2017秋七年级英语上册 unit 5 do you have a soccer ball period 1 section a(1a-1c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ballPeriod 1 Section A 1a1c.教学准备1教师:准备录音机、磁带、多媒体课件,搜集一些球类及球拍的图片,收集课文中所涉及的或学生常见的球类运动器材或有关的教学幻灯片或图片;制作1a部分的插图和人物对话的课件,将听力部分的内容插入,通过询问对方的所属以及回答来引入新课,以及与球类有关的故事。2学生:搜集自己所了解的或曾经见过的球类运动器材的名称,并通过询问老师、同学或上网查询的方式了解有关球类的历史故事。.教学目标1充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2教给学生学习英语的方法和技巧。3使学生了解一些

2、球类运动,引导学生热爱体育运动。4学习本课的知识点:(1)词汇:do,have,tennis,ball,pingpong,bat,soccer,soccer ball,volleyball,basketball(2)句型:I/We/They have a/an.Do you have a pingpong ball?Yes,I do./No,I dont.5帮助学生理解不同国家的文化差异。.教学重点(1)词汇:do,have,tennis,ball,pingpong,soccer,soccer ball,volleyball,basketball(2)句型:I/We/They have a/a

3、n.Do you have a pingpong ball?Yes,I do./No,I dont.教学难点让学生掌握各类球类的单词,have的一般现在时的用法,do引导的一般疑问句及其简单回答。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking教师鼓励学生采用多种方式自由交际,创设浓厚的英语学习氛围,给学生以语言实践的机会。建议1:师生问答:教师可以询问学生一些个人信息。T:Hello,Im Miss Ma.Nice to meet you!S1:Nice to meet you!T:Whats your name?S1:My name is.T:How are you?S1

4、:I am fine.Thank you.T:Whats your telephone number?S1:Its.T:Do you have a friend?S1:Yes,I do.T:Whats your friends name?S1:Her name is.建议2:学生之间就教室内的物品进行交谈。A:Where is your ruler?B:Its under the chair.A:Where is his pencil?B:Its in his schoolbag.建议3:学生描述一下自己的房间。学生把自己的房间布局画在纸上,并通过投影进行详细的介绍。For example:T

5、his is my room.My radio is on the table.My clock is on the desk.My model plane is under the desk.My tape player is on the sofa.My bag is on the chair.Step 2:Leadin建议1:利用图片导入:出示一些球类的图片。然后教师根据图片向学生提出问题,导入本课要学习的新词汇。For example:(The teacher shows the picture of a basketball to the class.)T:Whats this in

6、 English?Ss:Its a basketball.T:How do you spell it?Ss:BASKETBALL.The teacher shows the students other objects.Teach “tennis ball,pingpong bat,soccer ball,volleyball,baseball,baseball bat” in the same way.The students ask and answer in pairs with these things.建议2:教学一些球类运动器材名词,教师拿出一个足球或出示图片进行演示:T:I ha

7、ve a football.Do I have a football?(自己回答)T:Yes,I do.Do I have a basketball?(自己回答)T:No,I dont.再使用其他物体询问学生:T:Do I have.?S:.询问学生:T:Do you have a volleyball?S:No,I dont.询问学生:T:Do they have a soccer ball?S:Yes,they do.建议3:利用表格导入:教师让学生课前先做一个调查,同学们分别有些什么球,从而导入本课要学习的语言项目“Do you have a soccer ball?”NamesBall

8、s you haveWang WeitennisLi HongpingpongYang Quansoccer ballQu ZhivolleyballLiu FangbasketballT:Before this lesson,I asked you to do a project about filling in the chart because we want to have a ball game.But we dont know what kind of balls you have.Please ask your classmates in the group what balls

9、 he/she has.Then write down the information in the chart.The teacher asks some students some questions.First point to a student in the chart who has a tennis.T:Do you have a tennis?S:Yes,I do.Second point to another student in the classroom.T:Do you have a tennis?S:Yes,I do.Third point to Li Hong in

10、 the classroom who has a pingpong ball,but no tennis.T:Do you have a tennis?S:No,I dont.T:Do you have a pingpong ball?S:Yes,I do.T:Today we are going to learn how to talk about ownership and make suggestions.Step 3:Present the new words建议1:学生看课本1a的图片,将单词与图中物品配对。The students look at the words in 1a a

11、nd match the words with the things in the picture.Ask one student to show the answers and check them.建议2:教师做出打各种球的姿势,让学生猜测是哪种球,并学习表示球的词汇。Step 4:Practice the new words建议1:教师让学生听1a部分的录音,通过听力训练操练所学的新单词。具体操作建议:第一遍让学生只是听,第二遍让学生听并跟读,然后教师让学生进行操练,先让学生齐读,然后把学生分成组齐读,最后让学生单个读。通过这种从整体到部分再到个体的机械操练让学生熟练掌握本课所学词汇。建

12、议2:1.教师在黑板上画半个圆,让学生猜是什么球?通过这种方式来练习运用所学的球类单词。S1:Is it a basketball?T:No,it isnt.S2:Is it a soccer ball?T:Yes,it is.2采用做游戏“吹牛皮”让学生练习所学的新单词和关于have的陈述句。The students make the sentences with:I have _.You have _.They have _.My parents have _.Step 5:Task1两个好朋友正在看球赛,他们非常热爱体育运动,然后问学生:想知道他们都有哪些运动器材吗?让学生听1b部分录音

13、并圈出所听到的单词,并能画出相应的图片。2让学生跟读1b的听力材料,然后让学生分角色操练1b部分的对话,学会运用助动词do进行问答,可采用师生互动带动学生互动的交流方式:Do you have.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Step 6:Present the new sentences建议1:利用猜谜游戏呈现本单元核心语言项目“Do you have a soccer ball?”。教师利用多媒体出示一幅被盖着的球类图片,然后介绍说:“I have a ball.Can you guess what it is?”可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣。For example:T:Lets

14、play a guessing game.Look at the picture.This is a ball.I have this ball,but most part of it is covered.We cant see it.What kind of ball is it?Can you guess?S1:Its a soccer ball.S2:Its a basketball.T:Yes its a basketball.Do you have a basketball?S2:.建议2:利用表格呈现本单元语言项目“Do you have a soccer ball?”。教师出示

15、一个表格,然后介绍这是自己的体育收藏,让一名学生问:Do you have a baseball?”。For example:S1:Do you have a baseball?T:Yes,I do.S2:Do you have a baseball bat?T:No,I dont.Step 7:Practice the new sentences1让学生练习1c的对话。建议教师先让学生齐读,然后把全班分成两个角色来练习对话,最后让学生两人一组表演对话,这样由集体到部分的操练,目的是鼓励学生人人开口,增强他们说英语的信心,培养他们学英语的兴趣,也有利于教师检查学生对新材料的掌握情况,为下一步的有意义操练和交际性操练作好准备。2教师创设情景让学生与同伴编写对话,并让学生分角色向其他同学展示他们所编的对话。3教


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