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1、宋风棋校Unit 2 Wheres the post office?考题回顾及解析一、单项选择1.Is there a fruit shop _ the neighborhood?Yes,its _ Center Street_the right.A.on;on;itB.in;on;inC.on;down;toD.in;down;on2.Thank you very much._ .A.No,thanksB.No,youre welcomeC.Youre welcomeD.Dont thank me3.Bridge Street is a good place to have _.差距大,市场

2、体系不完善,缺乏集聚效应等问题,同时充分考虑到该地周围已形成成熟建材商圈的商业价值,因地制宜的进行家居建材广场的建设。通过合理布局、优化环境、提升服务,该项目必将切实发挥商业区在引导消费、拉动经济增长方面的作用,促进该县经济和社会又好又快发展。7A.fun B.a funC.funs D.funning4.They take a walk _ the park every day.A.across B.throughC.past D.pass5.We are _ Jinan next week.A.arriving atB.arrive inC.arriving inD.arrive at6.

3、Its very far.You can _ a bus.A.sit B.haveC.by D.take7.Pass _avenue,you will see it.A.eighthB.the eighthC.eightD.the eight8.It is a small house_a small garden.A.has B.toC.with D.have9.Is there a bike in the supermarket?_.A.Yes,it isB.No,it isntC.Yes,there isntD.Yes,there is10.My best friend sits next

4、_me.A.to B.onC.in D.beside二、根据汉语完成英语句子1. Seventh Street is a good place _. (玩得高兴)2. Let me _(帮助你) with your English.3. Do you know the restaurant _(被叫作)Heping?4. I dont tell him how _(到达) the hotel.5. He _ a farmer _ help. (正在请求)三、阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)There is an old man in a house.In the house t

5、here are many mice.The old man has a cat.Every day the cat catches the mice and eats them.One day,the old mouse says,“All mice must come to my room this evening.We must find a way to deal with the cat.”All the mice come.Many mice speak,but they dont know what to do.At last,a young mouse stands up an

6、d says,“We must put a bell on the cat.When the cat comes near,we can hear the bell and run away.So the cat cant catch us.”“Who can put the bell on the cat?”asks the old mouse.But no one answers.1.There are many mice in the old mans house.2.The cat eats one mouse every day.3.The old mouse is clever a

7、nd finds a way.4.The young mouse is very brave and put a bell on the cat.5.There are many mice there,but no one can find a good way.一.单项选择1.Excuse me ! Is there _ hospital around me ? -Yes, there is _ near here. A. a, the B. the, a C. a, one D. one , a2.Can you tell me the story of Change _ Japanese

8、 ? -OK. A. with B. to C. use D. in3. Susan is our English teacher, We can learn English _ her. A. to. B. at C. from D. about4. Bridge Street is a good place _. A. fun B. to fun C. to have fun D. have fun5. Tom is from Singapore. So he speaks _. A. English B. French C. Japanese D. Chinese and English

9、6. Is Ottawa in Canada or France ? A. Yes, it is. B. Canada. C. No, it isnt. D. France7. At the _ of this term, Tom works very hard. A. begin B. begining C. begins D. beginning8. John sits between Kate and _. A. I B. me C, my D. mine9. Can you write _ us soon ? A. with B. in C. to D. about10. Whats

10、the capital of America, do you know ? A. London B. New York C. Sydney D. Washington11. There _ some oranges and an apple on his desk. A. be B. is C. are D. am12. _ come from _, and they speak _. A. Australian, England, English B. Canadians, the USA, French C. English, the UK, English D. Japaneses, J

11、apan, Japanese13. Look! There are a lot of people and cars on New Street. Its a _ street. A. lazy B. busy C. easy D. quiet14. Lily _ science because she thinks its too difficult . A. like B. dislike C. likes D. dislikes15. Three men are on a bus. Mr. Smith speaks English and Chinese. Mr. Black can s

12、peak Japanese and English. Mr. White can only speak with Mr. Smith. What language does Mr. White speak? A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French 二.完形填空 Li Lei gets an e-mail _1_ Jackson Wilson. Jack is a high school student in Canada. He wants to _2_ Chinese. Dear friend, My name is Jack Wilson. I am from Toronto,_3_. I am 13 years old. Im a schoolboy. I know China is a great _4_. I want to _5_ friends in China and I want to learn Chinese. There are


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