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1、学校代码:10252 学 号:0721619 上海理工大学硕士学位论文 我国银行业存款保险制度研究姓 名乔 鲁 系 别管 理 学 院专 业金融学研究方向公司金融指导教师孔刘柳 教授学位论文完成日期2009年12月学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学位论文保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版。允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海理工大学可以将本学位论文的全部内容或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。保 密 本学位论文属于 保 密 (在3年解密后适用本授权书)不保密学位论文作者签名: 指

2、导教师签名:年 月 日 年 月 日声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:年 月 日 摘 要存款保险制度作为一国金融安全网的成员之一,起着维护公众信心、隔绝金融风险、促进金融稳定和银行业良性发展的重要作用,其价值在此次金融危机中也得到了充分的体现。但存款保险制度本身并非医治银行脆弱性的灵丹妙药,反而还蕴藏着巨大的制度风险。设计良好的存款保险制度固然能


4、发展现状,论证了我国建立存款保险制度的必要性、可行性以及可能遇到的困难,在充分考虑我国的具体国情的前提下,参照前述得出的存款保险制度的较优模式经验,设计了可实施的存款保险制度模式,从制度目标、组织方式、职能安排、参保方式、赔付限额和保险对象、费率设计等方面提出了构想,论文明确了困扰存款保险制度在我国实际实施时的保费收取问题,指出初期应实施以机构差异收费率制并逐步向完全差异费率制过渡的理想模式,并提出了进一步完善和优化我国存款保险制度应采取的措施。关键词:存款保险 道德风险 银行脆弱性AbstractAs one of the members of the state financial saf

5、ety net, deposit insurance system plays an very important role in maintaining public confidence, isolating financial risks and promoting financial stability and sound development of the banking sector. In current financial crisis, its value has also been fully reflected. But the deposit insurance sy

6、stem itself is not a panacea for treatment of bank fragility, but also a vast reservoir of the system risk. Well-designed deposit insurance system, of course, can play a positive role in maintaining financial stability, however, defective design of the system may also give rise to a counterproductiv

7、e effect.In order to establish a deposit insurance system that is suitable to Chinas national conditions, many years ago, our government and scholars had already begun investigations. As a country that is still in transitional stage, however, Chinas reform in all aspects has never stopped in terms t

8、hat economic and political environment is still evolving, especially in the financial sector, which is changing each passing day. Based on the latest national conditions of China, this paper firstly combines the deposit insurance theory and bank fragility theory and conducts an in-depth analysis of

9、the formation mechanism of banking vulnerability, deposit insurance systems financial stability role and the negative effects of devices, all of which eventually lead to a specific policy objectives of a effective deposit insurance system and elements of choice. Then this paper conducts a comparativ

10、e analysis of the deposit insurance design maturity models in United States, Japan and India and introduces international institutions good suggestions from which we can learn experience and enlightenment. Finally, this paper analyzes the current development status of Chinas banking industry, demons

11、trates the need for establishing an effective deposit insurance system, the feasibility and possible difficulties. By taking full account of Chinas specific circumstances and referring to the preceding better and more mature deposit insurance system experience, this paper has designed an feasible de

12、posit insurance system for China, in terms of specific system goals, organization, functions arrangements, insurance methods, payment limits, the insurance coverage and rate design.This paper has solved the deposit insurance premium problem, pointing out that at the initial stage different instituti

13、onal rate system should be implemented and gradually be transformed to a full risk-based different premium system. In conclusion, this paper suggests further improvements should be taken to optimize our deposit insurance system.Key words: deposit insurance, moral hazard, banking vulnerability 目 录摘 要

14、Abstract第一章 导论11.1 研究背景11.2 国内外相关文献综述31.2.1 国外研究现状31.2.2 国内研究现状81.2.3 国内外研究现状评述101.3 研究目的111.4 研究思路与方法111.4.1 研究思路111.4.2 研究方法12第二章 存款保险制度概述132.1 存款保险制度的概念132.2 存款保险的性质与特征132.2.1 存款保险制度的性质132.2.2 存款保险制度的特征142.3 存款保险制度的职能划分与主要内容142.3.1 存款保险制度的职能划分152.3.2 存款保险制度的主要内容152.4 存款保险制度的产生和发展趋势172.4.1 存款保险制度的

15、产生172.4.2 存款保险的现状与发展趋势17第三章 基于银行稳定的存款保险制度分析193.1 银行体系脆弱性与存款保险制度193.1.1 银行体系脆弱性生成机制分析193.1.2 存款保险的金融稳定器作用分析243.1.3 存款保险制度可能的负面效应253.2 存款保险的制度选择:理论框架283.2.1 两种存款保险制度的道德风险分析283.2.2 存款保险制度的政策目标303.2.3 存款保险制度的要素选择31第四章 存款保险的国际比较和经验借鉴354.1 美国的经验354.1.1 建立背景354.1.2 美国存款保险制度的特点354.2 日本的经验384.2.1 建立背景384.2.2 日本存款保险制度的特点394.3 印度的经验404.3.1 建立背景404.3.2 印度存款保险制度的特点414.



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