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1、The Masked Cleaning LadiesMeet the PiratesCharacter:Queen Norah(简称为QN)-叶婷雅Princess Jane(简称为PJ)-谢晴晴King Harry(简称为KH)-陈昱希Captain Smith(简称为CS)-罗森源Captain Jones(简称为CJ)-唐鑫海Pirate1(P1)-黄泽昊Pirate2(P2)-李欣Pirate3(P3)-张瑜萱旁白-陈雨涵Member:陈昱希 叶婷雅 陈雨涵 谢晴晴 张瑜萱 黄泽昊 罗森源 唐鑫海 李欣(排名不分先后)- START -1(QN PJ上场)旁白:Queen Norah

2、is showing Princess Jane the Royals Treasures. QN:Jane! (喊)You arent listening! (angry)PJ:I am. (无奈的, 打个哈欠)QN:Then, (停顿一下)what is this? (严肃的)旁白:She pointed at a model of a horse(玩具马拿上来)PJ:Its er. . . (尴尬的)QN:Youre as bad as king Harry. He doesnt care about the royal treasures either! (生气) This is th

3、e golden horse of tong. It belonged to your great, great, great grandfather H. . . (被打断)旁白:King Harry came in. (KH上场)KH:The postman has just been. This is for you. (递信)QN:(打开一封信, 拿出纸)(不开心)Bad news. My sisters crown is missing. KH:Stolen? (惊讶)QN:I expect shes just put it down somewhere. You know what

4、 shes like. (无奈)I shall have to go and help her find it. (准备离开, 突然回身)What day is it? KH:Monday? (疑惑)QN:Correct. The cleaning ladies will be coming. Our castle is dirty. I want you to stay here and make sure those cleaners do a good job. KH:Yes, dear. QN:Ill lock up the royals treasures. Goodbye! (离开

5、, 挥手退场)KH:(挥手)Goodbye! (CS CJ上场)KH:Now, (假装严肃)time for us to change into the masked cleaning ladies of om it is! (和CS&CJ击掌)(KH CS CJ退场穿衣服 PJ退场)旁白:The king and his 2 captains take over the housework when the last cleaner left. They keep it a secret from queen Norah by dressing up as cleaning lades an

6、d wearing masks. The queen would have been furious if she ever found out. (KH CS CJ换完衣服上场 PJ跟着上)PJ:The queen wont be back for ages. You dont need to wear the masks today. (全部下场, 切2)(P123上场, 躲起来)P1:Ahoy there! (粗鲁地喊)We are a gang of very dangerous pirates, hiding behind a rock. (PJ跑出来)旁白:Princess Jan

7、e peeps over the castle wall. PJ:(好奇)Wheres your ship? P2:Were saving up for one. Now give us your treasure. (凶狠)(KH CS CJ上场, 站在远处)KH:(大喊)No! ! P3:Then we will make you walk the plank. (叫嚷)KH:A plank hast ye got? P2:No. Well throw you to the sharks, then. PJ:There arent any sharks round here! (嘲笑)P2

8、:Look, just hand over your treasure. (PJ KH CS CJ蹲下)KH:But we cant handle the royal treasure to them. Because the queen has locked the room and she has the key. (紧张)PJ:We will have to fight them. (挥舞手臂)KH:Fight?CSCJ:You mean us? (疑惑)(PJ举起望远镜对着P1234)旁白:Princess Jane takes out her telescope and looks

9、at the rock. PJ:I can only see three pirates. They dont look fierce, but they are dirty. (嫌弃)KH:Dirty! (充满厌恶得喊)Dirt that the masked cleaning ladies know about. we will be needing hot water, soap, polish and dusters . PJ:(着急)You cant start cleaning now! KH:Ah. . . A very diverse cleaning job this is.

10、 Captain Smith, you ought to go and polish the big shield in the main hall. Captain Jones, you must polish the floor . A nice, hot, soapy bath I shall run. PJ:What shall I do? KH:You keep them talking. (笑)(P123慢慢走)KH:(过一会, 躲)Alright, dirty pirates, come and get us! (P1234到处跑)旁白:The four pirates rush

11、 out from behind the rock. They run across the down bridge. The door opens. (pirate停, 张望)旁白:There in front of them is a cleaning lady. She is armed only with a duster.(KH出)P3:This is going to be easy. (轻蔑)旁白:(这段原文P15 我懒得打了自己看. . 动作再说)P1,3:help! 旁白(接P15, 懒得打)(P123被KHCSCJ拖走)旁白:The pirates land in a lo

12、vely hot, soapy bath. Before they have time to say. P123:Ahoy there! 旁白:They are being scrubbed and soaped. P123:Ow! Hold still! (KHCSCJ拿着镜子对着pirates笑)旁白:(P17自己看)P3:Oh no. Were clean. (沮丧)(KH拿出道具相机)P1:Please dont take our picture. P2:It would be terrible if other pirates found out. Please, wed do an

13、ything. (恳求)KH:(放下相机)Much of our time you have wasted. Now, up these aprons on. Help with the cleaning shall you. P1:Cleaning? (疑惑)KH:Yes. Or your picture Ill take. (pirate无奈, 开始清理, KHCSCJ退)旁白:(P18自己看啊最后一段)(切3段, KHCSCJ上场)旁白:A trumpet sounds. KH:Oh, no(惊慌),that means Queen Norah is back. CS:Shell fin

14、d out that we are the cleaning ladies. CJ:shell be furious. (紧张)CS:What shall we do? (无助 慌张)KH:Only one thing we can do. (镇定)The three pirates must pretend to be the cleaners. (指指海盗,看向他们)PJ:(上场)Good idea, (喜悦)You go and get changed and Ill watch the pirates. (PJ和pirate退场)旁白:The drawbridge is lowered. King Harry runs to meet Queen Norah. (QN走上场,KH跑上前 CSCJ跟在后)KH:Have you found your sisters crown? QN:It was under the sofa. (无奈)(pirate上场,在一旁擦东西)旁白:Queen Norah looks up and sees the three pirates scrubbing at the front wall of


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