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1、八年级英语第一次月考试题一 单项选择。(10分)( )21. -HowoftendoyouwatchTV, Tom? - _ . A.Halfanhour.B. Hardlyever. C.Twice.( )22.Drinkingmilkis_forour health A.goodB.wellC.better () 23. Today she is not feeling _. A. good B. well C. nice() 24. You should drink _ water. A. a lot B. lot of C. lots of () 25. What are you do

2、ing _ vacation? A. for B. to C. with() 26.- Im going to Tibet for a week.- That _ interesting.A. listen B. soundsC. hears() 27.- How long are you staying there? -_.A. Next week B. OnSunday C. For amonth() 28.Who are you going _? A. to B. with C. at( ) 29.I often go to work_ bus, but my friend usuall

3、y _ the car to work.A. on, take B. by, take C. by, takes ( ) 30._ milk, most students drinks it every day.A. As for B. As with C. As of二. 完型填空。(10分)Li Ming 1 often late for school. The teacher is very angry with him. 2 are you often late for school? asks the teacher. Because I often get up 3.” answe

4、rs Li Ming. 4 clock can wake you up, says the teacher. Yes, you are 5 .But it 6 work , says Li Ming. Why dont you 7 it? asks the teacher again. Oh, I dont want it to work 8 , answers Li Ming. If all of us are late for school, 9 do you think of it? says the teacher. Oh, thats great! There will be 10

5、schools in the world, says Li Ming with a smile.( )31. A. is B. beC. does ( )32. A. Why B. When C. What ( )33. A. quickly B. earlyC. late ( )34. A. You B. YourC. Yours ( )35. A. right B. wrong C. OK( )36. A. dont B. doesnt C. isnt( )37. A .take B. bring C. mend( )38 A. goodB. niceC. well( )39. A .wh

6、at B. whyC. how( )40. A. no B. notC. little三.阅读理解(30分)(A) Its a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are in a big bus. There are many people in it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and Canada. They are all their friends. They are going to the Great Wall. They all hear th

7、at the Great Wall is a great place to go sightseeing.There are two Chinese in the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the bus carefully. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking about the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him.They like the Great Wall. They

8、want to see it very much.( ) 41. Ann and mother are going to the Great Wall _. A. by bike B. by car C. by bus( ) 42. There are _.A. only one Chinese in the bus B. only two Chinese in the bus C. only two Chinese on the bike ( ) 43. The driver is _.A. a man B. a woman C. an American( ) 44. The people

9、_.A. are singing B. are talking C. are listening( ) 45. They _.A. can see the Great Wall. B.want to see the Great Wall very much. C. want to talk with the Great Wall.(B)Lucy always had headaches and stomachaches. First, Lucys doctor gave her some medicine, but it didnt work. Then her doctor asked he

10、r doctor about her favorite food. Lucy said she ate a lot of fish. Her doctor said,“Stop eating fish.” When Lucy stopped eating fish, she felt much better. Sharon often had a very sore throat after eating. First, she stopped drinking coffee and milk, but this made no difference. Then , in the summer

11、, the problem become worse, and it was difficult for her to eat. Her doctor asked about her diet. She said she ate about ten tomatoes a day. The doctor asked her not to eat tomatoes. When she stopped eating tomatoes, her throat got better. Fred worked in a car factory. There was something wrong with

12、 his hands and he could not hold his tools(工具). First, he went to his doctor, and she asked him to have a good rest. It didnt work. After that, his doctor asked about his diet. Fred said he ate a lot of bread. His doctor asked him not to eat bread. Ten days later, Fred could hold his tools again. (

13、)46. Whats the matter with Lucy? A. She had a sore throat. B. She had headaches and stomachaches C. Something was wrong with his hands.( ) 47. Whats Lucys favorite food? A. fish B. milk C. coffee( ) 48. Did Sharon have a sore throat after eating? A. No, she didnt. B. Yes, she did. C. I dont know.( ) 49. What did Freds doctor ask him to do at first? A. to stop eating bread. B. to have a good rest. C. to take some medicine.( ) 50. What did Sharons doctor ask herNOTto do? A. to eat tomatoes B. to drink coffee C. to drink milk(C)LastsummerIwenttotheInnerMong


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