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1、P44-45Words & phrases1. 厌烦,受够了be fed up with (sb/sth)2. 厌倦了 be tired of (sth/doing sth)3.罚(小孩)不准出门ground 4. 数数/计算 count5.成年come of age 6.相当正常 pretty normal7.被允许做某事 be allowed to do 8.成年人们 grown-ups9.成熟的/成年人的 grown-up 10.尝试做某事have a go at sth/doing 11.对.感到惊讶 be surprised at sth 12.两个/几个 a couple of13

2、.投票vote 14.纹身 get a tattoo15.结婚 get married 16.开一个银行账户 open a bank account17.在七岁的时候 at the age of seven 18.自由地做某事 be free to do19.开滑翔机 fly a glider plane 20.到二十一岁 turn 2121.恰恰相反Its the other way round. 22.至少 at least23.最低年龄限制minimum age limit24.超过午夜 past midnight25.学年 school year26.当地市政厅local town h

3、all27.打扮 dress up28.一种传统的日本服饰 a traditional Japanese dress29. 和服 kimono30. 多达 up to31. 穿衣服 get dressed32. 梳头 do ones hair33. 化妆 do make-up34. 化妆 make up35. 照相v. photograph36. 长的演讲 long speech37. 证书 certificate涟江为区内地表水的主要排水通道,隧道设计标高高于最低排水基准面,隧道区山脊内沟谷多为季节性冲沟,主要由大气降水补给,水量小,受季节影响明显,地表水不发育,地表水对隧道施工及运营无影响

4、。Sentences 1.你已经厌倦了总是告诉你要做什么的父母了吗?Are you fed up with your parents telling you what to do ?2. 你已经厌倦了他们罚你不准出门,因为你回家晚了吗?Are you tired of them grounding you because you got home late ?3.你还在数着还有多少日子才能成年吗?Are you counting the days until you come of age ?4. 在一些国家你可以比在另一些国家更早的被允许做一些成人的事情。In some countries

5、you are allowed to do some grown-up things earlier than in other countries ?5. 在美国密西西比州,你在30岁之前未经父母允许不能结婚。In Mississippi, USA, you arent allowed to get married without your parents permission until youre 30.6. 直到21岁,你才被允许开滑翔机。You arent allowed to fly a glider plane until you turn 21.7. 伴随着一个叫做成年礼的特殊

6、仪式,这个事件在日本大多数地区被庆祝。This event is celebrated in most areas of Japan with a special ceremony called Coming of Age.8. 在一月份这个重要的日子,来自相同地区,相同年龄的年轻人一起来到仪式的举办地他们当地的市政厅。On this important day in January, young people who are from the same area and were all in the same school year, go together to their local

7、town hall, where the ceremony is held.9. 她们有时花上总计三个小时来穿衣服和梳妆打扮。They sometimes spend up to three hours getting dressed and doing their hair and make-up.10. 他们被当地政府授予一个特殊的证书或者礼物。They are given a special certificate or present from the local government. Unit 5 Growing upP40-41Words 1. 瑙拉 Nowra2. 部落 tri

8、be3. 庆典,仪式ceremony4. 小屋,棚舍 hut5. 巢穴,窝 nest6. 头盖骨skull7. 在整个期间through8. 伤口 cut9. 职责pl.,责任,责任responsibility10. 牛仔裤jeans11. 法拉利Ferrari12. 火炬torch13. 火焰flamephrases1. 鳄鱼巢/窝 crocodile nest2. 成为成年人 become adults/ an adult3. 在你十八谁生日的时候 on your 18th birthday4. 在世界一些地方 in some pats of the world5. 在巴布亚新几内亚岛 o

9、n the island of Papua New Guinea6. 塞皮克河 the Sepik River7. 满是.,装满的.,挤满的. be full of/ be filled with8. 发生 happen/ take place9. 十几岁的男孩子 teenage boys10. 鳄鱼庆典crocodile ceremony11. 想起,记得 think of12. 打鼓play the drums13. 感到疼痛feel the pain14. 幸存于 survive in.15. 信仰,信赖believe in.16. 最痛苦的部分 the most painful par

10、ts17. 捡垃圾 pick up the litter18. 一般现在时的被动语态 present simple passive19. 过去分词 past participle20. 邮递员 postal worker21. 砍树cut down the trees22. 发邮件send emails23. 送信deliver letters24. 举旗 carry flags22.用火炬with a torchSentences1. 在一些国家,它发生在你的18岁生日的时候,但在世界上的部分区域,你得做一些特别的事才能进入成人世界。 In some countries, it happen

11、s on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.2. 当十几岁的男孩子该成年的时候,一种鳄鱼庆典就发生了。 When its time for teenage boys to become men, a crocodile ceremony takes place.3. 小木屋里都是鳄鱼牙和头盖骨。 The hut is full of crocodile teeth and skulls.4. 长达六周,

12、他们一天被打若干次,竹子被用来在他们的胸部和背部制造伤口。 They are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs.5. 男孩子们在小木屋期间一起打鼓,这能帮助他们感到自己不是一个人。 The boys play the drums together during the time in the hut- this helps them to feel that they are not alone.6. 瑙拉人相信这个仪式

13、使男孩儿们更加强壮和勇敢,因此他们才能在危险的森林里幸存下来。 The Nowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. 7. 最惊人的事情是一些男孩子睡过去了仪式最痛苦的部分。 The amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony.8. 这些鳄鱼人被赋予了成人的责任在村子

14、里。 The crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village. P42-43+P113words1. 初学步的小孩儿 toddler 2. 领养老金的人pensioner3. 年轻的成年人 young adult4. 青少年,十几岁的孩子 teenager5. 中年的middle-aged6. 上年纪的 elderly7. 灌木(丛)bush8. 长矛 spear9. 羽毛 feather10. 假装 pretend11. 成年adulthood12. 童年,儿童时代childhood13. 青春期adolescence14. 青春期的adj, 青少年n. adolescent15. 青少年时期,青年小伙youth16. 动词原形 infinitivephrases1. 对.满意高兴 be happ


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