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1、初一(上)英语重点句子 Starters1.Hello,class.My name is Miss Zhou.2.A:Whats your name,please? .B:Im Lingling. (=My name is Lingling.)3. A:How are you? B:Im fine ,thank you. And you? A:Im fine, too. How is your father? B:Hes fine.4. A:Can you spell “red”? B:Yes,R-E-D,red.5.A:This is my teacher, Miss Li. B: Hell

2、o, Miss Li.6.A:This is my friend, his name is Tom.B: Hello,Tom! Nice to meet you! C: Nice to meet you,too!7.A:Its time to go now. ByeB:Bye.See you tomorrow.8.Please sit down.9.Open your books.10.Close your books11.Put up your hand12. A:Are you a new student here? B:Yes,I am. A:What class are you in?

3、 B:Im in Class 3,Mr Chens class.13. A:Whats your telephone number? B:My number is seven two six,eight one five.14.A:How old are you ? B: Im twelve(years old).15.Eleven and four is fifteen.1.同学们,你们好!我是周老师。2. A:您叫什么名字B:我是玲玲3.A:您好吗?B:我很好, 谢谢您, 您呢?A:我也好.你父亲好吗?B:他很好.4.A:你能拼读“red”吗? B:当然,R-E-D。5.A:这是我的老师,

4、李老师.B:您好,李老师!6.A:这是我的朋友,他的名字叫Tom。 B:你好,Tom!很高兴见到您! C: 我也很高兴见到您!7. A:是该离开的时间了,再见!B: 再见。明天见。8.请坐下9.打开你们的书。10.关上你们的书。11.举起你的手。12.A:你在这儿是新生吗? B:是的。 A:你在哪一班呢? B:我在3班,陈老师班上。13.A:你的电话号码是多少? B:我的电话号码是726815.14.A:你多大了? B:我12岁。15.11加4等于15.16.A:How many desks are there in the classroom? B:There are forty-five

5、desks in it.17.A:Can you help me,Tony?B: Of course. A:How do you spell your name? B: T-O-N-Y A:Sorry,can you say that again? B: Yes, T-O-N-Y. A:Thank you. B:Youre welcome.18.A: What colour is the banana ?B:Its yellow.A:What colour are the apples? B:They are red.19.A:What day is it today?B:Its Monday

6、. A:What day is it tomorrow? B: Its Tuesday.20.Write the word in your book. Write the word on the blackboard.21.My favourite day is Saturday. What day is your favourite day?22.A:Whats the weather like in China in spring? (=Hows the weather in China in spring?) B:Its warm.23.A:Whats your favourite sp

7、ort? B:My favourite sport is football.24.A:Lets go swimming on Wednesday . B: Ok. Good idea.16.A:在教室里有多少张课桌?B:有45张.17.A:Tony,你能帮我一下吗? B:当然。 A:你怎样拼写你的名字? B:T-O-N-Y A:对不起,你能再说一下吗? B:可以。T-O-N-Y. A: 谢谢了。 B:不用谢。18.A: 这个香蕉是什么颜色? B:是黄色的。A:这些苹果是什么颜色?B:是红色的.19.A:今天星期几? B:星期一。 A:明天星期几? B: 星期二。20.把这个单词写在你的书上。

8、把这个单词写在黑板上。21.我最喜欢的一天是星期六。 你最喜欢的是哪一天呢?22.A: 春季中国的气候怎么样?B:天气暖和。23. A:你最喜欢的运动是什么?B:我最喜欢的运动是足球。24.A:让我们星期三去游泳吧。 B:好的。好主意!Module 1I.重点短语:1.be from. =come from.2.years old3.what about. =how about.4.in Class Ten, Grade Seven5.the capital of.6.first name =given name7.last name=family name8.English name9.Ch

9、inese nameII.重点句子:1.Im Chinese ,and Im from China. (Im Chinese, and I come from China.)2. Where are they from? (=Where do they come from?) They are from America. (=They come from America.)3.How old is that man? He is forty-four.4. The students are in Class Five, Grade Seven.5. Tom is in Class One wi

10、th Lingling. =Tom with Lingling is in Class One.=Tom and Lingling are in Class One.6.What about you?=How about you?=And you?7.Welcome to Class 6 Grade 7 !8. Beijing is the capital of China.9.Good to see you. =Nice to see you.=Glad to see you.10.Im Tony Smith.Tony is my first name and Smith is my las

11、t name.1. 来自.2. .岁3. .怎么样?4.在七年级十班5. 的首都/省会6.名7.姓8.英文名字9.中文名字1.我是中国人, 我来自中国.2.他们来自什么哪里?他们来自美国.3.那位男子多少岁了?他44岁.4.这些学生在七年级五班.5.汤姆和玲玲在一班.6.你呢?/你怎么样?7.欢迎到七年级六班。8.北京是中国的首都。9.很高兴见到你。10.我是Tony Smith,Tony是我的名,Smith是我的姓。III.基本语法点:1.Be动词的选用及基本句子结构2.人称代词和物主代词(1)3.英文名字和中文名字的顺序和规范书写4.国家名称及其形容词Module 2I.重点短语:1.a

12、photo of Tonys family 2.on the left of.3.next to.4.in front of. in/at the front of.5.Tonys parents6.in the photo 7.at the bus station 8.at a police station 9.a manager of a theater =a theater manager10. a manager of a hotel =a hotel manager11.at/in the same hospital12.a bus driver13.a farm worker14.

13、a shop worker15.an English teacherII.重点句子:1.This is a photo of Tonys family2.What a big family!3.My mums parents are on the right.4.The woman next to me is my dads sister.1.一张Tony 的家庭的照片2.在.的左边3.紧挨着.; 紧靠.4.在.前面(分开) 在.前面(没有分开)5.Tony的父母6.照片上7.在公共车站8.在警察局9.一位剧院负责人10.一位宾馆经理11.在同一家医院12.一位公共汽车司机13.一位农场工人1

14、4.一名店员15.一位英语教师1.这是Tony的一张全家福。2.多大的一个家庭啊!3.我母亲的父母在右边4.紧挨着我的这位女子是我父亲的妹妹。5.Is this your family ?6.Are these your grandparents ?7.My mother is the manager of a theater.8.My fathers job is at a police station.9.His parents are shop workers.III.基本语法点:1.人称代词和物主代词(2)2.名词所有格3.this,that,these,those的基本用法4单数变复数以及名词复数的变化M



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