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1、Unit1 教学计划和目标1:学会简单的打招呼和介绍自己2:掌握26个字母的基础发音,准确发出并且学会正确书写3:学会表达颜色的英文单词,并且运用这些单词来说明事物4:掌握简单的表示方位的词语(in /on /under)5;学会询问和表达离你很近的事物6:学会讲故事重点词汇一:26个字母的正确书写(在四线格本上写)二:人称的表达:(who谁)我是I, 你是you, he / she /it 他/她/它。We我们, they他们我找am, 你找are, is连接她他它。are还喜欢we和theyI amYou areHe isShe isIt isWe areThey are三:颜色的单词:p

2、ink粉色的white 白色的grey灰色的blue 蓝色的green绿色的yellow 黄色的orange橘黄色的black 黑色的red红色的purple 紫色的brown棕色的四:物品的名称:desk桌子book书pen钢笔chair椅子pencil铅笔bag 书包eraser橡皮door门五:疑问词:1:who谁2:what什么 / what color什么颜色 六:表示位置的单词:in在里面,on表面,under under在下面七:缩写:(一般两个单词缩写在一起,只缩写第二个单词,把第二个单词的第一个字母去掉变成剩下的照写)1:she is=Shes He is=Hes 2: I

3、am=Im3: What is=Whats Who is= Whos重点句型1: Look at看一看2: -How are you? -Im fine, thank you. / Im good.3: -Who is she/he? -She/ He is+名字.4: -Who are you? -I am +名字.5: -Whats this? -Its.例如:-Whats this? -Its a pencil.6: -What color is it? -Its +颜色.例如:-What color is it? -Its purple.7: is in / 在里面 is on / 在

4、上 is under/ 在下面例如:The pencil is in the bag. The pencil is under the desk. The pencil is on the desk.听力部分课后作业1:重点单词分别书写一遍,并且读两遍2:重点句型牢记并且学会介绍自己和说明颜色,句型写两遍3:牢记in/on/under,你能用你的身边的事物写三个句子分别用上in/on/under吗?4:牢记缩写并且熟读在口语中运用缩读来回答问题请把下面的缩写写出来:(并读出录音)1) that is_2) She is_3) Who is_4) What is_5) I am_5:牢记字母a的

5、发音和其他字母的单独发音,你能读下面的单词吗?1)cat 2) fat 3) mat 4)get 5)bat 6) cap 7) tap 8)rat学生课堂表现及其教师评价 家长签字:Unit2教学计划和目标1:谈论教室的物品和人,掌握一些简单物品的名称2;掌握1-20个数字3:分清单数和复数名词,掌握简单的复数名词变化4:会表达这个和这些并且进行询问重点词汇一:教室物品:1:a board -boards2: a bookcase-bookcases3: a cupboard-supboards4: a desk -desks5;a ruler -rulers6;a teacher -tea

6、chers单数名词前表示一个用a/an, 变为复数后把s加, 读音有三个/s/ /z/ /iz/二; 数字表达1) one / two /three /four /five/six/ seven /eight /nine /ten2) eleven 113) twelve 124) thirteen 135) fourteen 146) fifteen 157) sixteen 168) seventeen 179) eighteen 1810) nineteen 1911) twenty 2011 /12特殊记,1319 后加teen, 13 three要变成thir, 18只留一个t.三:

7、这个和这些:1) 这个this 与is 连用2) 这些these 与are 连用四:方位:1:in里面 on 表面 next to在旁边 under在下面 五:“有”There is / are.重点句型1: -Is this a /an +单数名词? -Yes, it is. / No, It isnt.2: -Whats this? -Its a.3: -What are these? -They are (Theyre)+复数名词例如:-What are these? -They are chairs.4:There is a /an +单数名词 in / on / under / ne

8、xt to +the+地点. 在地方有例如:There is an apple in the bag.5: There are +数字+复数名词in /on /under / next to+the +地点. 在地方有几个.例如:There are five chairs in the classroom.听力部分课后作业1: 重点单词分别书写一遍,并且读两遍。2:掌握本课的重点句型,会用这些句型询问你身边的事物,你能用ther is或there are写两个简单的句子吗?造句写在作业本上。3:掌握this 与these的区别,完成下面的题目:(你知道哪里错了吗,你能改出来吗)1) This

9、are a boy._2) These is boys._3) This is chairs._4) These are a pen._4:读故事3遍学生课堂表现及其教师评价 家长签字:Unit2教学计划和目标1:复习上节课的教师名称及其单复数2:复习数字掌握数字的正确读音和书写3:学习某地有某物的表达(there is /there are)4: 掌握常见地点方位词(in/on/under/next to)5: 掌握表达复数的短语6:掌握字母i的发音重点词汇一:表示方位的词:1:on在.上面2:in在.里面3:next to在.旁边4:under在.下面二:表示数量的词:1:a lot of

10、许多(可数复数和不可数名词都可以用) a lot of water / books2: many许多3:how many多少三:形容词:1:long长的(反义词)short2:big大的(反义词)small四;名词;1: wall墙2:television电视3:computer电脑五:疑问词:1:where 哪里2:what什么重点句型一:there be(is /are)1:单数:There is a /an +单数名词 in / on / next to the+地点. 在地方有例如:There is an apple in the bag.There isnt a/ an +单数名词

11、in / on /next to the+地点 在.地方没有.例如:There isnt an apple in the bag.-Is there a/an +单数名词 in /on / next to the+地点? -Yes, there is . No, there isnt.例如;-Is there an apple in the bag? -Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.2: 复数:There are +数字+复数名词in /on /under / next to the +地点. 在地方有几个.例如:There are five chairs i

12、n the classroom.There arent +数字+复数名词in /on / next to the +地点. 在地方没有几个.例如:There arent five chairs on the classroom.-Are there +数字+复数名词in /on/ next to the +地点? -Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 例如;-Are there five chairs on the classroom? -Yes, there are. / No, there arent.口诀:表示有:there is,there are,单数is,复数are 表示没有:not加在is /are 后, 若你想问有没有,请把is/are放前 回答肯定用yes,there is /there are 回答否定用no, there isnt / there arent二;- How many.are there?有多少. - There are./ There is.例如:How many chairs are there? There are five chairs.三:There are a lot of desks.四:Theres



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