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1、CHAPTER 5,Language & Culture: The Essential Partnership,CHAPTER 5 - Language words also use to form images of the future. We use words to persuade, to exchange ideas, to express views, to seek information, and to express feelings. Language is a set of symbols that a cultural group has agreed to use

2、to create meaning. The symbols and their meaning are often arbitrary. When we study another language, we soon discover not only symbols and sounds, but there are rules such as phonology, grammar, syntax, and intonation. Language have a major impact on the way individual perceives and conceptualized

3、the world.,CHAPTER 5 - Language & Culture: The Essential Partnership Argot helps establish groups as real and viable social entities. Argot helps in developing a sense of self-defense by providing a code that helps the co-culture survive in a hostile environment. FYI = for your info. BRB = be right

4、back OMG = oh my god LOL,CHAPTER 5 - Language & Culture: The Essential Partnership Language is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of language. High and Low Context - Which countries use more dual meanings for a vocabulary? High and Low Power Distance - Which countries have more ter

5、minologies for hierarchies? Individualism & Collectivism - Which countries would encourage children to “dont depend on others“?,CHAPTER 5 - Language & Culture: The Essential Partnership Interpersonal Interactions (with folks from other cultures) Be mindful Other culture may not share your perspectiv

6、e Speech rate Vocabulary Avoid difficult and rarely used words. Monitor nonverbal feedback (nonverbal response) Checking (use different ways to express your message if he/she has difficulty to understand your message),CHAPTER 5 - Language & Culture: The Essential Partnership Interpersonal and Transl

7、ation (with folks from other cultures) Interpretation Consecutive translation & Simultaneous translation Translation Interpretation (difficult to translate),CHAPTER 6,Nonverbal Communication: The message of Action, Space, Time, and Silence,CHAPTER 6 - Nonverbal Communication Why its important: peopl

8、e use it to express attitudes, feelings, and emotions. Consciously and unconsciously, intentionally and unintentionally, people make important judgments and decisions concerning the internal states of others - states they often express without words. (body language, voice, etc.) Nonverbal communicat

9、ion is partially responsible for creating impressions. People will draw a mental picture of you based on your appearance. (dress, accent, etc.) Nonverbal communication can be use as a way of direct communication.,CHAPTER 6 - Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverba

10、l stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver. The expressiveness of the individual (impression) appears to involve two radically different kinds of sign activity: The

11、expression that he gives (traditional and narrow) & the impression that he gives off (wide range of actions). Nonverbal Nonverbal communication is multidimensional activity that can be influenced by a host of factors.,CHAPTER 6 - Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication can be ambiguous becau

12、se it can be contextual. Nonverbal communication is multidimensional activity that can be influenced by a host of factors. These factors include cultural background, socioeconomic background, education, gender, age, personal preferences and idiosyncrasies. The contextual nature of nonverbal communic

13、ation - different situations or environments produce different nonverbal messages.,CHAPTER 6 - Nonverbal Communication Two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body (appearance, movement, facial expressions, eye contact, touch, and paralanguage). those that the individu

14、al combines with the setting (space, time, and silence). Appearance is important because it involve ones body image and the satisfaction with it result from comparisons with an implicit cultural ideal and standard. Kinesics cues are those visible body shifts and movements that can sent messages abou

15、t your attitude toward the other person, your emotional state, and your desire to control your environment. While there is a biological component to facial expressions, culture plays a major role in what produces the facial expression, how the expression is displayed, and the meaning attached to the

16、 facial expression.,CHAPTER 6 - Nonverbal Communication Two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body (appearance, movement, facial expressions, eye contact, touch, and paralanguage). those that the individual combines with the setting (space, time, and silence). Appearance is important because it involve ones body image and the satisfaction with it result from comparisons with an implicit cultural ideal and standard. Kinesics cues are those visible



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