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1、(A)For many men, the idea that they have a better sense of direction than women was never in d_1_, but now a scientific study has proved it.Researchers from Norway scanned the brains of volunteers after they c_2_ navigation tasks to discover men do better in finding their way because they use a sepa

2、rate part of their brain. Surprisingly, when women had testosterone(睾丸素) d_3_ onto their tongues, their navigational skills i_4_. Using 3D goggles(护目镜) and a joystick, 36 participants a_5_ - 18 men and 18 women - had to orient themselves in a large virtual maze while functional images of their brain

3、s were continuously r_6_. In the MRI scanner(核磁共振扫描仪), they were given 30 seconds for each of the 45 navigation tasks. One of the tasks, for example, was to find the yellow car from different starting points. The men solved 50 p_7_ more of the tasks than the women.According to lead researcher Dr Car

4、l Pintzka from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), women and men have d_8_ navigational strategies. Men use cardinal directions the use of north, south, east and west - during navigation to a greater degree. Mens sense of direction was more effective. They quite simply got to

5、their destination faster, he said. If theyre going to the Student Society building in Trondheim, for example, men usually go in the general direction where its l_9_, Dr Pintzka explained. Women usually orient themselves a_10_ a route to get there, for example, go past the hairdresser and then up the

6、 street and turn right after the store.The study shows that using cardinal directions is more efficient because it is a more flexible strategy. The destination can be r_11_ faster because the strategy d_12_ less on where you start.(B)Confusing accents and odd public transport habits have been listed

7、 a_1_ the biggest culture shocks for people moving to the UK.Users of online message board Reddit were asked What is biggest culture shock youve ever r_2_ either after moving or while vacationing to a new place? by user thechosenone16 - and responded with a number of h_3_ observations(评论) about life

8、 in Britain.There are no closets in the UK, posted user SurfeitOfPenguins in one entry.Livable space of houses is maybe a one-foot radius around each radiator. Either the sky is c_4_ overcast(天阴的), or the sky is blue with one single cloud and that cloud is raining.Accents are a big deal. A native Br

9、it can pinpoint a persons place of b_5_, annual salary, and parentage going back three generations within moments of hearing another British speak.Redditor Dondo666 also pointed out the difference between the British accents as depicted onscreen, and how they are in real life. English is my 3rd lang

10、uage but Id say Im fluent, he said. I have no problem u_6_ what Americans say 99% of the time. But British are a whole other thing entirely. Most of the time I could make out 1/5 words. After a while I stopped asking people to repeat t_7_ and just smiled and nodded. I understand British in British m

11、ovies. In real life? not so much.ListenDry, an Indian user from UAE, reported on Britains obsession(强迫症) with manners, having visited London in 2012.Sorry, please, thank you and welcome were the words to gain respect, he said.An international student, the Redditor also summed up other British idiosy

12、ncrasies(特色).Taxes were high, he wrote.Alcohol was cheap (even though I dont drink). Heating was central and was timed which was thick. No closets to hide in despair and the rooms were tiny. Accents are vast, from all over the globe.Racism does exist but is not visible. Its just that people will ign

13、ore instead of assaulting or replying in word or physically.For French Redditor pompompompompom, it was British toilets that made for a source of cultural confusion.Some older toilets have a sort of door handle flush which I can never get the hang of, if youre too slow it wont work, too fast wont wo

14、rk either, its an art, he said.Coming from further afield, a Tawainese Redditor made comments on British dining habits on public transport. The user wrote: I was shocked by how British are allowed to eat and drink on the London underground but still keep the carriages relatively clean. (Taipeis metr

15、o banned all eating and drinking.)(C)T_1_ is making life easier for some dairy farmers. They use robotic systems to milk their cows. Cows are trained to f_2_ a series of paths that lead to milking stations. Only one cow at a t_3_ can enter a station.Once i_4_, the cow is rewarded with food. As the cow eats, a robotic arm cleans and c_5_ the animal to the milking machine. A few minutes later, milking is c_6_. The gate is opened, the cow is released and the next cow enters.The robotic systems are designed to r_7_ 24 hours a day. The cows get to decide when


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