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1、孙远作文笔记第一天6.17 两篇作文:一、Analysis of an Issue (perspective观点)分析要evidence reasoning , objective 二、二者择其一Take a position and supported立论,确定立场并支持Analysis of an argument = critique your argument批判、批驳要求:1.articulately express your idea clearly and complicatedly 2.examine claims and company evidence 3.support

2、idea with relevant examples 4.sustain a well focus coherent discussions 5.control the element of standard of English 题库:共249题安排:1-3讲argument 4-6讲Issue 侧重analytical thinking,语言次之4分够用,5分有竞争优势Argument -策略:1.掌握分析技巧2.掌握开头和结尾的module 3.准备每道题的提纲(chance favors only the prepared minds) 4.学用一些闪光句型5.熟读argument题

3、目-审题:论述包括:论点claim (信号词:therefore,so,thus,consequently) 支持support - evidence: examples,facts,statistics,authorities -reasons: assumptions, values,beliefs -验证逻辑critique logic survey -quantity , quality(random)包括1.分组group分为几个sub group 2.pecentage of each sub 3.select sample取样procedure有没有sample或人被排除在外ho

4、w large was the sample ? Are the statistics complete ? Different: Do the statistics make a difference ?数据重要么?闪光句型:1. the assumption thatis open to doubt/ unreliable /unfounded / goundless / unwarranted 2. the arguer commits a fallacy of3. the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between A

5、 and B 4. the result of the survey lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the arguers assumption. 5. the arguer fails to convince us thatcontribute to / lead to / result in6. the comparison between A and B is incomplete 7. it is possible / likely that第二天6.19 一、写作步骤:1. skim t

6、he question and write the introduction 2. input the topic sentence.找出问题所在,一个问题一句话3. develop the body paragraphs one by one.逐一展开问题段落,按重要性递减的规律展开4. conclusion(略) 5. checking 二、开头段的写作:找出原论证的结论或主张,指出原论证的论据和假设,指出原论证的逻辑错误。忠实的保留原始信息。用自己的词保留原始信息。In this argument / analysis, the arguer concludes / claims tha

7、t.To support / justify the conclusion , the arguer points out / provides the evidence thatand thatIn addition , the arguer reasons (推理) that. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies / flaws. 三、SURVEY问题:1. vague = misleading (majority, percent, base number, few, many) 2. question: what

8、questions will ask in the survey? Loaded questions有误导性的问题3. Who 4. Average平均数不适合于每个成员5. Confusing causal relationship with correlation混淆因果关系与相关性Every causal relationship implies a correlation, but the statistical correlation does not necessarily implies a causal relation. 6. When was the survey cond

9、ucted? 7. Are respondents (授调查者) being forthright (直率,说真话) ? Image men / essence men 闪光句型: 1. the arguer over simplifies the issue of2. the arguer unfairly assumes that3. the arguer fails takesintosaccount other factors that4. the procedure of the survey might be problematic. 第三天6.21 正文写作一、段数量:24段之间

10、,一段含48个句子二、TOPIC SENTENCE内参4页三、过渡句,承上启下l firstsecond. Third. l In the first placein the second placelast but not leastl The major problem with this argument is thatAnother problem that weakens/ undermines (削弱) the logic of this argument is thatBefore I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point

11、 out another flaw (several other flaws) that undermines the argument. 四、攻击的方法:例证法:for example / instance 假设法:if, even if , given that (考虑到),granted that (姑且承认), only when (只有当),unless , in this / that case , even so Unless the arguer provides substantial evidence regarding / concerning / as to, the

12、assumption thatis unfounded / problematic / unconvincing推测法:it is possible that, it is equally possible that, another possibility is that, it is also likely thatpossibly , perhaps 五、运用闪光句型增加文采:P 88 六、数据的问题:1. Begging the question把有待证实的关键性假设当作已经成立Circular reasoning循环论证P35 2 , P44 37, P53 73 2. Fallac

13、y of missing evidence Hasty generalization急于概括Neglect a relevant evidence忽略相关证据P51 66 , P48 56 3. False analogy只看到表层差异,而忽略深层差异P63 112 , P42 29 4. False dilemma / either or fallacy非此即彼的错误P59 96 , P43 34 5. Non sequitor = non causal relationship P50 62 , P52 70 闪光句型: In the absence of all this informa

14、tion, it is impossible for us to evaluatethatHowever, the arguer fails to provide any information regardingIt is very likely that 第四天 6.246. post hoc , ergo prepter hoc = after this , therefore because of thisP46 47 , P55 817. concurrence P36 5 , P50 618. incomplete comparison or selective comparison P54 789. composition and divisioncomposition:把个体特征不恰当的移植到整体上division:把群体特征简单的移植到个体上P48 55最后段的写作:两项任务:1.指出原论者未能有效的支持自己的结论2.指出原论者可以从正文分析的几个方面加强原论证。针对正文几个topic sentence作者应在这几个方面加强Module: p75-p79Issue (是非问题)Strategy: P67选题:构思:brain


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