太阳系行星英文简介 (1)

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1、d,Solar System Profile,Unit 46,Copyright (c) The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.,Pluto,冥王星,Discovery,It was predicted by Percival Lowell, based on perturbation theory( 微扰理论), but later discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 by a fortunate accident.,*From it

2、s discovery in 1930 until 2006, Pluto was classified as a planet. In the late 1970s, following the discovery of minor planet Chiron (喀龙星)in the outer Solar System and the recognition of Plutos relatively low mass, its status as a major planet began to be questioned.,Doubt,Change,In the late 20th and

3、 early21st centuries, while searching for more TNO, Mike Brown discovered in the outer Solar System(太阳系), an object which he finally called: Eris in 2005, which is 27%more massive than Pluto.,Never again will Pluto be the ninth planet, or the littlest planet, or the most distant planet.,Rename Pluto

4、, considered a planet for 76 years, was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. On August 24, 2006, The International Astronomical Union (IAU), the officially defines a “dwarf planet”(矮行星),a celestial body that, within the Solar System.() has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome digid bo

5、dy faces.()质量足够大,能依靠自身引力使天体呈圆球状 has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.(),Planet(definition),Although , pluto match the first two points ,do not match the final point.,Pluto shows a “heart”in a most detailed photo yet returned by NASAs approaching New Horizons probe ,which has now begun its

6、final run for its historic flyby of pluto.,美国宇航局发射的“新视野”号探测器传回的一张冥王星清晰照片上竟有一块心形的图案,“新视野”号当时正在最后一次历史性飞掠冥王星,Ceres, Pluto, and Eris,New memebers,Meaing,belief loneliness attitude,Others,Movie,Novel,A farewell to pluto,Mars is named for the Roman god of war.,Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in the

7、 solar system.,mars,Equatorial radius 3398km Rotation period 1026 days Period of revolution 68698 days,Mars polar cap Polar cap size is significant change with the seasons,Mars atmospheric concentration of only Earth 1% The Martian daytime temperature does not exceed 0 The night minus 120,Mars Explo

8、ration,“spirit” Mars probe,“opportunity”Mars probe,Spirit rover return photos,Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in the solar system. Great volcano of up to 25 km, radius of 624 km.,Mariner Valley on Mars,The two satellites of Mars,Phobos火卫一,Deimos火卫二,Human face on Mars,Mars Colonization,Jupiter,Ju

9、piter is the fifth new plant from the sun,and is the biggest one,the planet than all other big 2 times the quality of(the Earth 318 times),Sun cycle:11.86 years Planet diameter:142984 Equateur:1.90*1027kg,One of the brightest objects in the nights sky, Jupiter has been observed since ancient times a

10、nd was connected to the religious beliefs and mythologies of many cultures. The Romans named Jupiter after the king of their gods.,Jupiter is the fourth-sky objects,The Great Red Spot-an enomous voytex the size of Earth.the red color comefrom red phosphorus,The Great Red Spot is located in the south

11、ern hemisphere,Gas giant planet,Today we know that Jupiter is an enormous swirling globe 11 times wider than Earth and 300 times more massive. Jupiter is mostly made of hydrogen and helium gas, meaning its composition is similar to a star, like our Sun. Gas giant planets like Jupiter have no solid s

12、urface that you could stand on!,Her children,Galileos moons: Io,About the size of Earths moon, Io is the closest to Jupiter of the four large moons Galileo discovered.,Image of a volcanic eruption on Ios surface taken by the Galileo spacecraft.,Colourful Io: Black spots seen here are lava lakes. Whi

13、te is sulfur dioxide frost. Yellow is sulfur.,Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona,Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona,Galileos moons: Europa,Also about the size of our Moon, Europa is the next large moon outward from Jupiter. It has a cracked, icy crust and very few craters, suggesting the sur

14、face is not very old.,Galileos moons: Ganymede,Ganymede is the third large moon outward from Jupiter. Wider than the planet Mercury, it is the largest moon in the Solar System.,Galileos moons: Callisto,Callisto is the outermost of the four Galilean moons and is a little smaller than Mercury. It has is the oldest, most heavily cratered surface in the Solar System.,Lets see her in sky,She is so beauitful,she is so beautiful,isnt she?,Thank you,



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