2019-2020学年高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmes section ⅳ writing — 如何写评论教案(含解析)外研版必修2

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2019-2020学年高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmes section ⅳ writing — 如何写评论教案(含解析)外研版必修2_第1页
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《2019-2020学年高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmes section ⅳ writing — 如何写评论教案(含解析)外研版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmes section ⅳ writing — 如何写评论教案(含解析)外研版必修2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Writing 如何写评论写作任务假定你是李华,上周你班同学集体观看了电影西游记之大圣归来(Monkey King: Hero is Back)。请根据所给提示用英语写一篇电影观后感。类型国产3D动画片(3D animation)导演田晓鹏剧情介绍小男孩江流儿救了一个小女孩,遭到山妖(monster)追杀。他带着女孩逃到了山洞,无意中释放了被压在五行山下五百年的大圣。在江流儿的激励下,大圣重获神力,打败了妖王。感受注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_ 写作指导一、审题定调本写作要求写一篇电影观后感。电影观后感包括“观”的内容和“感”的内容。“观”的内容

2、要求完整又简练。“感”的内容可以从主题、人物、细节、场面、语言等方面切入,表达自己的看法。人称以第三和第一人称为主。二、谋篇布局内容可分为三部分:第一部分:电影简介(故事来源、类型、导演等)。第二部分:剧情简介(概括剧情,让读者对影片内容有大致了解)。第三部分:观后感想。三、组织语言第一部分:介绍该影片故事来源、类型及导演。普通表达高级表达Monkey King: Hero is Back is an exciting Chinese 3D animation. Its director is Tian Xiaopeng.Monkey King: Hero is Back, an exciti

3、ng Chinese 3D animation, is directed by Tian Xiaopeng.The film is based on. but tells a completely different story.Inspired (启示) by., the director created a new image for the Monkey.第二部分:简要概括影片内容。普通表达高级表达Jiang Liuer is attacked by monsters because he saves a little girl.Jiang Liuer is in danger of b

4、eing killed by monsters for rescuing a little girl.They run into a cave.They escape into a cave.Unknowingly, Jiang Liuer saves Monkey King.Accidently, Jiang Liuer sets free Monkey King.At last, with the encouragement of Jiang Liuer, Monkey King becomes a hero.Eventually, Jiang Liuers strong belief i

5、n him helps Monkey King regain his power.第三部分:表达自己的感受。普通表达高级表达I was deeply moved by the characters bravery and kindness. It is a good movie that people of all ages can enjoy.The characters bravery and kindness touched my heart deeply. It will appeal to (有吸引力) people of all ages.常用表达There are differe

6、nt opinions among people as to. Some people suggest that.关于人们有不同的观点。一些人认为There is an old saying. Its the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.俗话说/常言道,它是我们前辈的经历,然而,即使在今天,它在许多情况下仍然适用。Nowadays, it is common to. Many people like. because. Besides,.现在,很普遍,许多人喜欢,因

7、为,另外/而且Peoples opinions about. are various. Some people say that.关于人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为/说【范文展示】普通范文Monkey King: Hero is Back is an exciting Chinese 3D animation. Its director is Tian Xiaopeng. The film is based on a popular Chinese myth Journey to the West but tells a completely different story.A young b

8、oy Jiang Liuer is attacked by monsters because he saves a little girl. They run into a cave. Unknowingly, Jiang Liuer saves Monkey King, who has been held under Wuxing Mountain for 500 years. At last, with the encouragement of Jiang Liuer, Monkey King becomes a hero and defeats the monsters king.I w

9、as deeply moved by the characters bravery and kindness. It is a good movie that people of all ages can enjoy.高级范文Monkey King: Hero is Back, an exciting Chinese 3D animation, is directed by Tian Xiaopeng. Inspired by Journey to the West, a popular Chinese myth, the director created a new image for th

10、e Monkey.A young boy Jiang Liuer is in danger of being killed by monsters for rescuing a little girl. They escape into a cave. Then accidently, Jiang Liuer sets free Monkey King who has been held under Wuxing Mountain for 500 years. Eventually, Jiang Liuers strong belief in him helps Monkey King reg

11、ain his power and defeat the monsters king.The characters bravery and kindness touched my heart deeply. It will appeal to people of all ages.实战演练某英文报纸的Wonderful Movie栏目开展征文活动。请根据所给提示,就电影西虹市首富(Hello Mr. Billionaire)写一篇影评并向该杂志投稿。类型喜剧导演闫非、彭大魔剧情介绍业余足球队的守门员王多鱼(沈腾饰)接受了一个月花光十亿资金的任务。如果任务完成,他将得到三百亿。但是,他不允许告诉

12、别人他的任务且任务完成时不允许拥有任何贵重物品。本以为快乐生活就此开始,王多鱼却第一次感到“花钱特烦恼”。评论注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_One possible version:Hello Mr. Billionaire, a highly funny movie, is directed by Yan Fei and Peng Damo.A minor league soccer goalkeeper Wang Duoyu (played by Shen Teng) is given a task to spend one billion in one mo

13、nth. If he makes it, he will get 30 billion. However, hes not allowed to tell anyone about the task and he must not own any valuables by the end of it. The poor guy really doesnt know how to deal with so much money, which gives him so much trouble.The characters humourous but meaningful words touched my heart deeply. It will appeal to people of all ages.4


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