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1、20. Governing law and arbitration : This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.管理仲裁法:这合同应当以英文书写。(修改)适用法律以及仲裁:本合同的履行以及解释适用英国法。The parties shall, in case of disputes or differences arising from this Contract, promptly meet and try to reach an amicable and fairly ba

2、lanced solution.双方一旦发生争议或与合同意见不符时,需友好协商解决。(修改)因合同产生纠纷,双方应及时磋商,尽力达成友好公平的解决方案。If an amicable solution cannot be reached, the relevant dispute shall, save for what set forth in paragraph 15 with regard to technical disputes, be finally resolved by the Court of Arbitration of the City of Stockholm accor

3、ding to applicable Rules of Arbitration Procedure. Arbitration proceedings shall take place in Stockholm in the English language and the arbitration panel shall be composed of three members. 如果经友好协商,仍不能解决,应在15天之内到相关仲裁委员会进行仲裁解决,仲裁机构为斯德尔乃摩。(修改)如果不能协商解决,除15条(应改为18条)规定的技术纠纷以外,其他纠纷由斯德哥尔摩仲裁院依仲裁程序规则作出最终裁决。

4、仲裁应在斯德哥尔摩进行并适用英语,仲裁庭由三名仲裁员组成。The party wishing the dispute to be referred to arbitration, shall give notice thereof the other party by registered letter return receipt requested, by further specifying the name and domicile of the selected arbitrator, who can be a citizen of any country. The notified

5、 party shall then, within the following 20 days, appoint its arbitrator and give notice thereof to the plaintiff. The third arbitrator, who shall be the Chairman of the panel, shall be appointed by the two arbitrators designated by the parties or, in case of disagreement, by the Court of Arbitration

6、 of the City of Stockholm. Likewise, the Court of Arbitration of the City of Stockholm will appoint the defendants arbitrator, should the latter not be designated by the defendant within the term assigned hereinabove. 一方希望通过仲裁解决的,应以书面告知对方,报告中需有仲裁机构的名称的具体名称和地址,通知方需在20天之内,通知原告,第三仲裁员,应该由两位制裁员任命,由双方指定的小

7、组的主席。(修改)一方希望通过仲裁解决的,应以挂号信书面通知对方,通知中应该详细说明其选定的仲裁员的名字和地址,该仲裁员可以为任何国家的公民。被通知方需接到通知在20日内选定其仲裁员,并通知起诉人。第三名仲裁员为首席仲裁员,由双方选定的仲裁员任命,如果双方不能达成一致,由斯德哥尔摩仲裁院任命。同样,如果被告不能在指定期限选定其仲裁员,该仲裁员由斯德哥尔摩仲裁院任命。The arbitration award shall be adopted by majority vote of the arbitrators within 90 days of appointment of the Chai

8、rman.在90天之内,仲裁机构将通过投票仲裁,以大多数票为依据。(修改)在90天内,首席仲裁员根据仲裁员多数票作出仲裁裁决。The costs of the arbitration proceedings, including reasonable attorneys fees, shall be borne by the unprevailing party.仲裁产生的费用包括合理的律师费用将由败诉方承担。The arbitration award will be final and binding upon the parties and shall not be subject to any revision or resumption of the case.(修改)仲裁裁决是最终裁定,对双方均有法律效力,该裁决不能被修改或对裁决所涉及内容重新进行裁判。村民建房委员会应建立村级农房建设质量安全监督制度和巡查制度,选聘有责任心和具有一定施工技术常识的村民作为义务巡查监督员,开展经常性的巡查和督查。



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