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1、建筑专业英语文章的翻译标准与流程(2011 初稿)标准:直译为主尽量保证每个单词在句子中的原意,适当意译以调整语言顺序为主。操作步骤:1、通过汉王软件(例如汉王 OCR6.0 版本,网上可免费下载) ,将扫描文件转换为电子版(word 版本) 。具体操作与注意事项:(1) 在软件中打开要转换的扫描图片,注意先剪切掉其中的图片和注释部分,只保留正文。可以分段转化(即一部分一部分的识别转化,这样便于识别) 。转化后可以先输出为.txt 文档,然后再剪贴进 word 文件进行改错和整理。或者转化后先对着原文修改其中的错误(扫描图片质量高的话,错误相对较少,主要是扫描中的边角处不清楚的地方转化后的拼写

2、有问题,以及个别字符不易识别) ,然后再输出成 txt 文件,整理成 word 文件。(2) 将输出的文件整理成一个完整的 word 文件,主要是正文,不用插入原文中的图片及注释,注意先整理成一个完整的英语原稿,再复制到模板中翻译。2、翻译:翻译成英汉对照的 word 文件套用提供的翻译模板,左边英文,右边汉语。(1) 将整理好的 word 文件拷贝入翻译模板的左侧,翻译的中文在右侧,注意段落的相互对应关系。(2) 若英文不太好,可以断成合适的短句先通过 google 在线翻译以及电子字典翻译,然后再整理。注意一定要保证单词在原文中的意思及顺序。(3) 将其中的重要单词或句子或不清楚的进行标示

3、处理(具体参考范文) 。(4) 注意按不同的字号整理其中的标题、段落小标题;中文的段落空格以英文为准。3、最终成果(word 电子版):一个完整的英语原文(没有错误) ,一个英汉对照的翻译版本。4、注意事项:认真仔细就好,有问题随时沟通。所选的文章都是国外相关的研究论文,相信翻译的过程中也是学习专业知识和能力的过程;注意多思考,争取理解其中所论述的内容。中间有不明白的专业知识点要展开查找或与我沟通,并整理好附在翻译版本的后面,方便大家的阅读。我会再整理大家发来的翻译稿,并反馈给大家,以及解答相关的问题,预祝我们一起学习进步!谢谢你的辛勤工作,祝你翻译顺利并体会到其中的学习乐趣和自己的学习进步!

4、注:(本材料仅供内部交流学习使用)袁涛草拟2010.2.9翻译范文(袁涛自译,仅供内部交流学习使用)In her biography of Xenakis, Nouritza Matossian elaborates on the coincidence of conception between La Tourette and Xcnakis first major orchestral work, Metastaseis. She quotes a reflective Xenakis thus: I found that problems in architecture were the

5、 same as in music. One thing I learned from architecture, which is different from the way musicians work, is to consider the overall shape of the composition, the way you see a building or a town. Instead of starting from a detail, like a theme, and building up the whole thing with rules, you have t

6、he whole in mind and think about the details and the elements and, of course, the proportions. That was a useful mode of thinking. I was young and I was not formed, so I thought that the best way to attack the problem was from both ends, detail and general. But not everything could be put into glass

7、 in the same way. In the spring of 1955, upon returning from Chandigarh, Le Corbusier called me into his office and showed me a sketch by Pierre Jeanneret I believe, of a glass partition made of regularly spaced vertical casings containing glass panes of variable heights but identical widths, piled

8、one on top of the other covering the entire height of the story. This idea was to put to good use glass waste. Le Corbusier asked me to work on this idea for the glass facades of the Assembly at Chandigarh. My preoccupation with combinatories had not left me, but straight off, I chose several distan

9、ces in golden sections drawn from the Modulor. My problem was: how to distribute these concrete upright casings - for which I with rabbets to hold the defined a standard section glass panes - on the facades. In other words, how to distribute points on a straight line. This problem may elicit an infi

10、nite number of answers. 在塞纳基斯的传记中,作者详细说明了拉土雷特和塞纳基斯第一个主要的作曲作品Metastaseis之间的概念“巧合”,她引用了塞纳基斯的回应:我发现在建筑中的问题与在音乐中的相同,我从建筑中学到的一件事,不同于音乐家的工作方式是考虑创作的整体形式,你看一个房或一个小镇的方式。不是从一个细节开始,像一个主题,通过规则建立整个构想之物;而是你在心里有一个整体构想而且考虑了细节和元素,当然还有比例。这是一个有效的思考方式。我还年轻也没定形,所以我想最好的触及问题的方式是从两头开始细节和整体。但是不是所有都能以一个相同的方式放进玻璃中。1955年春天,从昌迪

11、加尔回国后,柯布叫我到他的办公室给我看了一张我想是让纳雷的草图,由有规律的含不同高度玻璃板(宽度相同)的竖向组成的玻璃(窗)分隔,一个挨一个的堆着充满整个楼层。这个想法善于利用废玻璃。柯布让我深化这个想法作为昌迪加尔议会大厦的玻璃立面。我对组合的全神贯注没有启发我,但是马上,我选择一些距离从模度中的黄金分割中。我的问题是:如何分布这些混凝土竖框如何制定一个安装玻璃的槽的切分标准在立面上。这个问题可以导出无穷多的答案。翻译模板(使用时先将其单独拷贝进一个空白 word 文件,左右框的比例可以自行调节,以保证英汉段落的左右对应) ARCHITECTURAL PROMENADESA building

12、 that is still a construction site and yet already a ruin dominates the quarries at Firminy: mutilated,unfinished,alerted,it is the sites fulcrum. The elements do not besiege it,they consume it from within. the wall that to protect it from subsequent damage isolates completely-it creates in its inte

13、rior a world apart.Removed from nature by its creator,the church at Firminy seems to want to return to it,but henceforth bears the mark of a form given by man.From the darkness of the crypt a promenade architecturale begins,a journey initiation rises toward the grand hall.Here, dazzled by the blue o

14、f the sky,we sense the presence of the conedome.Nothing existsbut the temple, the sky and the space of the tormented stones.This late-and posthumous-work of Le Corbusier communicates sensations,emotions,suggestions that he had experienced in his youth at the climax of his promenade dans les architec

15、tures. On the Acropolis of Athens the Parthenon wavered returning definitively to nature and arising again at the hands of archeologist - the dream of a possible architecture. A phoenix that is reborn out of its own ashes,architecture arises from the ruins.After his experiences in Paris,Berlin,and V

16、ienna,confused by the multiplicity of architectural languages,the young Jeanneret realizes that in order go to forward it is in fact necessary to look back.To try to find clarity and to continue the journey as masters of the words of architecture, le retour a zero-to go back and question the ancients-was indispensable.The stones that time has liberated from every barbarity are still there,ready to speak tothose who know how to list



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