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1、Lesson 16,A polite request,Pre-task,What will traffic police usually do if you park your car in wrong place? What did the writer find on his car during a holiday in Sweden? What does the writer think of the polices request?,A polite request,If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policema

2、n will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a “No Parking” area. You will enjoy your s

3、tay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder. If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!,Park,名词 n. C 1. 公园;游乐场 This city has many beautiful parks. 这城市有许多美丽的公园。 2. 停车场 Theres a car park over there. 及物动词 vt. 1. 停放(车辆等) Dont park the car on this

4、street. 别把汽车停放在这条街上。,no parking area,Traffic,名词 n. U 1. 交通 There is too much traffic on the road. 这条路上行人车辆太多了。 Police control the traffic in large cities. 在大城市里,警察控制交通。 2. 交通行列;交通量 Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour. 高峰时间交通十分繁忙。 3. 贸易,买卖;非法交易(+in) Illegal traffic in protected animals is quit

5、e common there. 非法买卖受保护的动物在那里是司空见惯的事。 4. 运输;运载量;运输业 Passenger traffic has gone up by 20 per cent. 客流量已增长百分之二十。,policeman,traffic police,traffic jam traffic light traffic accident,Ticket,名词 n. 1. 票,券;车票;入场券 Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。 2. (货物上的)标签 The ticket tells you the price of this dress. 标签告诉

6、你这件衣服的价钱。 3. 证明书,许可证;(商船船长或飞行员的)执照,get a ticket,罚单; 票(singleretune) speeding ticket Ex: Harris got a ticket for speeding.,Note c笔记,摘要 常用复数 Make /take notes 便条短信 a note of thanks leave sb a note 纸币(英国)bill (Am) Do you want the money in notes or in coins ? Paper money /paper currency,Note,Money,whole

7、全音符 half 二分音符 quarter 四分音符 eighth 八分音符,关于coin 的短语,toss a coin 掷钱币 heads or tails 正面还是反面 coin the money (口)赚大钱,发横财 pay a person (back) in his own coin 以其人之道还治其人之身 an eye for eye and a tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙,area n. 地段 area : 场地, 地段(一块对方), 大地点, 小地点都可以 A desert area 沙漠地区 A residential area 居住区 Area

8、code =zip code =post code 邮政编码,district : 地区(国家对城市划分) Xuan wu district ,Beijing ,China An election district 选区 Washington .D.C region : 地区(特定划分的)、地带 In this region, there were a lot of wars.战火连 tropical region 热带 Weve had tropical weather for the past few days.,a forest region 森林地带 an industrial reg

9、ion 工业地区 the Great Lakes region 大湖区,sign n. 指示牌 traffic signs 手势 sign language V. sign your name Signature 签名 署名 信号,traffic signs 交通指示牌 street signs 街道指示牌 a shop-sign 商店招牌 a pub-sign 酒馆招牌,disposable(用完即可丢弃的) goods,please take good care of your belongings.,Sign,征兆;前兆 World trade is showing signs of r

10、evival. 世界贸易正显示出重新活跃的征兆。 Sign a receipt 签一个收据 sign up 签约雇用,签约参加 They manage to sign up all the best performers. 他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同。 Sign in 登陆,fail v. 失败 fail in doing sth : 在某些方面失败(过去) He failed./He failed (in) examination. “in” 可省略 fail to do : 没有能够在某事(将来) He failed to swim across the river.,Fail to

11、do sth.,fail to do (= do not do, cannot do) 表示“不,不能,没有” 1)他始终每星期给母亲写信。 2) 他没有还清债。,He never fails to write (= always writes) to his mother every week.,He failed to pay his debts.,I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑 The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to s

12、hare his opinion. 主席未能说服委员会同意他的观点。,allow & let,allow sb. to do sth. (较为正式) sb. is allowed to do sth. let sb. do sth. (通常不用于被动语态) 1. 我们不允许大家在教室里吸烟。,2. 我会让你用我的字典的。,We dont allow people to smoke in the classroom.,I will let you use my dictionary.,Compare: Please allow me to buy you a drink. 请让我给你买一杯酒。(

13、听起来显得客气,庄重) Let me buy you a drink. 让我来给你买一杯酒。(听起来更亲切,随便),remind:表示使想起,或“记起,提醒” remind sb. to do. Remind sb. of sth.,我提醒他寄信。 这张照片使我想起了他的父亲。,I reminded him to post the letter.,This photo reminds me of his father.,我没有忘记寄你的信。 2. 替我向你的母亲问好。,I remembered to post your letter.,Remember me to your mother.,C

14、ompare:,Obey obey rules / orders /law disobey 不服从 Soldier are trained to obey without question . Break /violate /go against,The United States Military Academy at West Point,军人必须服从命令。 A soldier must obey orders,课文讲解,If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. polic

15、e 集合名词,警察群体,谓语动词用复数 a policeman 一名警察 a traffic policeman 一名交通警察 people Cattle 牛 牲口 都是集合名词,通常以复数形式出现 cop (俚)警察 bobby (Br.口)警察,You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.,luckyunlucky luck n.幸运 let 使役性动词 let sb do make sb do have sb do let alone 更不用说 eg. He cant (even) ride a bicycle, l

16、et alone a motorbike. 他甚至不会骑自行车,更不用说骑摩托。 eg. Let me be! 别理我! eg. Let me see. / Lets see 让我想一想。,Without,without prep. 没有 without sth without doing sth without a ticket 没有开罚单 eg. You cant leave the country without a passport. 你没有护照,不能离开这个国家。 three nights without sleep 三个晚上没有睡觉 eg. There is no smoke without fire. 没有火就没有烟/ 无风不起浪。 eg. I cant live without you. 没有你我就活不下去。 eg. I feel very lonely without my dog. 没有我的狗我就感到很孤独。 eg. You cant go without payi


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