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1、吉木萨尔县第三中学20172018学年第一学期(九)年级( 英语)备课指 导 教 学 书备课教师:徐玉慧 参与教师:吴媛 赵婧 刘炳燕 秦美玉 备课组长审批:徐玉慧 审批时间:2017,8,26 授课时间:2017年8 月 29 日课题:Unit 1 How can we become good learners?The First Period星期( 二)累记课时:1教 学 目 标1. Knowledge aims:(1)85% of Ss master key words and expressions: textbook, aloud, sentence, conversation, p

2、ronunciation,(2)85% of Ss can use target language: How can you learn English well? I learn English well by working with friends, by making word cards, (3) 100% of Ss can write five ways about learning English well.2. Ability goals: a. Go on improving students speaking and listening b. learn to write

3、 the ways of learning English.3. Emotion & attitude goals: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses in your studies, Learn from other peoples successful learning methods.教学重难点1. Teaching important points: Learn to use the structure “by + doing”.2. Teaching difficult points: Be able to contact reality

4、 ,use the structure “by + doing” and talk about your learning methods, and be able to give proper advice to others.教学方法Scene teaching methods and practicing methods.Listening and oral practicing methods. Teaching instructions for students教学用具教 学 过 程个性修改一、感情调节We have learnt English for about 6 years

5、.Do you want to be a good English learner?How can you become a good English learner?(小组交流检查预习) 根据学生回答情况补充:By keeping a diary in EnglishBy doing grammar exercisesBy using an English dictionaryBy reading magazines By taking notes in EnglishBy keeping a diary in EnglishBy listening to English songs.二、互

6、阅作业Ask the students check the homework each other. 三、自学自学提示 自学内容:P1 1a 7 自学方法:1.Translate the following phrases. Then add other ways you sometimes study. 1.通过与朋友一起学习 2.通过制作单词卡片 3.通过读课本 4.通过听磁带 5.通过向老师寻求帮助 2.Listen . How do Meiping, Peter and Tony study for a test? 考点:ask, make, by的用法见学生指导书四、 讲解释疑补充a

7、sk的用法:1. ask about sth (sb) 2.ask after sb 3.ask for sth 4.ask sb sth 5.ask to do sth 6.ask sb not to do sth补充make的用法1. make sth.2. make sb sth = make sth for sb3. make sb/ sth + adj4. make it + adj to do sth1.by + v-ing 形式,by意为通过或凭,后面接动名词,该结构表示通过某事得到某种结果。 如:I study by reading English every day.提示:b

8、e + v-ing 结构常用下列句子来回答:How do you do? How can I do ?Eg: How do you learn English ? I learn English by listening to the tape every day.相关链接:by是个常用介词,以前所学的用法有:表示位置,意为“在旁边,靠近”,如: There are some trees by the river.表示运输或渠道的方式,意为“乘坐”,He goes to school by bus.表示时间,意为“在以前,不迟于”,如:Ill come back by 4:00.2. How

9、的用法How 构成短语How long, how often, how many/ much, how far,how soon ,how tall, how many times,1).问身体健康等情况。How are your parents? 你父母身体好吗?2).问天气状况。How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?3).询问方式。How does your mother go to work every day? 4).询问程度。How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?五、课堂检测 (一)提问1.We study by ma

10、king word cards. _ _ you study ?(二)、根据汉语完成句子1.He makes lots of money_ ( 靠饲养小鸡) 2.She makes a living _ (靠卖报) 3.We often go to school_. (乘自行车)4.We have to stay at home_ (在10点之前) (三)、Match the questions and answers in 4a六、 练习反馈 Its important for me to learn English well. I use many ways to learn it.I s

11、tudy English by_七、 自主建网:本节课的收获。八、 最小作业量: 1.课本P4 4b(写出学好不同科目的方法) 2.课本P8 Self Check 3.指 导 教 学 书 授课时间:2017年 8 月 30日课题:Unit 1 How can we become good learners?The Second Period星期( 三 )累记课时:2教 学 目 标1. Knowledge aims:(1)85% of Ss master key words and expressions: expression, chemistry, secret, grammar, repe

12、at, note, word by word, wore grops,(2)100 of Ss can read 2d and master the main phrases. look up, take notes, word by word, be afraid to do sth(3) 70% of Ss can recite 2d after class.2. Ability goals: a. Go on improving students speaking and listening b. learn to write the ways of learning English.3

13、. Emotion & attitude goals: Be able to express yourself in English and the difficulties encountered.教学重难点1. Teaching important points: Learn to use the structure “by + doing”.2. Teaching difficult points: Be able to contact reality ,use the structure “by + doing” and talk about your learning methods

14、, and be able to give proper advice to others.教学方法Scene teaching methods and practicing methods.Listening and oral practicing methods. Teaching instructions for students教学用具教 学 过 程个性修改一、感情调节Give advice to these people. P8 Self Check 3How do you learn other subjects well? math / physics/ Chinese 让学生总结by + ving 表示通过某种方式二、互阅作业Ask the students check the homework each other. 三、自学自学提示(一) 自学内容:Section A P2 2a - 2d自学方法:1.Check preview


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