持的工作流模型、任务分配策略和耦合性三方面做了比较分析。在实现方面,结合一个具体的采购业务应用案例对ICEMDA中的业务流程开发模式做了详细描述。关键词MDA;工作流模型;工作流引擎AbstractWith the rapid development of the computer technology, more and more enterprises have adopted the information-based mean

6、s to manage their business processes. This indicates that a lot of work will be done automatically by computers according to certain execution rules, especially the enterprise business processes. The workflow technique provides a new method to achieve this goal.At the same time, enterprise applicati

7、on software systems should have high flexibility as the economic globalization and keen competition. And they also should reengineer themselves to adapt new user-requirements when the business processes are changed. MDA is a right approach to satisfy complicated and various requirements with integra

8、ting a series of new trendy technology.Firstly, the workflow model based on ICEMDA (Interoperable Configurable Executable Model Driven Architecture) is talked about. On the basis of the concept of business object, a workflow model which takes business activities as its center at Plat Independent Mod

9、el (PIM, for short) layer is defined. Then an executable workflow model at Platform Specific Model (PSM, for short) layer is defined. This model describes the dependency relationship inside of a business component and among the business components. After that, a finite automaton is defined to implem

10、ent the automatic mapping from PIM layer workflow model to PSM executable workflow model.Secondly, according to the PSM executable workflow model, a route algorithm, a conditions evaluation algorithm, and a task assign algorithm used in the workflow engine are researched. Then the paper defines the

11、integration pattern between the workflow engine and the application software framework. This integration indicates the data form and cooperation process between them.Lastly, a moduled workflow engine is designed and implemented. And it is compared with an open source workflow engine Shark from three

12、 aspects: workflow model, task assignment strategics and coupling. In respect of realization, an example of purchase business process is described to indicate the development procedure of the business process in the ICEMDA.KeywordsMDA, Workflow Model, Workflow Engine不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印- III -目录摘要IAbs

13、tractII第1章 绪论11.1 课题背景与来源11.2 与课题相关国内外研究进展及成果11.2.1 工作流技术综述11.2.2 现有的工作流建模方法及存在问题31.2.3 工作流引擎综述及其不足41.2.4 MDA的发展51.2.5 工作流与MDA的结合61.3 本硕士论文的研究内容6第2章 支持ICEMDA的工作流模型82.1 ICEMDA简介82.2 ICE-PIM层工作流模型92.2.1 模型需求92.2.2 元模型102.2.3 示例122.2.4 ICE-PIM工作流元模型的形式化定义132.3 ICE-PSM层可执行工作流模型162.3.1 XPDL简介172.3.2 可执行工

14、作流元模型222.3.3 ICE-PSM可执行工作流元模型的形式化定义272.4 PIM到PSM工作流元模型的自动映射292.4.1 基于有限自动机的映射302.4.2 映射规则312.5 本章小结39第3章 支持ICEMDA的工作流引擎研究403.1 功能分析与体系结构403.1.1 WfMC的工作流参考模型403.1.2 ICEMDA的工作流体系结构423.2 工作流引擎的核心算法研究433.2.1 路由算法433.2.2 条件判断策略493.2.3 基于负载平衡的任务分配503.3 工作流引擎与框架的集成模式研究533.3.1 功能定义533.3.2 交互过程543.3.3 集成数据及集

15、成形式553.4 本章小结57第4章 工作流引擎的设计与实现584.1 工作流引擎的系统结构584.2 工作流引擎的设计实现594.2.1 内核设计实现594.2.2 接口定义654.3 工作流引擎效率优化694.3.1 工作流实例缓冲区694.3.2 LRU算法基本思想694.3.3 基于双向链表的LRU算法实现694.4 工作流引擎性能比较分析704.4.1 开源工作流引擎Shark704.4.2 工作流引擎与Shark比较分析724.5 本章小结73第5章 工作流引擎的应用案例745.1 基于ICEMDA的业务流程开发模式745.2 应用案例755.2.1 需求分析和PIM层建模755.2.2 PSM层可执行工作流模型定义文件775.2.3 业务构件业务逻辑代码编写775.2.4 加载包785.2.5 角色/用户信息映射795.2.6 用户操作



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