2017年秋七年级英语上册 unit 8 countries around the world lesson 48 english-speaking countires教学课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、,学练优七年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件,Unit 8,Countries around the World,Lesson 48: English-Speaking Countries,Australia,Canada,The U.S,New Zealand,Singapore,South Africa,The U.K.,India,Can you mark these countries on the map of the world? What direction are they from China?,Lead-in,The U.S.,Canada,Australia,China,The

2、 U.K.,Match the countries with their national symbols and flags.,Lead-in,Learning Aims,了解世界上各个说英语的国家,如英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等。 掌握本课的单词和重点句型。,Presentation,Africa Singapore South Africa each English-speaking countries all over the world a list of,非洲(地名); 新加坡(地名) 南非(地名) 各个;每个 说英语的国家 全世界 的清单,New Words,Presentat

3、ion,a map of Canada,a map of the world,a map of China,a map of the U.S.,a map of Australia,a map of the U.K.,Presentation,Presentation,How much do you know about Australia?,Presentation,How much do you know about the U.S.?,Presentation,How much do you know about the U.K .?,ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES

4、 AROUND THE WORLD,People speak English as their first language in many countries. These English-speaking countries are all over the world. Some of these countries are south of China. Some are west of China. Some are east of China.,Text Reading,Presentation,Here is a list of eight of these countries.

5、 Australia Canada India New Zealand Singapore South Africa the U.K. the U.S.,What else do you know about these countries?,Presentation,English-speaking countries around the world.,the U.K.,Canada,the U.S.,Australia,Presentation,New Zealand,Singapore,South Africa,India,Presentation,Listen and write t

6、rue (T) or false (F).,1,1. People speak English as their first language in eight countries. 2. English-speaking countries are all over the world. 3. Some English-speaking countries are north of China. 4. Australia is an English-speaking country.,T,T,T,F,Reading Task,Presentation,2,Read the lesson an

7、d write the correct countries in the blanks.,1. Its is south of China. People there speak Chinese and English. S_ 2. It has many beautiful beaches. Kangaroos are from this country. A_,ingapore,ustralia,Presentation,3. It is southeast of Australia. People there speak English. N_ 4. It is north of the

8、 U.S. and its capital is Ottawa. C_,ew Zealand,anada,Presentation,3,Match the countries with their national symbols and flags.,the U.S.,Canada,Australia,China,the U.K.,Presentation,Complete the table.,4,English French,English,Ottawa,Canberra,beaver,kangaroo,Its red and white. It has a red leaf on it

9、.,Its blue and the stars are white. The little flag in the corner is the U.K.s flag.,Presentation,English,English,Washington, D.C.,London,the Statue of Liberty,Big Ben,Its red, white and blue. It has stars and stripes on it.,Its red, white and blue. It has the same colours as the flag of the U.S.,La

10、nguage points,Presentation,1.These English-speaking countries are all over the world. English-speaking countries意为“说英语的国家”,在这个短语中,English与speaking由一个连字符构成了形容 词,意为“说英语的”。 all over the world 意为“遍及全世界”,相当于all around the world。 eg: The song is all over all over the world 这首歌唱遍全中国。,Presentation,2. Here i

11、s a list of eight of these countries. a list of意为“一张的清单”。 eg: Please give me a list of the students of the class. 请给我一张班级学生的名单。 Youd better make a list of food before shopping. 购物之前你最好列一张食物清单。,Presentation,一、根据句意及首字母提示填空 1. N_ points up on a map. 2. The U.K. is w_ of China. 3. The c_ of Australia is

12、 Canberra. 4. There are many i_ places in China. 5. The White House and the Statue of Liberty are famous b_ in the U.S,Practice,orth,est,apital,nteresting,uildings,Practice,二、请根据句意用适当的介词填空 1. I want to buy a map _ the world. 2. Lets look _ the picture. It is very nice. 3. My grandfather lives _ the

13、U.S. 4. Toby is _ Canada. 5. A list _ the dishes to be served for a meal.,from,of,at,in,of,Practice,三、改错 Its same colours as the flag of the U.S The U.K. has a king and a queen. Lets look a map. Where are the United States? They like to look at books. North points up in a map.,the same,or,_,_,_,look

14、 at,_,is,_,on,_,read,Practice,四、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. We live in China. We speak _ (China). 2. Id like to visit some of the English-speaking _(country). 3. Australia _(be) an English-speaking country. 4. My sweater is _(与颜色相同) Dannys. 5. Danny likes _(Canada) food. He thinks its delicious.,Chinese,countrie

15、s,is,the same colour as,Canadian,I know about our country, China.,China,Chinese,Beijing,west of the U.S.,red five yellow stars,Tiananmen Square the Palace Museum the Great Wall the Summer Palace,五、填空,Practice,I know about Canada.,Canada,English and French,Ottawa,north of the U.S.,red and white a leaf,Niagara Falls Rocky Mountains,Practice,I know about the U.S.,the U.S.,English,Washington D.C.,east of China south of Canada,red, white and blue stars and stripes,the White House the Statue of Liberty,Practice,I know a


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