book 5 unit1(great scientists) 同步练习

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1、 月 日 星期 完成时间: 分钟- Book 5 Unit1(Great scientists)1. The doctor had my eyes _(检查)for weakening.2. The meeting c_at eight oclock.3. The little brave girl e _ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).4. He was a_in the book.5. He b _ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).6. I think you are too s_ on the boy.7. He finished

2、 his work in a_(积极的) way.8. We must try to _(分析)the causes of the strike.8. In the factory the workers_(纺成线)wool into thread.10. You should not r_the invitation from your old friend.二、单项选择1. It doesnt make _to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.A. sense B. meaning C. id

3、ea D. point2. Mr. Yuan is_ about making predictions about the success of the farming program because it is so important.A. content B. creative C. curious D. cautious3.-What did you do last night? - _a composition, I finished my physics homework.A. instead of B. Apart from C. in addition D. Thanks to

4、 4.To everyones surprise, the home team was _by three goals to one. A. won B. hit C. defeated D. struck5.Pop music is such an important part of society_ it has even influenced our language. A. as B. that C. which D. where6.Only if he gets a job _have enough money to build hid own house. A. he can B.

5、 can he C. he will D. did he7. -I have never seen Jack before._? -He has large brown eyes and will be wearing a black jacket.A. What will he wear B. How will I recognize himC. What do you think of him D. How about his brother8.Although he was in great need of money, he has _our help.A. ignored B. re

6、jected C. overlooked D. received9.The lady couldnt _being treated by her husband that way. A. reject B. imitate C. tolerate D. swallow三、完成句子1. 除了这些理由以外,他无话可说了 _ _these reasons, he said nothing.2. 我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。 Our English teacher_ _ _us.3让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲 Lets _the lecture by professor Li from

7、Beijing University.4. 他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。 His careless driving _ _the serious traffic accident.5. 他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。 He _food and clothing _the Red Cross.四、阅读理解 Making pulp (纸浆) and paper is a traditional industry in Canada. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association,Canada supplies 34% of

8、the worlds wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way,Canadian forests could be left. Recently,a possible way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp (麻) Hemp has been grown for a

9、long time. It produces fiber which can be made into paper,fuel,oil,food and rope. For centuries,it was very important to the economies of many countries because it was used to make big ropes used on sailing ships. The worldwide trading network would not have been possible without hemp. Nowadays,ship

10、s ropes are usually made from wire or fibers,but scientists are now suggesting growing hemp. In fact,four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees,and many environmentalists believe that the large scale growing of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canadas forests. H

11、owever,there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world .This plant,which is related to the plant from which a drug called marijuana (大麻毒品) is produced,is very useful for fiber,rope,oil and fuel. In the late 1930s,a movement to ban (禁止) the drug marijuana began,resulting in the ban

12、ning of the growing not only of the plant used to produce the drug,but also of the commercial fiber producing hemp plant .In fact,the drug marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant,since it doesnt contain the active ingredient (成分)in the drug. In recent years,many people try to make it legal

13、to grow the plant and sell the fiber for production.1Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada? ACanada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood. BCanada publishes a lot of newspapers and books. CPulp and paper export is a major source of earning money for Canada. DHemp is a traditional plant of Canada.2In the past worldwide trade,the plant hemp was used as _. Aa material for ships ropes Ba very rewarding export Cfuel


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