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1、八年级英语秋季学案参考答案Unit 1Period one 学点训练1. How often 2. How long 3. How soon达标检测一 1.once 2. watches 3.activities 4. is 5. surfing二 1. surfing the Internet 2.favorite program 3. How often 4.twice a week 5 hardly ever三 What do you usually do on Sunday? What sport do you play? Yes, I do How often do you play

2、 soccer? How long do you play soccer every day?Period two 学点训练1 Most 2 Some 3 No 4 All达标检测一 BBBBBB ABBCC二 ABBABPeriod three 学点训练1. am good at 2. is good for 3. Are good with 4. is good to达标检测一 CACCA二 (1)它(垃圾食品)对他们的健康有害。(2)他们知道这不是个好习惯,但是他们还是吃。(3)他们中有些人每周吃一两次。(4)他几乎从不锻炼。(5)也许我不是那么健康,但是我会觉得很开心。Period f

3、our 学点训练1. may be 2. Maybe达标检测一 1.eating ,2.to speak,3. differences,4. help better,5. Reading二 BBCCA三 BABBAPeriod five达标检测Period one 一 CABBB二 1.As for, hardly ever 2.How often, Four times 3,Eating lots of, is good for 4.junk food, doesnt, healthy lifestyle 5 tries to exercise三 BBAAA ABAAB Unit 2Peri

4、od one 达标检测一 1 fever 2 nose 3 neeks 4 mouth 5 stomachache 6 toothache 7 matter, throat, honey二 CACCC三 1,keeps 2,feet 3 drink 4,had 5 were,is Period two 达标检测一 whats the matter with you? Im not feeling well. When did it start? go to see a doctor you feel better Youre welcome二 CBCCC三 ABBAAPeriod three

5、达标检测一 CBCBC二 Im sorry I cant Whats the matter with you? Why do you have a headache? You should do more exercise. I hope you feel better soon.三 CACBCPeriod four学点训练1 to say ,to learn 2 much too, too much, Too many3 a few, few, a little, little达标检测一 1 angry ,2 important 3,balanced 4, weak 5.western 6.

6、traditional 7.early 8.habit.9 medicine 10.Believe二 CBBCABBBBBPeriod five 达标检测 一 1 to see 2 lying 3 eat, to say 4 singing 5 Is二 1 didnt stop until 2 feeling well cold 3 stressed out,unhealthy 4 weak in 5 moment improvingUnit3Period one达标检测一、1 leaving 2 are doing are playing 3 sounds 4 are doing are r

7、elaxing 5 camping二、15 BCCCC 610 ABCACPeriod two达标检测一、15 BCBAC 二、1、postcard 2、 mountain 3、babysits 4、away 5 、 hiking 三、where are you going for vacation?How long are you staying there?What are you doing there?Have a good time.Youre welcome!Period three达标检测1. going bike riding, taking walks.2. to go si

8、ghtseeing.3. relaxing vacation4. going fishing5. rent videos.Period four学点训练 C on to 达标检测一 1 getting 2 reading 3 to close 4 to rent 5 to buy二 ABCCC BBBCCPeriod five达标检测一 1 tourists 2 famous 3 Europe 4 something 5 leaving二 1 are leaving ,staying 2 exciting, excited 3 talking 4 to be 5 are visiting三 书

9、面表达略(注意be +doing and be going to 的使用)Unit4Period one学点训练1 by bus 2 take the subway 3 on foot达标检测一 1 foot 2 rode ,had 3 by 4 got 5 does, get,walks,does,take,takes,minutes.二 DBCAE三 1 那有点远。 2 我的父母没有钱给我买自行车,所以我每天步行上学。 3 我每天花大约一个小时到达学校。 4 并且我不需要6点钟起床了。 5 我认为骑自行车很有趣,并且有益于健康。Period two学点训练 1 spends cleanin

10、g, 2 takes, to 达标检测一1 How much 2 How long 3 How 4 how far 5 how many 6 how old 7 How often 8 How soon二 1 It took, to do 2 has a quick 3 by train takes三 How do you get to school? How far is it from your home to school? How long does it take? How do you get to school,Tom? Yes ,it isPeriod three达标检测一 C

11、BAAB二 ABBAB三 ABCCA CCABBPeriod four学点训练A number of ,The number of达标检测一 think of , on the school bus, rides, take a boat must be, depends on, a number of, are leaving for, around the world. The number of.二 CCABCPeriod five达标检测一 CABAC二 can you tell me where the zoo is?How far is it from here?Can I tak

12、e the bus there?Where is the bus stop?Thank you very much.三 书面表达略Unit5Period one学点训练 1 the other 2 another 3 others达标检测一 BBBCC二 1 study for a test 2 help my parents 3 go to the doctor 4 visit my aunt 5 have a piano lesson三 1 am going have 2 Can go to 3 next time 4 have to 四 1 No, he cant 2 Yes, he c

13、an 3 Tobey Maguire 4 It begins at seven 5 In front of the cinema. Period two学点训练1 Whom 2 Who /Whom 3 Who 达标检测一 invitation , calendar, lesson, visit, concert, love, birthday, another二 Sorry,I cant What about you? When is it? See you then.三 invitation , sorry, busy, movies, dentist, Wednesday, soccer,

14、 test, birthday party, at home.Period three达标检测一 Sunday, tomorrow, babysit, date二 Can you go to the movie with me? Whats today? Im sorry,I cant. Are you free on Sunday? See you.Period four达标检测一 1 studying,2 play, 3 babysitting my sister, 4 Im sorry 5 with,on二 1谢谢你的邀请, 今天晚上我要去参加我表哥的生日聚会。 星期四我得为化学考试做准备。 2 No, she cant. Because she is really busy.She has to have tennis training with



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