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1、沉船沉物强制打捞清除的责任主体和费用保障问题研究摘 要由于海上运输的特点与固有风险,在海上货物运输活动中,船舶与载运货物的沉没是不可避免的。随着国际贸易和海上货物运输的不断发展,船舶日益大型化,尤其是巨型油轮的出现,使得一旦船舶或货物沉没,对海上交通安全和海洋环境的危害较之以前会更大。而当沉船沉物对海上航行安全、环境保护以及其他有关利益构成现实或者潜在的危害时,为了维护公共安全和社会公共利益,海事行政主管机关有权依法要求船舶所有人、经营人限期对沉船沉物限期打捞清除;而在情况紧急时,海事行政主管机关还有权依法直接由其或委托有关的打捞机构采取强制打捞清除措施。然而,在海事实践中,沉船沉物强制打捞清



4、主体应当包括沉船沉物的所有人、经营人、直接责任人以及事前约定对沉船、沉物事故的发生承担责任的人。第三章探讨了沉船沉物强制打捞清除费用的相关问题,对如今关于此问题的解决办法做了介绍,最后提出自己的建议,建议建立起基金制度。笔者希望通过本文的研究,对我国的沉船沉物强制打捞清除制度的完善有一定的裨益,起到一定的参考作用。关键词:沉船沉物,强制打捞清除,责任主体,费用保障ABSTRACTBecause of the characteristics and the inherent risk of maritime transport, during the maritime transport act

5、ivities, it is inevitable that the ship and the cargo carried sink. Moreover, in recent years, with increasing of international economic exchanges and the development of the transport of goods by sea, the number of large tonnage ship has been increasing, they carry more and more goods, but once the

6、ship or cargo sinks, danger to the marine traffic safety and the marine environment will be even greater than before. When sunken objects has real or potential hazards to maritime navigation safety, environment protection and other relevant interests, in order to insure public safety and social publ

7、ic interests, maritime administrative authorities shall be entitled to require the owner, operator to clear sunken objects in limit time: In emergency situations, marine administrative authorities have the right to take immediate measures to salvage removal. In order to clarify the rights, obligatio

8、ns and responsibilities of the parties of compulsory wreck removal, to secure full repayment of costs of compulsory wreck removal, a sound, fair and efficient legal system has to be established. In this paper, based on domestic and foreign laws, regulations and international conventions about compul

9、sory wreck removal, combined with recent research results, as basic theory of jurisprudence, civil law and administrative law a guide, using various research methods on issues about compulsory wreck removal, the author mainly discusses the issues that determining the main body and repaying the cost

10、of compulsory removal.The paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one briefly discusses compulsory wreck removal, analyzes legal nature of compulsory wreck removal, defines compulsory wreck removal as in urgent cases, the maritime administration authority takes action directly or asks salvage

11、agencies to or orders the owner of the ship in a limited time to remove (1) sinking ship or stranded ship, including any part of its own, and any equipment and utensils or (2) any object falls from the ship into the sea that stranded, sunk, or floating or (3) ship that will be or reasonably expected

12、 to sink through or stranded, the rescue of this ship or property has not be taken effectively or rescue is invalid. Chapter Two analyzes the controversial issue about mandatory of compulsory wreck removal and gives my own definition as the owner and the operator of wreck and sunken objects; directl

13、y responsible person; people who agrees to take responsibility before the accident. Chapter Three discusses the problem of payment of compulsory wreck removal, describes current solutions on this issue, and finally puts forward my own proposals. The author suggests setting up fund system in China. T

14、he author hopes that this paper can help improve system of compulsory wreck removal in our country.Ye Zhenzhen(International law)Directed by Professor Wang Guohua KEYWORDS: wreck, compulsory removal, liability subject, expense indemnity 42目 录引 言1第一章 沉船沉物强制打捞清除概述3第一节 沉船沉物强制打捞清除的概念3第二节 我国沉船沉物强制打捞清除的法律

15、属性8本章小结9第二章 沉船沉物强制打捞清除的责任主体11第一节 我国立法对责任主体的界定11第二节 外国国内法及国际公约的界定13第三节 沉船沉物强制打捞清除的责任主体的界定15本章小结18第三章 沉船沉物强制打捞清除费用保障机制19第一节 国内外相关立法对强制打捞清除费用的规定19第二节 强制打捞清除费用的保障机制22本章小结35结 论37参考文献39致 谢41引 言随着国际社会全球化步伐的加快,国际贸易的日益频繁,海上运输业迅猛发展。但海难事故的频发所造成的沉船沉物给海上公共交通安全以及海洋生态环境和海洋资源的保护带来的危害亦是越来越大,随之而带来的就是沉船沉物打捞相关法律问题的日益复杂



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