2020版新教材高中英语 课时素养评价 一 unit 1 starting out & understanding ideas(含解析)外研版必修1

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1、课时素养评价 一 Unit 1Starting out & Understanding ideas. 单句语法填空1. She took the job for various(vary) reasons. 2. After graduation, the volunteers prefer to take part in challenging (challenge) social groups. 3. In our eagerness (eager) to make a living, we often forget about our quality of life. 4. The ex

2、plorer(explore) went into the bush of Alaska. 5. Mother tried hard to calm the child down. 6. All of the children behaved themselves and left a good impression(impress) on us. 7. The animal was still breathing (breath), so we knew it was still alive. 8. Guests panicked (panic) and screamed when the

3、bomb exploded. 9. Our society expanded into a worldwide organisation (organise). 10. I am very curious about other cultures and different social customs. . 用适当的介(副)词填空1. When will we go out? It depends on the weather. 2. When the exam was over, the students went out of the classroom one by one. 3. A

4、s she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern . 4. After hearing the news the crowd ran out in panic. 5. He refused to give the document up even under pressure. . 完成句子1. Tom soon fell asleep with the door open. 汤姆很快就睡着了, 门还开着。2. The coach was just on the point of giving up/was about to give up th

5、e game when our team scored two points. 教练正准备放弃比赛, 这时我们队得了两分。3. What fine weather (it is)! 多好的天气啊! 4. Its your turn to clean the blackboard. 轮到你擦黑板了。5. Cars, buses and taxis make our lives much simpler. 轿车、公交车和出租车使我们的生活便捷多了。. 阅读理解AIt is hard to say the first day of school in the United States becaus

6、e when the first day of school is and what happens on the first day of school usually are different by districts (地区). The first day of school for many school districts in different states is on the day after the first Monday in September. In some other school districts, school begins in mid-to-late

7、 August. For example, the Denver, Colorado schools go back in mid-August and schools in Cleveland, Ohio start back usually one week before the first Monday in September. The Boston, Chicago, New York City and San Diego schools start back on the Tuesday or Wednesday after the first Monday in Septembe

8、r. Schools in Cleveland, Ohio used to start the school year on the day after the first Monday in September, but in the 19761977 and 19771978 academic years, the school year was affected by several bad snowstorms, extremely cold. In the 19781979 school year, the Ohio Department of Education moved the

9、 start of the year to late August, one week before the first Monday in September. This went into effect in the 19801981 school year. In most school districts in Utah, the school year starts between August 25 and August 30, and goes until the last week of May or the first week in June next year. In A

10、merican high schools, the freshmen classes usually go back one or two days before the rest of the school bodies for an orientation(迎新) period. An orientation period helps the freshmen get familiar with their new school, its rules, and surroundings. In some schools, the freshmen classes have their ph

11、otographs taken for identification purposes. Some high schools have tried to make the first week of school fun for incoming freshmen. 【文章大意】本文介绍了美国各地新学年的开学时间以及一些新生入学习俗。1. According to the passage, which schools start their school year the earliest? A. Schools in Denver. B. Schools in Cleveland. C. S

12、chools in New York City. D. Schools in Boston. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段For example, the Denver, Colorado schools go back in mid-August and schools in Cleveland, Ohio start back usually one week before the first Monday in September. The Boston, Chicago, New York City and San Diego schools start back on t

13、he Tuesday or Wednesday after the first Monday in September. 可知丹佛的学校开学最早。2. Why did the Ohio Department of Education change the start of the school year? A. Because of some political events. B. Because of the entrance examinations. C. Because of the increasing number of students. D. Because of the e

14、xtreme(极端的) weather. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段but in the 19761977 and 19771978 academic years, the school year was affected by several bad snowstorms, extremely cold. 可知俄亥俄州教育部门改变新学年开学时间是因为极端天气的影响。3. How many months does the school year last in schools in Utah? A. About seven months. B. About eight month

15、s. C. About nine months. D. About ten months. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章第四段In most school districts in Utah, the school year starts between August 25 and August 30, and goes until the last week of May or the first week in June next year. 可知美国犹他州的许多学校一学年要持续大约九个月的时间。4. The article is probably taken from . A. a

16、 book about ones life storyB. an official website of educationC. an advertisement in a newspaperD. a sports magazine【解析】选B。推理判断题。本文介绍了美国各地新学年的开学时间以及一些新生入学习俗, 故本文很可能出现在教育官方网站。【阅读多维训练】It is hard to say the first day of school in the United States because when the first day of school is and what happens on the first day of school usually are


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