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1、2017-2018学年度第一学期期末考试初二英语试卷满分:100分 时间:90分钟听力部分(20分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E1._2._3._4._5. _.听短对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6.What does Sandy want to be? A.He wants to be a teacher. B.He wants to be an engineer. C.He wants to be a writer. ( )7.Who wants to be a pilot? A.Jill does. B.James doe

2、s. C.Bill does. ( )8.What does Helen like ? A.Music. B.Physics. C.Computer science.( )9.What does Peters sister do? A.Shes a journalist. B.Shes an editor. C.Shes a college teacher. ( )10.Why does Mays grandpa often do morning exercises? A.Because he always eats healthy diet. B.Because hes friendly t

3、o everyone.C.Because he wants to keep fit. .听长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。( )11.What is Mr. Brown doing at the moment?A. He is having a meeting. B. He is having lunch. C. He is having a rest. ( )12.When will Mr. Johnson call back?A. At eleven oclock. B. At one oclock. C .At three oclock.听

4、第二段对话, 回答第1315小题。( )13.What did Peter do at the Music Festival last year?A.He played in the school band.B.He sang with other students.C.He helped other students.( )14.What does Peter really like about the Music Festival?A.The students have a lot of fun.B.The students organize the festival by themsel

5、ves.C.The teachers help with everything.( )15.When does the festival start this year?A. On October 3rd. B. On October 6th. C. On October 7th. .听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( )16.What is Mikes job in New York City?A.A postman. B.A waiter. C.A journalist.( )17.How did Mike go to San Francisco?A.By plane. B.B

6、y train. C.On foot.( )18.What did Mike really want to see?A.The scenery of Italy. B.The scenery of Canada. C.The scenery of the USA.( )19.When did the train leave New York City?A.At 10:30 p.m. on Monday.B.At 11:20 p.m. on Friday.C.At 9:30 a.m. on Sunday.( )20.Why didnt Mike sleep that night?A.Becaus

7、e he was angry.B.Because he had many things to do.C.Because he was excited.笔试部分(80分).完形填空。阅读短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。(共20小题,计20分)AThe world is divided( 被分成) into two parts. One half of the world is rich and 1 is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people don I have enough to eat. When they

8、are ill, 2 the hospitals can receive them because they have no enough 3 . In the rich part, a lot of people 4 too much. For example, a dog or a eat in North America eats more than a child in poor countries.The poor countries have some other difficult problems. Sometimes the land(土地) is too poor to g

9、row 5 on. People there don I have rich land or enough water. People must make the land better and do a lot of things. The people 6 learn and find water. But rich countries have problems, too. There re not good places to 7 . Sometimes the air is not clean the rivers are too dirty to swim in or drink.

10、 The roads and streets are full of people and buses. Cars and buses have to move 8 . Noise is too much. Some people dont have houses. People have to build more houses. People must do something to solve the problems. People must clean the air and the rivers, and they must 9 them clean. 10 we cant do

11、these things easily.( )1.A. others B. other C another D. the other( )2.A. none of B. all of C. some of D any of( )3.A beds B. medicine C. time D. money( )4.A drink B exercise C. eat D. sleep( )5.A everything B something C nothing D. anything( )6. A can B. neednt C must D. may not( )7. A fall B sleep

12、 C. sit D. live in( )8. A fast B quickly C. slowly D. easily( )9. A make B. keep C. become D do( )10. A .And B So C. But D. BecauseBDo you know APEC(亚太经济合作组织)? In 2014, the APEC meeting is held in Beijing. Now, “APEC blue” has become a 11 word. People use it to describe( 描述) the blue 12 during the A

13、PEC meetings. To make the air cleaner, people did a lot. These years, 13 pollution is 14 serious in Beijing that people hardly ever see blue skies in such a smog (雾霾) season. After the event, people are wondering how to 15 the APEC blue in the future. Experts give some 16 . First, they believe the e

14、nvironment will be in great danger 17 everyone plays a part in saving the earth. So we dont think it has 18 to do with you. And what else should we do? Try to walk more and use cars 19 . Finally, make sure factories stop polluting the air. If we can do these things, the sky 20 APEC blue! Hope we can see APEC blue every day!11. A. popularB. difficult C. simpleD. serious12. A. waterB. streets C. skyD. trees13. A. waterB. airC. noiseD. soil14. A. tooB. soC. very


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