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1、Unit10 Ive had this bike for three years名词:差距大,市场体系不完善,缺乏集聚效应等问题,同时充分考虑到该地周围已形成成熟建材商圈的商业价值,因地制宜的进行家居建材广场的建设。通过合理布局、优化环境、提升服务,该项目必将切实发挥商业区在引导消费、拉动经济增长方面的作用,促进该县经济和社会又好又快发展。yard 院子memory 记忆;回忆cent 分;分币toy 玩具bear 熊marker 生产者;制定者scarf 围巾;披巾;头巾board 板;木板bedroom 卧室railway 铁路;铁道while 一段时间;一会儿hometown 家乡;故乡

2、crayon 蜡笔;粉笔shame 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧century 世纪;百年childhood 童年;幼年动词:clear 清理;清除own 拥有;有count 数数consider 仔细考虑;注视hold 拥有;抓住regard 将视为;把视为;看待形容词:sweet 甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的soft 软的;柔软的certain 某一;确定的honest 诚实的;老实的truthful 诚实的;真实的junior 地位(或职位;级别)低下的副词:nowadays 现今;现在;目前especially 尤其;特别;格外介词:among 在(其)中;之一兼类词:check v&n 检查;审查sea

3、rch v&n 搜索;搜查part v离开;分开 n 角色;部分opposite prep 与相对;在对面 adj 对面的;另一边的短语:yard sale 庭院拍卖会bread maker 面包机soft toy 软体玩具;布绒玩具check out 查看;观察clear out 清理;丢掉board game 棋类游戏junior high school 初中no longer 不再;不复as for 至于;关于to be honest 说实在的according to 依据;按照close to 几乎;接近part with 放弃;交出(尤指不舍得的东西)知识点:1、keep 保留kee

4、p sth for sb = keep sb sth 为某人保留某物I keep all her letters. 我保留着她所有的信。Please keep a seat for me. = Please keep me a seat. 请给我留个座位。2、 in need 在困难时;在危难之中be in need of 需要We are raising money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。After working for ten hours, she was i

5、n great need of rest. 工作十小时之后,她非常需要休息。in短语:in danger 在危险中in trouble 在困境中in order 井然有序in hand 在手头;在控制中2、 check 检查;审查 check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记 check out 察看;观察You should check your answer before you hand in your paper. 在你交卷子前你应该检查答案。You should check in before the flight. 飞机起飞前你应该登记。If you find something in

6、teresting, I will check it out. 如果你发现什么有趣的东西,我会去看一下。3、 junior high school 初中 high school 高中4、no longer = notany longer不再;不复This kind of skirt is no longer in fashion. = This kind of skirt is not in fashion any longer. 这种裙子不再流行。He no longer lives in the city. = He doesnt live in the city any longer.

7、他不再住在这个城市了。5、own 拥有;有I dont own anything. 我什么都没有。The girl owns many books. 这个女孩有很多书。 形容词性物主代词 + own + 名词 某人自己的某物I saw it with my own eyes. 我亲眼看到的。 on ones own 单独;独自You cant do that on your own. 你不能独自做那个。 of ones own 属于自己的Id like to have a house of my own. 我想有个属于自己的房子。6、 part v离开;分开part with 放弃;交出(尤指

8、不舍得的东西)When he parted the curtains, the sunlight flooded into the room. 他拉开窗帘,阳光洒进屋内。They felt sad to part with the old house. 要和自己的老房子分开了,他们感到很伤心。 part n 角色;部分take part in 参加play a part in 在中扮演角色/起作用About 400 students took part in the activity. 大约四百名学生参加了这个活动。play a key part in = play an important

9、part in 在中发挥重要作用He played a key part in the game. 在这次比赛中他发挥了重要作用。7、certain某一;确定的A certain person called me yesterday. 昨天有人给我打电话了。There are certain things I cant discuss with my mother. 有些事情我没法和我母亲商量。be certain of/about 对有把握He is certain of/about getting a ticket. 他有把握买到票。8、as for 至于;关于As for robots,

10、 I cant tell you anything. 关于机器人,我不能告诉你任何事情。9、honest 诚实的;老实的He is an honest boy. 他是个诚实的男孩。to be honest 说实在的To be honest, his speech is really boring. 说实在的,他的演讲实在是无聊。10、while 一段时间;一会儿after a while 过了一会儿for a while 暂时;一会儿quite a while 很长一段时间in a while 不久;马上all the while 一直;始终once in a while 偶尔;有时At la

11、st, he could relax for a while. 他终于可以放松一下了。Mr. Li will come to meet you in a while. 李先生过一会儿会来见你。11、 do with 处理;安置,强调处理对象,和what连用deal with 处理;应付,强调处理方法,和how连用I dont know what to do with these emails. 我不知道如何处理这些电子邮件。My parents taught me how to deal with pressure. 我的父母教我如何应对压力。She told me how to deal w

12、ith the problem. = She told me the problem.12、once or twice 一两次一次 once = one time两次 twice = two times三次及以上 基数词 + times three times 三次once/twice/基数词+times a day/week/month/year 一天/周/月/年几次once a day 一天一次 twice a week 一周两次I play football once a week. 我一周踢一次足球。Mr. Green usually washes his face twice a d

13、ay. Green先生一天洗两次脸。13、nowadays 现今;现在;目前,位于句首或句末Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading. 现在大多数孩子喜欢看电视胜过读书。News flies about rapidly nowadays. 现在消息传播的很快。14、 search 搜索;搜查search(+ 地点)for sb/sth (在某处)搜寻某人/某物search sb 搜某人的身 in search of 寻找He searched for his schoolbag everywhere. 他到处寻找他的书包。He searc

14、hes everyone regularly. 他例行搜身检查。Tom went to the big city in search of a good job. Tom去大城市,想找一个好工作。15、 among 在(其中);之一,用于三者及三者以上 = one of The movie is the best among the modern movies. 在现代电影中这部是最好的。New York is among/one of the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的城市之一。 between 两者之间He is usually free

15、between Tuesday and Thursday. 他通常在周二到周四之间有空。Tom sits between Lily and Mary. Tom坐在Lily和Mary之间。16、shame 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧Its a shame that 真遗憾Its a shame to do sth 做某事是羞耻的What a shame!真遗憾!/多可惜啊!Its a shame that you have to leave so soon. 你这么快就要走了,真遗憾。Its a shame to talk in the class. 上课说话是一件羞耻的事。What a shame we missed the wedding!我们错过了这场婚礼太可


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