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1、 六年级英语基础试卷一 标出朗读顺序 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) get more sleep wash our hands before eating leave trash everywhere . drink pop watch TV have a coldhave a stomachache have a toothache do some exercises二、选出你所听到的单词:( )1. A. diffcult B. different C. funniest D. oldest( )2. A. lived B. live C.

2、 love D. loved( )3. A. talks B. talking C. takes D. taking( )4. A. ever B. never C. twice D. once( )5. A. walk B. work C. works D. working( )6. A. plan B. plans C. planting D. plants( )7. A. learning karate B. doing gym C. doing karate D. doing chores( )8. A. pop B. popcorn C. popular D. shop( )9. A

3、. subject B. chores C. activity( )10. A. art B. music C. math( )11. A. difficult B. exciting C. interesting( )12. A. two B. second C. twenty( )13. A. working B. running C. skating三、Listen and choose. 根据听到的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1) A. They cost $50. B. It costs $68. C. It is $50.( ) 2) A. He prefers those bla

4、ck ones. B. He prefers that black one. C. He prefers these.( ) 3) A. Because they were great. B. Because they liked music very much. C. Because they didnt have enough money.( ) 4) A. Yes, he does.B. He prefers Jazz music. C. He prefers comic books to science books.( ) 5) A. I buy a movie ticket.B. I

5、m buying some popcorn. C. I bought two pens.( ) 6) A. I feel cold today.B. He feels dizzy. C. She has a toothache.( ) 7) A. It costs $25.B. They cost$15. C. He spent 5 minutes.( ) 8) A. She washes dishes after breakfast. B. She watches TV every evening. C. She has to play badminton after school.( )

6、9) A. We are going bowling tomorrow. B. They are playing football tomorrow. C. You are learning karate tomorrow.( ) 10) A. You should wear a hat. B. We should drink some water. C. They should polish the shoes.( ) 11) A. I prefer Jazz. B. I like drawing and painting. C. Its geography.( ) 12) A. She l

7、ikes colorful clothes.B. They like cool clothes. C. They like shopping for clothes.( ) 13) A. You should sit so close to the screen. B. You should visit the dentist. C. You should sit down and have a rest.( ) 14) A. She is talking in English with her classmates. B. She is working out at the gym.C. S

8、he has to look at the manual.( ) 15) A. We have to do homework. B. She has to wash the dishes every day. C. She has to write an e-mail to her friend.( )16) A. She should work more. B. She should take a vacation. C. She should take some medicine.( )17) A. You should get a haircut. B. You should let i

9、t grow. C. I have to have my hair cut.( )18) A. You shouldnt tell the teacher. B. You should ask the teacher. C. You should visit the dentist.( )19) A. You should try to fix it. B. You should give it to a friend. C. You should throw it.用词的正确形式填空:1. He is _ (funny) than Bob.2. This is the _ (late) CD

10、.3. Which is the _ (easy) subject, science, Chinese or math?4. Saturday is my_ (busy) day in a week.5. He _ (prefer) clothes with some style.6. We _ (play) basketball tomorrow afternoon.7. My brother likes movies very much. He _ (watch) a movie once a week.8. Tom lives with his grandparents. He _ (h

11、ave) to make his bed every morning.9. Kate _ (go) to the airport to meet me yesterday.10. Daniel loves _ (ski)11. You shouldnt _ (eat) fast food.12. The computer is _ (work) now.9. _ (Buy) gift for people isnt easy.10. What activities do you like? _ (fly) kites.11. They are _ (come) for dinner next

12、week12. He tells _ (I) lots of things about Canada.13. The BINGO Kids want Ann and Ken to join _ (they) club.14. He likes those _ (belt).15. There are many childrens _ (club) in America.16. You should take some _ (medicine).17. Rie gets up early _ (two) a week.18. Bob and his dad plant trees _ (one) a year.19. You should ask _ (one). 三 能够指认下列图片并和相应的词语匹配。A. trousers, B sweatpants, C. a belt, D. shorts, E. socks, F. shoes, G. a T-shirt, H. a sweater, I. sunglasses


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