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1、同学关系作文素材【篇一:2013年全国卷高考材料作文:同学关系】 2013年全国卷高考材料作文:同学关系 2013年高考微博语文科考试已经结束,以下为2013年全国卷(适用省:贵州 甘肃 青海 西藏 云南 河北 黑龙江 海南 吉林)高考作文题: 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 高中学习阶段,你一定在班集体里度过了美好的时光,收获了深厚的情谊,同窗共读,互相帮助,彼此激励,即便是一次不愉快的争执,都给你留下难忘的记忆,伴你走向成熟。某机构就“同学关系”问题在几所学校作了一次调查。结果显示,60%的人表示满意,36%的人认为一般,4%的人觉得不满意。 如果同学关系紧张,原因是

2、什么?有人认为是我自我意识过强,有人认为是志趣,性格不合,也有人认为缘于竞争激烈,等等。 对于增进同学间的友好关系,营造和谐氛围,72%的人表示非常有信心,他们认为互相尊重,理解和包容,遇事多为他人着想,关系就会更加融洽。 要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题,不要脱离材料内容及含意,不得抄袭。 2013年高考作文大纲卷难度调查 1. 序号【篇二:高中英语写作素材:班干部和同学关系】 高中英语写作素材:班干部和同学关系 班干部在班级管理中起到了积极的的作用,但有时候也会和同学产生矛盾。请根据下图信息,给校英语报写一片短文,阐述你的看法并针对问题提出意见。 范文: there is no

3、doubt that class cadres play a very important role in class management. they are the backbone and leader among students and the primary assistant for the instructor. however, they sometimes come into conflict with their classmate. just as the picture shows, the boy insists that his classmate should

4、do whatever he orders him to just due to the fact that he is a class cadre. obviously, he is trying to make others listen to him by abusing his authority, which is not an appropriate way of getting things done. in my opinion, a class cadre should set a good example to others before making them obey

5、rules. in addition, good communication skills are necessary to persuade classmates to behave better. 易错表达: 1. abuse the authority 滥用职权 2. conflict n. /k?nfl?kt / v. /k?nfl?kt/ conflict with sb. / come into conflict with (动作) be in conflict with (状态) 3. cope with / handle / deal with the conflict 4.

6、live in harmony witha harmonious atmosphere 5. only +状语放句首才可以倒装:(误)only class cadres take responsibility, will students respect rules. 6. in this way 同学习作: 1 currently, there is a common phenomenon in every class that class cadres prefer to send orders to other students, whether the orders are reaso

7、nable. i dont think this is correct. for many children, being class cadres means owning more power, which makes them take it for granted that other students should be controlled by them(take的宾语是句子时,用it做形式宾语,从句放后面). its very ridiculous. in my opinion, being class cadres means responsibility more than

8、 power. class cadres should make every effort to serve students by helping them study well and live a happy life, but not force others to do what they dont want to. most importantly, class cadres should communicate with others peacefully, but not order them when coming across disagreement. as far as

9、 im concerned, only if class cadres take responsibility(only+状语放句首才能倒装), will students respect(遵守) rules and build a harmonious atmosphere in which to study and live well. also, good communication between class cadres and students is of great importance. 2 what class cadres do is what other students

10、 care about. however, there exists a phenomenon in our school that some class cadres abuse their power among students. as bridges linking teachers and students, class cadres play a key role in class management without doubt. a qualified class cadre can cope with / handle / deal with the conflict hap

11、pening in the class properly and set a good example to other students. nevertheless, the conflict between class cadres and students shouldnt be ignored. withthe rest, thus taking it for granted that everyone should do whatever they ask them to. in my view, it is the power worship(权利崇拜) that leads to

12、 this phenomenon. to solve this problem, every class cadre should regard the power as a chance to devote themselves and communicate with students in a polite manner. after all, class cadres should cherish the chance, which not everyone has. 3 keeping the class quiet, handing out and collecting homew

13、ork, organizing after-class activities -, class cadres help teachers a lot(三个并列的doing做状语表方式). however, between class cadres and ordinary students, there can be some argument sometimes. (can 有时会) (动名词的复合结构做主语,必须用所有格), i think. secondly, it is because class cadres think that they have the special righ

14、t that they always force others to work in the way they like. last but not least, some students always go against the class cadres advice on purpose. all of the above can contribute to the argument between class cadres and ordinary students. personally, i hold the opinion that class cadres should re

15、spect others and regard themselves as ordinary students, while other student should respect class cadres and understand them. only if 4 as we can see from the picture, in the classroom, a student says rudely, “im the class cadre and you have to follow me!”, while the other student seems to be fright

16、ened and doesnt say a word. this picture mirrors a phenomenon in school that class cadres bully other students. from my point of view, class cadres who bully other students are to blame. they dont take their position seriously and think that ordering others is a privilege for class cadres, which goes against the aim of education and has a bad effect on other students. when it comes to the s



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