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1、今天我将为大家简单介绍一个综艺节目“跑男”。希望大家喜欢这个话题。,Today I want to introduce an entertainment program. It called Running Man. I hope everyone can enjoy this topic.,奔跑吧,兄弟 Running Man,大型户外竞技真人秀 Large outdoor sports reality show,Running Man is the hot show in Korea,In 2014,China has brought its copyright(版权) and start

2、s to make Chinese Running Man. When the show first came to the eyes of the audience,it became very popular,the participants(参与者) have gained the fame and money. It got a great success . And I think the show is funny and I laugh happily. At the same time I learned some team spirit . In the game,it ne

3、eds to get allied(联合) to defeat others and win the game. So there is no way for one to win the game . The cooperation(合作) is very important,it can help people get the win-win situation. 跑男是韩国一档很火的节目,早在2014年,中国就买进了它的版权,并开始制作中国版的跑男。当这档节目第一次走进观众的视野,就受到了强烈的喜爱,参与者名利双收。节目取得了巨大的成功。我认为跑男这个节目很滑稽,给人带来了许多欢笑。同时

4、我在这里感受到了团队精神。在游戏里,人们需要联盟来打败别人,获得胜利,没有人能独自取得成功。 合作是很重要的,它能让我们双赢。,节目特色feature,1节目更多的融入当地的文化元素,给观众带来欢乐的同时,也展现了各地的民俗风情。 The program more into the local culture elements,to bring joy to the audience at the same time,and show around the customs. 2把握观众心理变化,加入社会热点元素。设计悬念性,趣味性和时代感兼备的游戏任务. Grasp the psycholog

5、ical changes of the audience and add the social hot elements . The game task has the suspense,the time feeling. 3注重健康理念的传播,提升节目正能量娱乐、阳光、健康。强调合作,永不言弃的拼搏精神。 The concept of healthy,promote positive energy. Entertainment,sun, healthy .And stressing cooperation and indomitable spirit.,口号Slogan,第一季the fir

6、st season,第二季the second season,第三季the third season,邓超,绰号:邓队长,超哥,学霸超等 内地男演员,电影导演,投资出品人,电影公司创始人 Actor Film director Investment producer Film company founder,邓超语录,We are 伐木累! We are family! 跟我一起,是需要文化素质的好吗? If you want to follow me,you must need some cultural quality,OK? What are you 弄啥嘞? What are you

7、doing? 作为一个学霸,这些题都非常简单。 As a good student,these questions are very simple for me.,李晨,大黑牛,能力者,技术控,晨妈妈等 内地男演员,监制,赛车手 Actor Producer Racing driver,李晨语录,这件事是有问题的。 It has a problem. 我好像从第一集就一直有保护你。 I have been protecting you since begin. 来打一架吧,好想跟人打一架。 I really want to fight. 我又回来了。 Im back,郑恺,小猎豹,奔跑小王子,

8、中华小曲库,baby一日护卫等 内地男演员,主持人 Actor TV presenter,郑恺语录,Call me the King of running(请叫我奔跑之王) 我是猎豹。 I am a cheetah 剪刀石头布,赢了让我先跑十秒。 Lets have a race.If I won,let me run ten seconds.,Angel Baby(杨颖),绰号:中国好女友,baby公主,幸运女神等 内地女演员,模特 Actress Model,AB语录,我竟然把一直保护我的人给撕了! I turn off the person who always protect me.

9、至少你现在在我身边。 Anyway,youre beside me. 这里才是真正的学霸,智商高没办法! Real good student is here,anyone who is clever is meaningless.,王祖蓝,绰号:捡漏王,小蓝蓝,躲猫猫之王等 香港男演员,歌手,主持人 Actor Singer TV presenter,王祖蓝语录,我捡漏王的称号不是浪得虚名的! My nickname(昵称)“the king of jianlou”is really existed(存在). 我怎么又被撕了? How can I be turn off again? 完美!

10、Perfect!,陈赫,绰号:陈赤赤,赫宝宝,天才陈赫,最强大脑等 内地男演员 Actor,陈赫语录,还有谁? Is there anyone else? 你是猪吗? Are you a pig? 我是天才! Im a genius. 论吃饭我一个人可以拼他们六个! Refer to eating,I can beat them!,包贝尔,绰号:包包,新一代捡漏王,包子等 内地男演员 Actor,包贝尔语录,我的颜值比你高不下十倍。 My appearance is ten times more beautiful than yours. 他们能不能聊点正事? They can talk ab

11、out something which is important. 让鸡和兔子同时抬起两只脚,这道题就能算出来。 Let the chicken and rabbits raise two feet at the same time,the problem can be solved. 在下南洋侍卫包工头。 Im the NanYang guards(警卫) contractors.(承包商),王宝强,绰号:少林宝强,宝宝,功夫王等 内地男演员 Actor,王宝强语录,好兄弟,走到底! Good brother,go to the end. 我是孙悟空转世。 Im SunWukongs reincarnation(转世). 永远要提防女人。 Always beware of women.,鹿晗,绰号:一阵鹿风,口水鹿,高速公鹿,鹿哥等 内地男演员,歌手 Actor Singer,Question: Whats your favourite start in Running Man? Why ?,The End结束,Thank you 谢谢观看,



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