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1、第二课时 介词和介词短语,单句语法填空/单句改错 1.Chopsticks are not used everywhere in Asia.In India,for example,most people traditionally eat _ their hands. (2016全国,50) 2.My connection with pandas goes back_ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,when I was the first Western TV reporter.(2016全国,65) 3.For those who fly to

2、 Guilin,its only an hour away _ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. (2015全国,66),感 悟 高 考,4.Now I am leaving home to college.(2016全国,短文改错) 5.While they chatted,my father would lift my sister and me up to sit in the top of the fridge.(2016浙江,短文改错),答案 1.with 2.to 3.by 4.tofor 5.inon

3、,考点一 常见介词的用法 1.表示时间的介词at,on,in和for 规则 at表示某个时间点、时刻等,例如:at midnight,at dawn/daybreak,at sunrise/sunset,at dusk等。 规则 on表示在具体的日子或具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。例如: on October the first,on a rainy day,on Christmas Eve,on the afternoon of his arrival等。,考 点 清 单,规则 in表示在某段较长的时间内(如:世纪、朝代、年代、月份)或泛指上午、下午和傍晚等。in the 1980s/198

4、0s,in the Qing Dynasty,in October,in the morning/afternoon/evening等。 规则 for后跟“时间段”表示某行为或状态持续了多久,可与现在完成时、过去时或将来时连用。 I have lived in this city for more than 10 years. 我在这座城市住了10多年了。,2.表示交通方式的介词by,in和on 规则 不涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词前不带冠词。例如:by sea/water/land/air等。 规则 涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词需用单数,其前面不加冠词和任何修饰语。例如:by bi

5、ke/plane/ship/ train/spaceship/car等。 规则 当旅行方式涉及特指的交通工具时,用on或in,名词前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。例如:on this plane,on my bike,in his car。,3.表示方位的across,through和over 规则 across表示“从的表面穿过”。 He walked across the square to meet us. 他穿过广场来见我们。 规则 through表示“从的内部穿过”。 The guide led us through the forest. 向导领着我们穿过森林。 规则 ov

6、er表示“从的上面跨过”。 The thief jumped over the fence and fled away. 贼跳过栅栏逃跑了。,4.beyond 规则 表示“(时间)过了,比晚,迟于”。 Its beyond midnight now.Is he still watching the football match? 现在已经过了午夜了。他还在看足球赛吗? 规则 表示“(位置)在那一边,超出;为所不及,超出的范围”。 Beyond the river stood a power station. 过了这条河就是一个发电站。 Everybody was touched beyond

7、words after they heard her moving story. 听了她感人的故事,大家都被感动得无以言表。,5.against 规则 表示“逆方向,顶着;靠着,倚靠;碰着,撞击(表示方向或位置)”。 He stood with his back against the wall. 他背靠墙站着。 规则 表示“反对(与for意义相反);违背”。 Others are against the idea,saying that learning English is useless and is a waste of energy. 其他人反对这个观点,他们说学英语没用,并且浪费精

8、力。,规则 表示“防备,准备”。 Some animals store food against the winter. 有些动物为过冬储备食物。 They have got prepared against flood. 他们已经做好了防洪准备。 规则 表示“衬托,相映”。 The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky. 在蓝天的映衬下,山峰更显美丽。,6.with的用法 规则 表示“和一起,和,同,跟”。 Put this bag with the others. 把这个包和其他的包放在一起。 规则 表示“(同时或同一方向)随着”。

9、With the vital exam drawing near,I felt so nervous that I even couldnt eat or sleep,thus making me very sleepy in class. 随着这场重要考试日益临近,我感到如此紧张以至于吃不下睡不着,因此课堂上无精打采。,规则 表示“具有,带有”、“由于,因为”或“(表示方式)用”。 The dictionary is what I want,but I dont have enough money with me. 这本字典正是我想要的,但是我没带够钱。 There was a proble

10、m with the parking place for bikes in our school.在我们学校自行车存放处有一个长久以来就存在的问题。,考点二 常见介词短语 规则 in名词 in advance提前,事先,预先 in case如果,万一 in charge主管,掌管,看管,负责 in return作为回报 in turn依次,替换地;相应地,转而 in vain徒劳,白费力气的 规则 on名词 on leave在休假 on holiday在度假 on strike罢工 on sale出售,规则 beyond名词 beyond ones power是某人力不能及的 beyond o

11、nes reach够不着 beyond description难以形容 beyond words无法用语言形容 beyond doubt无疑;肯定 规则 under名词 under construction在建设中 under consideration在考虑中 under repair在修理中,规则 at名词 at work在上班 at lunch在吃午饭 at rest在休息 at table在吃饭 at church做礼拜 at peace处于和平状态 规则 out of名词 out of breath上气不接下气地 out of balance失去平衡 out of touch失去联系

12、 out of date过时的,规则 in名词of in favour of同意,赞成 in honour of为纪念,为庆祝 in memory of为纪念 in face of面对 in need of需要 in search of寻找 in charge of负责 in spite of尽管 in case of如果,万一,考点三 “动词介词”短语 规则 动词介词 laugh at嘲笑 agree on对达成协议 look for 寻找 set about 开始做 consist of 由组成 devote.to.致力于 refer to 参考;查阅 规则 动词副词介词 go in fo

13、r爱好;从事 put up with忍受 go back to 追溯到 go down to 认真做,规则 动词名词介词 take advantage of利用 pay attention to注意 make use of 利用 come up with提出 give in to向让步 规则 动词sb/sth介词 prevent sb from.阻止某人做 remind sb of.提醒某人 inform sb of通知某人 warn sb of 警告某人,1.【误】I like Mr.Miners speech;it was clear and on the point. 【正】I like

14、 Mr.Miners speech;it was clear and to the point. 【探究】句意:我喜欢Miner先生的讲话,既清楚又切中要点。to the point意思为“切中要点”。,正 误 探 究,2.【误】Did you really see the young man hit my brother on the face? 【正】Did you really see the young man hit my brother in the face? 【探究】句意:你真的看见那个年轻人打我弟弟的脸了吗?“打在脸上”用in the face;“打在鼻子上”用on the

15、nose。,易错点1 思维定势,误解语境 Do you think this shirt is too tight_the shoulders? 误填 to/on 答案 across 句意:你觉得这件衬衫肩膀的位置太紧了吗?本题考查介词的基本用法。across the shoulders指肩宽,两肩的距离,故填across。,易 错 防 范,【点拨】此题易用to,因为同学们会受思维定势影响,误以为考查too.to结构;也有同学会用on,认为是说“肩膀上”,指具体地点,但此处考查两肩间的距离。,易错点2 受汉语思维影响 The graduates are determined to devote

16、 themselves _ Chinese space science. 误填 for 答案 to 句意:毕业生们决心献身于中国太空科学事业。devote oneself to doing sth 意为“献身于”,这里的to是介词。类似的结构有:pay attention to,get down to,look forward to,make a contribution to等。,【点拨】易误用for。受到汉语思维习惯的影响,考生易误认为是“为了(for表目的)中国的太空科学事业而奉献”,却忽略了与devote固定搭配的介词只能是to。,.单句语法填空 1.Most of us are more focused _ our tasks in the


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