2020版新教材高中英语 课时素养评价 十五 unit 5 developing ideas(含解析)外研版必修1

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1、课时素养评价 十五Unit 5Developing ideas. 根据汉语提示写出正确的单词1. We return to our rented accommodation (住处) at 11 every night. 2. Your local library will be a useful source (来源) of information. 3. Her family founded (创建) the college in 1895. 4. I was impressed by the variety (多样性) of dishes on offer. 5. My immediat

2、e reaction (反应) to the serious accident was one of shock. 6. She froze(呆住), her mouth hanging open. 7. Drago pressed a button (按钮) and the door closed. 8. He is recovering(恢复) from a knee injury. 9. The news of my promotion came as a shock(震惊). 10. Image(图像)is very important in the music world. . 完成

3、句子1. Our city has a variety of(各种各样的)good shops and supermarkets. 2. The car went at a speed of(以速度)100 kilometers an hour. 3. I am leaving to concentrate on writing(专心写作). 4. In the West people think its rude to stare at a person(盯着人看). 5. They decided to go by ship after all(终究). 6. The place is f

4、amous for its hot spring(以温泉而闻名). 7. I think Ill brave the elements(不顾天气恶劣) and take the dog for a walk. 8. Slowly I began to recover from my earlier depression(从自己以前的抑郁中走出来). 9. He wrote several kinds of books, which have been translated into many languages(已被翻译成多种语言). 10. A shop should keep a stoc

5、k of those goods which sell best(卖得最好). . 阅读理解AEvery October the coastal Chinese town Qianxi in Zhejiang Province hosts a three-day-long dog-eating festival during which around 15, 000 dogs are killed and eaten. This carnival-like event dates back more than 600 years and is honor of a military victo

6、ry during the Ming Dynasty. However, a recent government ban may have ended this. Historically, the eating dog meat has been common place in China. It is referred to as “fragrant meat” and some Chinese people believe it is good for health. Popular dishes include dog soup, dog with tofu and dog hot p

7、ot. One animal welfare worker, Wang Lingyi from Hangzhou said, “People actually enjoyed killing them in different ways at the festival. Ive seen the dogs being stabbed(刺), hanged and even beaten unconscious and then thrown into boiling water. ”One Chinese blogger describes that “On the days of the f

8、estival, the streets were washed with blood while the air was filled with dogs desperate howls. ”The Xinhua News Agency reported that the issue of dog-eating was put to the vote on Weibo. com. A hundred thousand people voted on this issue and 91 percent said “no” to the carnival. Dog-eating is a com

9、mon practice in many parts of China. Since the country has an enormous human population, the number of dogs being consumed is likely very large. Hopefully, this is the beginning of trend away from eating dogs. Currently the Chinese government is considering legislation(立法) that would make eating dog

10、s and cats illegal and they claim that this is part of a response to increase public awareness about issues associated with animal welfare. 【文章大意】吃狗肉是中国许多地方的风俗。但是近年来, 围绕动物权益的争论, 使中国政府正在考虑是否立法禁止吃狗肉。1. Which of the following is True according to the passage? A. The dog-eating festival exists everywher

11、e in China. B. China has a tradition of eating dogs for 600 years. C. Chinese people eat dogs just because of its delicious taste. D. About 91 thousand people on Weibo. com preferred to ban dog-eating. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第六段第二句A hundred thousand people voted on this issue and 91 percent said “no” to the

12、 carnival. 即可得出大部分人主张禁吃狗肉。2. Which word has the closest meaning to the underlined word “howls” in Paragraph 5? A. barksB. voiceC. helpD. moves【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据文章内容可知, 此处指狗被杀时的嚎叫声, bark指狗的叫声。3. Where can you read this article from? A. newspaperB. journalC. Weibo. comD. novel【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章内容可知, 本文是一篇

13、新闻报道应当来自于报纸。BYou might be wondering if frogs have teeth. Well, not all frogs have teeth but some species do have sharp teeth. According to a latest study, the lower-jaw teeth in frogs are believed to have been re-evolved after 200 million years. There are around 6, 000 frog species in the South Amer

14、ica. Gastrotheca guentheri is the only species that has teeth in its upper and lower jaw. These frogs live in Columbia and Ecuador. The frogs teeth are cone-shaped(锥形) which are used for taking on prey(猎物). Frogs cannot chew their food; they have to swallow their prey. Frogs typically use their fore

15、legs, tongue, and their eyes (by pushing backward) to force the prey backward into the mouth down the throat. Frogs having teeth do not bite for defense but only for handling prey. Frogs are amphibians(两栖动物) ranging from 7. 7 mm (0. 30 inches) to 300 mm (12 inches) in length. They have transparent e

16、yelid, which is used to protect eyes underwater. The African bullfrog, for example, is a species that hunts on large animals including mice and other frogs and they have cone-shaped teeth. Frogs have short back legs that assist them to walk instead of a jump. Some species are perfectly adapted for swimming as they are often found in water. Nevertheless, Frogs


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