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1、第三届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教案评选教案设计Fun With EnglishGrade Eight8B Unit 2 Travelling(The first period)姓名:季敏单位:江苏省大丰市草堰第二初级中学邮编:一、教案背景1、面向学生:初中二年级2、学科:初中英语(八年级下)3、课型:新授4、内容背景:通过对关于旅游话题的讨论,唤起学生环游世界的欲望,也引出本单元的语法重点现在完成时态。5、学生课前准备:在互联网中查资料,初步了解世界上流行的旅游胜地。二、教学课题牛津译林版初中英语8B Unit2Travelling第一板块Comic strips&Welcome

2、to the unit,用一课时,通过学习,学会谈论世界上流行的旅游胜地,同时进一步掌握现在完成时的用法。三、教材分析牛津英语教材按照任务型教学原则设计语言实践活动,每个单元都有一个中心话题。本单元围绕travelling话题,分成9个板块,每个板块都围绕travelling中心展开教学,板块之间既互相独立又相互联系。本单元的主题为旅行,Comic Strip部分通过两只小狗的对话,激发了学生对本单元的兴趣,唤起他们环游世界的欲望,也引出了本单元的语法重点-现在完成时态;Welcome to the unit 中为我们展示了世界上流行的旅游胜地的美丽图片,旨在教授一些风景名胜的名称,并告诉学生

3、们在这些地方可以干些什么事。教学目标:通过了解外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点,特别是介绍香港迪斯尼乐园,让学生们感受旅行的无限魅力,激起他们认识世界的愿望;语法学习引导学生从一般过去时逐渐过度到现在完成时,并能理解一般过去时重在过去而现在完成时强调现在,通过反复对比举例,让学生熟练掌握现在完成时的使用;通过词汇的学习、综合技能的训练、学习技能的了解和任务的完成,使学生各个方面的能力得以提高。 教学重点:1. 了解世界各地的风景名胜并熟知在不同景点所从事的活动 2. 进一步学习现在完成时的概念并了解其与一般过去时的区别 3. 学会在现在完成时态中把瞬间性动词转化为延续性动词教学难点: 1.

4、 现在完成时态中“havehas gone to” 和 “havehas been to” 的区别 2. 现在完成时态中瞬间性动词到延续性动词的转化及运用四、教学方法1、教学方法:情境导入法、小组讨论法。2、学习方法:自主学习法、合作学习法、探究式学习法。五、教学过程Step 1 Lead-in:Free talk:Do you like travelling?Which places have you ever been to?When did you go there?What did you do there?Brainstorming:Do you know any famous pl

5、aces of interest? What are they?Step 2 PresentationI will show Ss some cards of some people tourist attractions in the world. Explain the typical characteristic of each picture.Step 3 Practice1. Teach Ss how to read the name of each picture correctly.2. Explain each picture to the students.3. Encour

6、age Ss to make up dialogues according to the dialogue in Part B.Step 4 Practice Ask the students to listen to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo carefully and then answer the questions.Will Eddie have a happy holiday? Why or why not?Play the recorder again if necessary.Ask the students to read the

7、dialogue and then answer more questions.1. Where is Eddie going?2. Does Hobo want to go, too? 3. What does Hobo want to bring? Ask the Ss to read the dialogue together.Step 5 PresentationPresent some language points to the students.Language points:1. Im going on a trip to South Hill. go on a trip to

8、 sp 去某地旅行(短途)2. It must be fun. 他肯定有趣. must (情态动词)表示肯定的猜测 (否定句) It cant be fun. mustnt 禁止 You mustnt smoke here. Look at the sign.3. Can I join you? join sb. 加入某人 join the Party 入党 join the Army 参军4. Let me take you out for a few days. take sb. out 带某人出去5. Im packing. 我在打包. pack v. 打包 pack the bag6.

9、 I want to bring everything with me. bring sth. with sb. 随身带某物(带来) take sth. with sb. 随身带某物(带走)7. I dont think itll be a holiday for me.含有think的句子否定前置.Step 6 Reading and acting Ask the Ss to read the dialogue in roles together. Then ask them to practise the dialogue with their partners and act it ou

10、t. Step 7 SummaryAsk the Ss to complete the summary of the dialogue.l Eddie is going on a _ to South Hill. He has _ there many times. Hobo thinks it _ be fun and wants to _ Eddie. Eddie agrees to take him out _ a few days. Hobo is _ and wants to take _ with him. He is so _, but Eddie _ think it will

11、 be a good holiday for him because he has to take Hobos big _.Step 8 TranslationAsk the Ss to translate the phrases to complete the sentences.1. Eddie _.(将要去旅行)2. A: Let me _.(带你去远足) B: Ok. _.(肯定很有意思)3. A: Whats she doing? B: She _(正在收拾包裹) and she wants to _.(带上一切)4. I _ for me. (我认为这将不会是个假期)5. Peop

12、le can _ in Italy. (看漂亮的风景)Step 9 Homework1. Read and recite “Comic strip.2. Do some consolidation exercises.(六)教学反思:通过本课对世界上流行的旅游胜地的学习,学生对本单元的学习产生了兴趣,对环游世界产生了强烈的欲望,但在这些旅游胜地的英文名字正确发音上存在较大的问题;通过对现在完成时的进一步学习,学生能较好地区别现在完成时态中“havehas gone to” 和 “havehas been to”。(七)教师个人介绍省份:江苏省 学校:江苏省大丰市草堰第二初级中学姓名:季敏 通讯地址:江苏省大丰市草堰第二初级中学 邮编:联系电话: 电子邮箱:顶管位置主要位于粉质粘土层,地下水位以下。开挖竖井过程中如出现异常地质情况,及时与设计单位联系,进行协商处理。施工前应与铁路供电段、电务段、通信段联系,首先探明铁路两侧施工范围内各种管线位置、埋深、并进行监护和防护。


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