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1、2004patr II vocabulary(10%)31.All the characters in the play are_A.imaginable adj.可想象的, 可能的B.imaginary adj.假想的, 想象的, 虚构的C.imaginative adj. 富于想象力的D.imagining32.The judge _ all the charges against SmithA.dismissed dismiss a charge驳回指控B.eliminated除去, 排除, 削减(人员)不予考虑eliminate the false and retain the tru

2、e去伪存真C.refusedvt.拒绝, 谢绝n.废物, 垃圾D.discardedinto the discard成为无用之物; 被遗忘throw sth. into the discard放弃某事33.The actress _ the terms of her contract and was prosecuted起诉 by the producer制片人.A.ignored(因证据不足而)驳回诉讼B.ratified ratify an amendment to a constitution批准宪法修正案C.drafted vt.起草D.violated违犯,;扰乱;violate a

3、 law犯法violate sleep妨碍睡眠violate sb.s privacy侵扰某人的安静; 闯入私室34.At this time of the year,university admission offices are_with inquires from anxious applicants.A.annoyedB.thrilledv.发抖C.trampledn.踩踏, 蹂躏v.践踏, 踩坏, 轻视 D.reproached v.责备35.When the former President_her candidacy候选资格,she had a good chance of be

4、ing elected.A.enforced强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强B.endorsed v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署C.follow up v.穷追, 把.探究到底, 用继续行动来加强效果D.put forward v.放出, 拿出, 提出, 推举出36.The countrys highest medal was _upon him for heroism.A.earnedB.bestowed给与, 授, 赠, 赐(on, upon)I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me.我不配得到这些赞扬。C.cr

5、editedcredit .to.把.归功于credit sb. with认为某人某事具有.credit sth. with把.归因于某人某事D.granted37.The local government leaders are making every effort to _the problem of poverty.A.tackleB.taperv.逐渐变细, 逐渐减少The organization tapered off in about half a year.那个组织大约半年内就逐渐消失了C.suppressD.tangle38.At the party we found th

6、at the shy girl _her mother all the timeA.harmonizing with v.协调B.clinging to依附, 依靠, 坚持C.depending onD.adjusting to适应, 调节.39.We managed to reach the top of the mountain,and half an hour later we began to_A.declineB.ascend ascend to升至; 追溯(到.时间) C.descend descend from从.下来是.的后裔, 源于descend upon/on突然拜访某人D

7、.plunge40.Losing the job was bad,but even worse was the feeling that I had_my dear wife and childA.let alone停止, 中止, 放松B.let down放下, 使失望, 辜负, 松劲, 减速下降C.let off放出, 饶恕, 准许.暂停工作D.let up停止, 中止, 放松section B41.The temperature of the atmosphere becomes colder as elevation increase. elevation n.上升,海拔, 提高, A.

8、altitude n.(尤指海拔)高度,B.aptitude n.恰当, 智能, 聪明, 自然倾向C.latitude n.纬度, 范围, (用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由(范围)D.longitude n.经度, 经线42.She was wo stubborn that she wouldnt change her opinions.A.unwilling B.talented C.obstinate D.determined43.On Christmas Eve ,she spent two hours decorating the room with flower chains. A

9、.modifying B.ornamenting装饰, 修饰;C.disposing vt.布置; furniture in its proper order将家具布置在适当的地方.使易患(某病);Getting your feet wet s you to catching cold.把脚弄湿使你容易伤风.D.packing包装, 捆扎, 塞满Adorn vt.装饰;修饰; embellishment装饰,润色,修饰decorate装饰bedeck vt. with装饰;be ed with flowers (jewels, flags)用花(珠宝,旗子)装饰.44.Nobody can s

10、tand for long agony of a sever toothache. 极大的痛苦A.sufferance 宽容;默许;容忍;忍受;It is beyond .这无法忍受. B.suppuration化脓C.plague n.瘟疫, 麻烦, 灾祸; v.折磨, 使苦恼D.torment痛苦;苦痛;suffering痛苦,灾害,损害,痛苦的torture剧痛45.When we recall a story of identical offspring of Adolf Hitler being raised in order to further his horrible work

11、,we are outaged.A.enlighted授与知识, 启发, 启蒙B.calmedC.provoked激怒, 惹起, 驱使stir up/arouseD.moved感动;鼓动46.Only native-born citizens are eligible for the US.presidency. legible a.清晰的, 易读的legal法律的, 合法的eligible常与 for 连用有被选资格的;be for promotion(membership)in a society在协会里有资格提升(当会员).A.obliged B.intelligibleC.compet

12、ent指人有能力的;能胜任的;be in ones work能胜任工作.be to do sth有能力做某事.D.qualified47.Tomorrows match has been called off because of the foul weather坏天气A.preventedB.delayedC.cancelledD.forbidden48.Losing his job was a financial catastrophe for his familyA.calamityB.accident事故,意外伤害,偶然事件C.frustration挫折,失意D.depression

13、,抑郁(症),阻抑,压低,抑郁,49.Children were expected to be obedient and contribute to the well-being of the family.A.B.C.D.A.smartB.efficient效率高的; methods of teaching有效的教学方法. Proficient a.熟练的,精通的,有水平的;be in driving (a car)开车熟练.C.painstaking辛苦的, 勤勉的, 小心的be with ones work辛勤地工作,苦干.D.submissive服从的, 顺从的, 柔顺的50.Whil

14、e many applaud the increasing individualism and freedom of children within the family,others lament the loss of family responsibility and discipline lament v.哀悼, 悔恨, 悲叹A.mournB.delightC.prosecute v.进行, 实行, 起诉accuse charge with sueD.condemn判刑, 责备, 处刑, 谴责denounce rebuke convict sb of sth证明有罪(错误); sb o

15、f his errors证明某人有错误. sb of theft宣告某人有盗窃罪.be ed of sin确信有罪.part IVpassage one Although speech and writing are the special means of communicating of humans,the interchange also takes place in many other ways.A person may relay his or her feelings,thoughts and reactions through body positioning,body contact,body odors,eye contatct,responsive actions,habits attitudes,interests,state of health ,dress and grooming修饰,choice if life-style,and use of talentsin fact,thro


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