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1、2013届高考英语二轮复习热点专题训练:语法单选题系列211It is normal for kids to feel anxious and not to be able to _ their studies just before a quiz or an examination. Parents should try their best to help them relax within their power. A. settle down B. devote to C. get down for D. settle down to 【答案】D【解析】这题考查固定短语:settle

2、down to“静下心来做某事”,句意是:考试前孩子感到焦虑不能静下心来学习这很正常,父母应该尽所能帮助他们放松。选D。2Friendship cant be _in terms of money but money is an effective means to _ how strong the friendship is. A. measured; test B. weighed; weigh C. measured; measure D. tested; measure 【答案】A【解析】第一空填measure“衡量”,第二空填test是“考验”句意是:友谊不能用钱来衡量,但钱是有效的

3、检验友谊有多牢固的方法。选A。3While listening carefully, the students what their teacher said. A. set down B. turned downC. got downD. calmed down 【答案】A【解析】本题考查动词辨析。句意:学生边认真听,边记下认老师说的话。set down写下,记下;登记。4Sam always pronounces my name wrong. Do you think he does it ? A. on purpose B. at present C. at an endD. right

4、 away【答案】A【解析】本题考查介词短语。句意:Sam总是把我的名字读错,你认为他是故意的吗?on purpose 故意;at present 目前; at an end 结束;right away 马上。5My father told me that he had hard life in his childhood. A. calmed down B. gone throughC. added upD. set down【答案】B【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的父亲告诉我他童年时他经历的艰苦生活。go through 经历;经受。大多指痛苦的事情。6Dennisthe warn

5、ing and put his hand into the lions cage. A. acceptedB. decidedC. ignored D. concerned【答案】C【解析】本题考查动词辨析。句意: Dennis没有理睬警告,把手伸进了狮子的笼子内。accept接受;decide决定;ignore忽视,不理睬;concern担忧,涉及,关系到。7your score and you will make sure if you have passed the exam. A. Add up toB. Add toC. Add upD. Add【答案】C【解析】本题考查add短语辨

6、析。句意:把你的得分加起来以确定你是否已经通过考试。add up 把加起来;add to 增加;add up to 加起来总共是。8In the class of the computer information, there werent enough computers for every student, so we. A. had got to saveB. had to separateC. had to shareD. had got to divide【答案】C【解析】本题考查动词辨析。save的意思是“储存,积蓄,节省”,而separate和divide则指把个体或整体分成几个

7、部分。此处share是“共用,分享”的意思,符合题干的语境。9When why she cried, the woman still kept. A. asked; calm B asking; stillC. being asked; quiet D. asked; silent 【答案】D【解析】本题考查非谓语动词和形容词。第一个空考查状语从句省略(she was); 第二个空考查keep silent 不作声,不说话。still不动的,强调“静止状态”;quiet安静的,宁静的,多指不吵闹,不焦虑;calm指人“沉着,镇定”,指自然“无风无浪”。10This novel was conc

8、ernedthe Second World War, while most teenagers are more concerned the heros love story. A. with; forB. with; withC. for; about D. about; with【答案】A【解析】本题考查介词。句意:这本小说讲的是第二次世界大战,然而大部分青少年更加关注英雄们的爱情故事。be concerned with与有关;be concerned for关心。11After the long journey, the three of them went back home, . A

9、. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tiredC. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired【答案】B【解析】本题考查形容词作状语。形容词短语作状语。句意为:经过长途跋涉后,这三个人回到家,又累又饿。故用B(hungry and tired)。12 My spoken English is poor, what shall I do? an English language club to practice, and youll be good at it. A. Take part in B. AttendC. J

10、oinD. Join in 【答案】C【解析】本题考查动词辨析。加入某社会团体,用join,不可用join in。attend一般指参加出席会议、报告,演讲,上课等活动。take part in参加(群众性活动、会议等),且起一份积极作用。13The teacher told us that the sun in the east and in the west. A. raised; setB. rose; setC. rise; setD. rises; sets【答案】D【解析】本题考查时态。此处从句表示的是客观事实、永恒真理,用一般现在时。14The girl told me that

11、 she beaten and she telephone the police. A. was; would B. has been; willC. had been; wouldD. had been; will【答案】C【解析】本题考查时态。此句是间接引语,由主句谓语动词told 可推断:第一个空应用过去完成时;第二个空应用过去将来时。所以答案为C。15Guangzhou Asian Games has reached our common goal Asian game that is more beautiful and harmonious(和谐的). A. the B. a C.

12、 anD. /【答案】C【解析】本题考查冠词。句意:广州亚运会已经达到了我们的目标:一个更加美丽而和谐的亚洲盛会。故选C。用an(Asian game)泛指“一个(亚洲盛会)”。16The water was running all night long. Yes. It seemed that John _ . He was the last one to leave the lab. A. was to be blamed B. was to blame C. had been blamed D. should be blamed【答案】B【解析】本题考查blame用法。sb. be to

13、 blame for sth.表示“某人因为某事该受到责备或者是某人的责任”。 用主动形式表示被动意义。17The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory.A. to B. with C. over D. on【答案】D【解析】本题考查介词。固定搭配sthimpressonsthelse,beimpressedon/uponsth“给留下了印象”。18After he retired from office, Rogers _

14、painting for a while, but soon lost interest.A. took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up【答案】A【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。take up 拿起,开始从事,专注于,继续;save up储蓄,贮存;keep up不低落,维持,继续;draw up草拟,写,部署。这句话的意思是“Rogers退休以后,他专注于画画一段时间,但是很快就失去了兴趣。”由此可知,该题的正确答案应该为A项。19Mr. Smith was very disappointed to see the car he had had _ went wrong again.A. to be repaired B. repaired C. it repaired D. it【答案】B【解析】本题考查句式结构和非谓语动词。句意:Mr. Smith看到他修好


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