七年级英语上册 unit 6 let’s go lesson 32 at the supermarket导学案 (新版)冀教版

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《七年级英语上册 unit 6 let’s go lesson 32 at the supermarket导学案 (新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 unit 6 let’s go lesson 32 at the supermarket导学案 (新版)冀教版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 32 At the Supermarket【学习目标】1、 学习的任务和目标1) Grasp main words: Fr esh, follow, count, forty, fift y, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred,2) Understand important structures:May I help you? How much is this T-shirt .2、学习的重点1) Know about how to buy sth. at the supermarket. 2)Master the munbers o

2、f this lesson.3) Key sentences and structures.3、学习的难点Learn to ask the way and express the direction.【学习过程】Step 1: 自主学习-明确目标 自学文本1. 请同学们课前上平台阅读思考本节导学案,明确本节课的学习任务和目标。2. 对照课本后面第一单元的单词表(从Lady 到Fresh )跟读单词录音。要求:根据录音及单词音标,首先会读单词接着边读边写记单词,注意中英文的转换,最后默写单词。3. 独立认真地预习(第84页)面的课文。要求:阅读课文,把不理解的短语,句子用红笔做上记号。4. 在线

3、上对照导学案本课时完成探究归纳部分的预习。Step 2: 自学检测-在线测学 质疑思学通过自学完成下列任务:(一) 单词(Word):1._新鲜的2._跟随;明白 3._ 数 4._四十 5broken _ 6._三十 7._ 蔬菜 8.over _ 9._ 展示(二)短语 : 阅读课文找出下列短语1.我能帮助你吗?_ 2.他们紧挨着._ 3.我看见_ 4.我正在找_ 5.没问题_6.我能够._ (三)试着把以下句子译成汉语并想一想这些句型的用法。1.Ill show you._ 2. Mrs. Li wants to buy some fresh vegetables._3.They are

4、 over there._4.How much is this T-shirt?_ Step3: 自展提升-合作探究 展示交流通过老师和同学的一起合作交流,解决学生自学中的疑问【知识探究】知识点一探究一:They are next to the carrots. 它们在胡萝卜旁边next to 意为“在. 旁边。”相当于beside. 【例】The zoo is - - the bank. He sits - - me. 知识点二探究二:Ill show you. 我来指给您看。Ill show you.是日常生活中常见句型。当别人需要帮助时,你就可以说“Ill show you 尤其是在商场

5、中更常用。Ill show you the way to the library. 探究三: Please follow me. 请跟我来。follow 意为“跟随“。相当于go after. 【例】Please follow me; dont walk around. Step 4: 自评巩固-自主测评 当堂巩固1. 独立认真完成自评巩固训练。(纸质学案上完成)2. 线上提交当堂测评客观题答案。3. 对照上传的解析,弄清错题原因,掌握正确的解题思路及方法。4. 在线下在纸质学案上订正。5. 下课后将纸质学案交给老师进行批阅。【随堂检测】一单项选择 1 . He sits _the right

6、 of Li Lei.A. at B. in C. on D. to2. _does your brother go to work?By bike. A. Where B. Why C. How 3 . The schoolbag sells_the price of thirty yuan. A. at B in C. on D. for 4 _ is your computer? 4,800 yuan.A. How much B. How many C. What D. How 5 . I meet my teacher _. A. on my way to home B. on the

7、 way to home C. on my way home D. in my way home 二、用方框中单词的适当形式填空 1My grandfather is _ years old.2Ten and thirty is _3There are one _ teachers in our school.4The air is _ after the rain.5_ from 0 to 20.三、根据汉语完成句子1请问要我帮忙吗?_ _ _ _ ?2土豆挨着胡萝卜。Potatoes _ _ _ carrots.3Where is the milk?_ _(跟我来)4Li Ming doe

8、snt know the teachers office._ _ _ _ _(请给他指路)5Would you help me with my English?_ _(没问题)You can come to my office every Saturday.四、连词成句1is,this,ninety,Tshirt,yuan_.2wants,buy,Tshirt,to,a,Tom_.3the,shoes,are,much,how_?4buy,a,Id,to,sweater,like_.5two,have,red,hats,you,do,hundred_?参考答案一、1-5 CCAAC二、1.eighty2.forty3.hundred4fresh5.Count三、1.Can/May I help you2are next to3.Follow me4Please show him the way5No problem四1.This Tshirt is ninety yuan2Tom wants to buy a Tshirt3How much are the shoes4Id like to buy a sweater5Do you have two hundred red hats5


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