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1、人教版七年级下册第一次月考复习姓名_Unit1 一.句型。读读背背。1. I like going to the movies with my friends.2. His grandmothers home is very far from their house.3. What language do they speak? 4. What language does he speak?5. Where are you from? = Where do you come from?6. Whats your nationality? 7. He is a Chinese boy.二、.单项

2、选择题。( )1. Tommy is a _ boy. A. 12 years old B. 12-year-old C. 12 year old( )2. What language can you _? A. talk B. say C. speak( )3. I dont like _, but I like _ basketball today. A. playing sports, to play B. playing sports, playing C. to play sports, playing( )4. Can you write_ your sister and _ a

3、pen?A. to, to B.to, with C. with, to D. to, at( )5. I am afraid _ walk on the road and at night , and my sister is afraid _ seeing thriller movie. A.of, to B.to, of C. with, to D.to, /( )6. Tina went shopping without money, so she has to come back_ home to take money. A. to B.at C. / D. go( )7. I wa

4、nted my mother _ a story to me when I was a child. A.tell B. say C. to tell D. to say( )8. I am very _ after watching this _ movie. A. exciting, excited B. excited, excited C.exciting, exciting D. excited, exciting( )9. I am very happy, because I buy a dress at a _ price. A. low B. high ( )10. I oft

5、en go to school on _. A. weekdays B. weekends三、.汉译英。1.欢迎来我们学校。2.这件衣服是以高价售出的。3.你的朋友讲什么语言?4.我的王叔叔住在农场。5.你哥哥最喜欢的运动是什么?6.哪一件毛衣是7美金?7.顺便问一下,你是德国人吗?Unit2一、单项选择。1. Can you pass the pen _ me? A. to B. with C. from2. Eating _ food can bring us _. A. healthy, health B. health, healthy3. My house is _ the fift

6、h floor of this building. A. in B. next to C. on4. Do you know the way _ this question. A. to solve B. of solving C. both A and B5. When he passed the room, she heard him _. A. to sing B. singing6. When we meet the trouble(麻烦), we should _ for help. A. look B. ask C.wait7. Lily and I are in _ grade,

7、 but different_. A. the same, classes B. same, classes C. a, class D. the same, class8. When the train arrive _ Beijing Station, she _ the train quickly. A. in, get off B. at, get off C. in, get on 9. What _ do you know _ West food and East food? A. different, between B. differences, both C. differe

8、nces, between10. Chinese Spring Festival is different _ the USA. A. to B. than C. for D. from11. He pointed _ me and said, “ Dont be late again.” A. at B. to C. with12. She is _ a red dress today. But when it snows, she have to _ her heavy clothes. A. putting on, wear B. wear, put on C. wearing, put

9、 on 13. I saw _ news about the Jay Chou. A. a B. a piece of14. There is a car _ our school. A. in front of B. in the front of 15. Can you see the fruit _ by the road. A. stand B. juice二、句型。1).关于问路的几个句型。1. Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to ?2. Excuse me! Where is the .?3. Excuse me! How can I get

10、 to the ?4. Excuse me! Do you know how to get to the ?2) 关于路向的短语walk /go along 沿着走 take the third turning 走到第三个拐弯处 at the second crossing在第二个十字路口 turn left向左转 on the right在右边 go down一直走 until一直到Unit3一、单项选择。( ) 1. There are not _ water in the river. A. some B. a lot of C. many D. much( ) 2. - Hello,

11、_Linda, Could I _ to Mr. Green. A. Im, speak B. this is, talk C. this is, speak( ) 3. _ we go to the zoo?(选择错误的一项) A. Are B. Shall C. Could D. Why dont( ) 4. The train _ in 2 minutes. A. will leave B. is going to leave C. is leaving( ) 5. My mistake make my mother much _. A. worry B. worry about C.

12、worrier( ) 6. Do you have _ time? I want you to help me _ my English. A. any, for B. free, at C. free, with( ) 7. We decide to spend 2 hours _ this forest. A. going through B. to go through C. crossing D. to cross( ) 8. I like _ them _. A. to watch, dance B. to watch, dancing C. watching, dance( ) 9

13、. When the thief is leaving, the police _ and _ him.A. comes out, catches B. comes up, catches ( ) 10. The people in this country _ us. A. is friendly to B. are friendly with C. are friendly to ( ) 11. I cant swim, and my sister cant swim, _. A. also B. too C. either( ) 12. I bought 2 birds yesterday, one is Peter, _ is Paul. A. another B. other C. the other( ) 13. Would you like _ apple. A. other B. another( ) 14. Because it is raining, _ we cant go shopping now. A. / B. so C. but二、句型转换。1. Thank you for your help.(同义句) _2. With m


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