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1、云南高考口语题型总结与分析曲靖市第二中学 杨绍斌一 题型 本次口语考试主要以情景题为主,每份试题分为三大部分,第一部分为自我介绍;第二部分共八道题,1-5题要求学生根据情景和电脑屏幕左下方闪动的词组对电脑提问(相当于对这些词组提问),电脑回答,6-8题为拓展题,要求考生根据自己的知识和经验回答电脑提出的三个问题,问题基本与第二部分所用情景内容相关;第三大部分共8题,均为电脑提问、考生作答的题型,1-5题根据本部分所提供的情景内容作答,6-8题为与本部分所用情景相关的拓展题,考生需用自己已有知识和经验作答。现将本次口语考试情景题类型总结如下(所总结的每个情景只作为一份试题第二、第三部分中的一部分

2、):1.商店购物(考生提问):商店名称,地点,商品材料,商品号码(尺寸),商品产地。 What is the name of the shop? Where is the shop? / Where is the shop located situated? What are the goods made of? What are the sizes of the goods? Where do the goods come from? / Where are the goods produced? 拓展题:(6)How often do you go shopping? Twice / 3

3、times a week / It depends. Sometimes I go shopping more often because (7)Who do you often go shopping with? I often go shopping with my mother, because she can help me pay for the things I like. (8)Whats the differences between supermarket and department store? I think there are more goods for us to

4、 choose from in a supermarket. And the goods there are cheaper than those of a department store. 2.演讲(考生回答): 题目,演讲者,时间,地点,参加者 (1)Whats the lecture about? Its about (2)Who is the speaker? He / she is (3)When will it be held? It will be held on + 具体某天/at + 具体时间点或周末/ in + 月份 (4)Where will it be held? i

5、n / at 【It will be held in / at 】 (5)Who can attend the lecture? can go there. 拓展题:(6)Have you ever attended a lecture? What was it about? Yes. It was about 2 years ago. It was a lecture given by a top leader of a company and it was about how to succeed. (7)What kind of lecture would you like to att

6、end? Why? Id like to attend some lectures about the bitter experience of some successful people, because I can get inspired from their experience. (8)Today more and more Chinese people celebrate western festival, what do you think of it? As a Chinese, I think we should be open to foreign cultures. C

7、elebrating foreign festivals can further our understanding of both the countries from which these festival come from and our own country. But we must remember that we should not forget our own festivals, for if we let them disappear, there will be a cultural gap, which foreign cultures may fill. 3.朋

8、友简介(考生提问):姓,年龄,国籍,爱好,父母职业 Is a male or a female? / What is the gender of ? How old is ? What is s nationality? / Where does come from? / Where is s home country? What is s likes and dislikes? What do s parents do? What are s parents? / What are s parents occupation? 拓展题:(6)Have you had a foreign tea

9、cher? Where does he come from? Yes. He is from America / he comes from (7)Do you like traveling? Why or Why not? Of course. When I travel, I can see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful. I can also meet new friends, try new kinds of food. Sometimes I just travel

10、 for a change, for I sometimes feel bored staying at home. (8)What do you think are the difficulties when living in a foreign country? Communication, I think, would be the major problem, for there exists cultural shock. Even if I may understand the language there, I may not understand the way of thi

11、nking. And the climate there may also cause trouble. To get used to the climate may take some time. 4.中山公园(考生回答): 地点,公园名称,开放时间,门票,特色(1)Whats the name of the park? Zhong Shan Park(2)Where is the park? It is located on / in / at (3)What are the opening hours? It opens at and the opening hours last for

12、 hours. (4)How much is the ticket for the park? It costs Yuan. (5)What are special about the park? 拓展题:(6)Who do you often go to parks with? I often go to parks with my sister because we are both students. We usually devote much of our spare time to homework. So we need to have a rest. And the air i

13、n parks is fresh and (7)What do people usually do in parks? People in parks usually have a walk while they are chatting with each other. Some people visit parks because of their children who usually like playing in parks because there are some recreation facilities which are of some interest to them

14、.(8)Describe a park you have been to. I have been to many parks. But the park I often go to is the one near our school. There lie many lakes in which fish are swimming. People there often bring with them some food to feed the fish. And a statue of a dragon is put at the centre of the park. As you kn

15、ow in China dragons are considered to be a kind of animal which can bring people good luck. So adults usually take their children there. 5.生日聚会(考生回答):谁的生日聚会,时间,地点,参加聚会的人,活动方式 It is a party for When is the party given/ held? Where is the party given / held ? Who will go to the party? / Who will be present at the party? / Who will attend the party? How will the party be organized? / How will the party be celebrated? 拓展题:(6)Do you buy any gift when you attend a party? What kind of gifts do you buy to attend a party? Of course. A



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