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1、初二英语基本能力调研检测亲爱的同学: 你好!答题前,请仔细阅读下面的说明: 1. 本试卷分三部分。第卷1至4页,第卷5至6页,第III卷为第7页(最后10分钟完成),共100分。考试时间60分钟; 2.请将I卷选择题答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡对应的标号上,将I卷听力测试(三)的答案填写在II卷指定位置上,II卷答案用蓝色或黑色笔填写在试卷上。III卷用蓝色或黑色钢笔在规定的时间内抄写在试卷上。考试结束,只上交II和III卷。 希望你能愉快地度过这60分钟,祝你成功! 第I卷(50分)一、听力测试 (20分)(一)听一组单词,辨别单词中共同包含的音素。录音听两遍。 1. A. /eJ/B. /aJ

2、/C. /C:/ 2. A. /I/B. /eI/ C. /i:/ 3. A. /T/B. /s/ C. /z/ 4. A. /l/B. /g/ C. /k/ 5. A. /e/B. /aI/ C. /A/ (二) 听一个单词的发音,辨别单词的拼写形式。录音听两遍。6. A. althoughB. agoC. at homeD. as for7. A. windy B. windC. WednesdayD. weather 8. A. backB. blackC. breadD. head 9. A. thanB. thinC. thingD. then 10. A. likeB. legC.

3、 lateD. look(三)听句子,填写所缺的单词或短语。录音听两遍。11. We have a music club, a sports club and _club.12. _do you want to go?13. Its _ in Weihai.14. Nancy visited her _ last Sunday.15. On Saturday many kids _their rooms.16. It was sunny and hot _day.17. She usually exercises _a week.18. It takes me about 25 minutes

4、 _ and 10 minutes by bus.19. I hope you _my school in New York.20. His healthy lifestyle helps him get _.温馨提示:听力结束,请将答案按题号对应涂写答题卡,11-20抄写到第5页指定位置。二、词汇、语法和句法测试 (30分)A单项选择。请根据句意选择最佳选项。21. Im thirsty. Can you get me something to drink?Sure. Heres some _, please.A. bread B. meat C. waterD. food22. Whats

5、 your job, Henry? Im a _. I work late. Im very busy when people go out to dinner. A. waiterB. reporterC. teacherD. doctor23. Mr. Wang is very friendly, and we like _ very much. A. hisB. himC. herD. it24. She is new here, so we know _about her. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing25. Do you

6、 have _QQ number? Sorry, I dont have one. A. aB. anC. theD. /26. There are _months in a year. October is the _ month. A. twelve; tenB. twelfth; tenthC. twelve; tenthD. twelfth; ten27. How can I go to the supermarket, Paul? _ bike. Its not far from here. A. OnB. ByC. InD. With28. It was late. Rose wa

7、shed her face _went to bed. A. orB. andC. but D. so29. Oh! Whats the matter? Im really _. I want to have a rest. A. busyB. happyC. tiredD. excited.30. This kind of T-shirt looks _and sells _.A. nice; wellB. nice; goodC. well; wellD. good; nice31. Can I help you? My clock doesnt _. A. work B. useC. m

8、akeD. walk32. The reading room _very quiet. I enjoy reading books there. A. amB. isC. areD. be33. Whats your father doing now? He _ the room. A. cleanedB. cleansC. be cleaningD. is cleaning34. _is it from here to the railway station? About ten kilometers. A. How farB. How oftenC. How D. What far35.

9、There is a picture _my family on the wall. A. onB. upC. ofD. to36. Which picture means (意思是) “He is playing volleyball.”? A B.C.D.37. _ do you have an art festival in your school? Once a year. A. How oftenB. How manyC. How muchD. How38. How are you feeling today? Much _. I can go to school next week

10、.A. goodB. betterC. niceD. bad39. Lets go _. Great! Its relaxing in the water. A. shoppingB. to the mountainsC. swimmingD. to the museums40. What does your father _? He is short and heavy. A. likeB. look likeC. doD. haveB. 不定项选择。请根据要求选择符合条件的选项。41. 朗读下列句子时,通常要采用升调的是_。 A. Im watching TV.B. Whats the m

11、atter? C. How do you get to school? D. Do you want to go to the movies?42. 朗读下列句子时,可以运用连读朗读的是_。 A. When do you want to go?B. I have a map but its in Chinese. C. He is medium build.D. Im playing basketball with my friends.43. 朗读下面的句子时,划线部分单词需要重读的是_。 It was a nice day and Old Henry was happy. A B C D4

12、4. 请判断下面句子中,划线部分单词的词性是副词的是_。The shops were too crowed, so I didnt really enjoy it.A B C D45. 请判断下列句子中,属于一般疑问句的是_。A. Do you have a sore throat?B. What does she do on weekends? C. Hows it going?D. That takes about ten minutes.46. 请判断下列句子中,属于祈使句的是_。A. Lets go at six oclock.B. Yes, I think so.C. Oh, great!D. Dont eat in class.47. 请判断下列句子中,属于简单句的是_。 A. She shouldnt eat anything. B. In the afternoon, I played soccer with my friends. C. Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends? D. I can go shopping and nobody knows me.48. 请判断下列句子中,句子结构为“主语+系动



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